
We were all crying because of Joe's death or seeing him as a zombie. For at least 1 hour. After some time Barry saw a phone and thought that we could call for help from it. He took the phone and tapped a file and was shocked to see something. I could see that shocked face. I asked what happened and what did he see on the phone. Barry hesitatingly told us that our science professor made all these zombies and the virus in them is called as T-Virus. after listening to this everybody was shocked except Ron who hated his science professor and knew that his science professor was a bad teacher and wanted something bad for the students. But he did score well in his exam of science. He always wanted his science professor to be suspended.

We decided to investigate more about T-Virus in his office. We searched the whole office but we did not find any clues about T-Virus. We thought that everything was on the phone only. Barry opened the second file about the virus and in there, it was written bout the virus spread. Fortunately, it only spreads by biting. First, it takes over our body and then fights our antibodies and then starts showing scary things and then we fully become a zombie. Now we even know their weakness, they follow sounds so we can distract them with sounds. We all were just talking, when Barry said that we still need to go to the sports by the hose. Barry kept the phone in his pocket. We knew that we can't stay in this room for some more time because the zombies are almost going to break the door of the class. I threw the hose outside of the class. I told them one person one time because the rope wouldn't hold the weight of 2 persons. I first told Claire to go then Ron and then Jay and John and then Josh and then Yas and then Iris, and then Barry. I was almost getting out of the class and just then the zombies broke the door and came towards me and then I jumped and grabbed the rope very tightly and all those zombies fell down. It was so scary to see some zombies falling down in front of you.

Just then a zombie grabbed my leg, pulling me to the ground. I was losing my grip and then I was almost going to fall and then I grabbed the window handle. But the zombie didn't leave me, I took my axe out and tried hitting but I did not reach there. I asked for a metal rod and then Jay threw it and i and I caught and started hitting on the zombie, it was a little effective but not so much. I was so angry so with all my strength I hit on the zombie's head and then the metal rod went through the zombie's head and finally got rid of that zombie. It was Barry who pulled me into the sports room.