After the she was done with her speech my whole body went numb my mind went blank. Stan tapped me " it time for your favourite segment, it's food time " I smiled at his but said nothing. " you are seriously not going to say hi to her" he said to me " I think am the last person she wants to see especially at this event" I answered him. I mean I wouldn't want to see me too if I were her. I served the food they were delicious decorated and mouth watering but now I was too tensed up to even eat. I didn't want her to spot me. "babe let's go sit" my bastard called me. after like twenty minutes Stan was all up with his colleague talking about the book launch so it was basically me and the food. I was secretly spying on moon while observing the thing she does, her smile was as bright as I remember it and she still covers her tattoos on important events like today. I smiled to myself while observing her. " are you bored " Stan asked me " don't mind me just do your thing I'll be here eating take your time" I said while fixing his coat,he smiled and left.

the whole time I was lost on her every move I almost counted everyone she talked to, I observed the way she fixed her turtle neck while talking the way the stroked her hair back to make sure it was not out of place, the way she fixed her long coat the way she fixed the Rolex on her hand, even when she rubbed her hands on her lips to dry it after talking.

Stan came back with his friend who was the mc and introduced me to him while talking with him" Can I steal him for a minute" a man approached us and took Stan and I was left with the mc " how are you enjoying the event, it's probably boring for you" he asked" oh no not at all its quite interesting, I never knew chefs had a launch for a recipie book" I laughed while answering him. While he continued talking my eyes were busy searching for moon. " if you don't mind I would like to introduce you to someone she played a big role in this book" he asked I said it was okay. he came back while holding moonbyul by the hand. "hey this is Felicia she's Stanleys plus one, she's also a psychologist " she introduced me to moon as if we were strangers to each other "hi " I said while offering my hand as a sign of greeting "hi" she answerd while shaking my hand the moment she held my hand I felt my heart in my butt, my brain went blank and I stupidly held her hands for quite some time "oh and this is moonbyul she's owns almost half of the recipie in the book and she is also of the best chef's in the arena " Jerry the mc said while breaking the silence while we were shaking hands with moon. " no need to mention all of that" she said while chuckling.

she removed her glasses and now I could see directly in her eyes the eyes that used to give me chills before and it does the same now. In my mind was thinking if she felt the same way as I did. we all talked for a while with Jerry as the mediator between us as if we were never acquitted before.

" it's getting hot in here I better go and get some more drinks" I said and excused myself a lot of things were going through my mind "I think am going crazy what am I thinking " I said to myself because for a moment I could only see her lips, i must be going crazy. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the person in front of me I bumped into her and spilled the drink on my dress" am so sorry can help you with you dress" she said with concern "it's okay I was the clumsy me am almost leaving anyway it's okay" I said to her she nodded and left.

as if things were not already going my way know this I don't even know when Stan is going to be done and I don't want to rush him because he has been looking forward to this day, so I went back to my table to my surprise I found moon still on our table I tried hiding the stain on my dress with my hands because I didn't want her to see me like this.

while I was sitted she slid her hand around the waist my back was bare due to the style of the dress I almost forgot to breath when her hand directly touched my bare back I felt alot of emotions at once. "Aren't you cold" she whispered in my ear from behind, it like I forgot to speak "umm" is the only thing I said while our eyes were locked into each other for a second a move further from her. I saw a smirk on her face as a moved. "I'm not,am not cold "I answered with a shaky voice.

she stood from her seat and held my hand making me stand as she looked into my eyes " what are you trying to do moon don't you see your torturing me while you behave like this" i said to myself, she took off her long coat and laid it on the front of my dress covering my the stained part of my dress, "clumsy as before huh" she said "you should be more careful next time " and she pull she seat for me and made me sit "you look pretty "that was the last thing she said before she left my sights and went back to her friends.

I was left sniffing her scent from the coat. I felt my heart ache all over again and I felt like crying. she didn't even look me in the eye before she left I guess she wasn't excited to see me I was to see her.

at this moment I really wanted to leave this place but I just waited for Stan to come back after like thirty or so minutes he came back and asked to take photos before we left I agreed so that every thing could be done with.

while taking the photos I wished moon would ask me for one since she was also there taking some, I could not ask her for one because I was ashamed . I told Stan to make sure that they didn't Capture the stain on my dress.

after everything was done we headed toward the car but all I could think about was her I held her coat close to me while drowning on the scent left on her coat. Stan was busy talking about the event by I was only physically present. I couldn't believe that I was suddenly a stranger to my once everything but I understand her.

right now I just want to be home away from everything including stan am starting to get bored with his storytelling " are you even listening to me" Stan asked while grabbing my head to face to his side "of course I am " I answered while raising my hand and hitting his head

we laughed while enjoying our ride back home