"Hey what do you think your doing just being lazy around here get busy" the head nurse shouted at me " yes sir" like what do these people want am literally holding a case file on my hand just drinking coffee, well so much for being a rookie at a new hospital.( PHONE NOTIFICATIONS :MEETING STARS IN 10 MIN) shit I almost forgot there was supposed to be a meeting. I hurried into our office and placed the case files on my desk, quickly taking my notebook and coat and rushed to the boardroom. "where were you this whole time" Nina the only person that welcomed me in the hospital asked me " I almost forgot about the meeting " I replied "well you better get you act together our department isn't that friendly for rookies" she added "i got you" I answered back. the last thing I wanted right know was to get on the bad side of anyone today. "I have to get everything right today, let's not fuck thing up Felicia" I said to myself ,today meeting was so important because we were meeting with the children protection services in the state with other childpsychologist from two other hospitals.

" Good morning, we are not going to take too much time, we are here to arrange the agenda and look for a venue for the child's day next month" a member from the CPS spoke. this event is so important because it helps us spread awareness about the abuse of children not only being physical but also mental. "The venue has to be big enough to accommodate around two thousand people and has to be spacious enough because we are going to also have children... " the CPS officer continued to give the terms and conditions that the venue should have. after an hour of through discussion, we were excused leaving the officials to continue their budgeting and others arrangements. I headed back to the office and continued reviewing the case file I had being given, it was a referral from one of the family therapist, it was my first case after three weeks of being in this new hospital, it is one of the best psychiatric hospitals in the country. my coullages were busy discussing about the event " okay we have some work and we have to do it fast" the HR came in, "so this what is going to happen... " he gave instructions that we are supposed to follow, our only work Was to find a venue. we had a small meeting and came up with a list of bid venues that went hand in hand with the requirements. we came up with a list of twenty venues, now the problem was getting the booking because of how the are usually on high demand. we were divided into groups of two and each were given two venues that we are supposed to visit and give feedback by the end of two weeks. "yoh rookie" I just continued with my work then I heard some calling again" I think am talking to you" I look up when I saw a shadow upfront my desk it was Bryant talking to me "sorry I didn't think you were talking to me" I said back in a polite manner "well I see am paired up with you" he said with a disgusting smile on his face, I just nodded and smiled. to be honest I don't know why this man has an attitude with me since day one sometimes I want to curse him out but I have to portray the quality of a good psychologist by not reacting on impulse, who would have known that would include even when someone was being a bastard to you." oh God it's just twenty minutes before we clock out thank you" I said to myself I was so hungry I hadn't eaten the whole day because we were busy.


ME: Babe am hungry 🤗

STAN: bitch wtf am I supposed to do 🤔

ME: what do you mean what are you supposed to do, am hungry please make me some thing good

STAN:are you off work yet

ME: no and stop asking me questions I want food just know am coming over for supper

STAN: okay, but learn how to stay at your own house 😶


Thank God it's finally time to go, I pack my bag and arranged my desk and headed home.

I went first to my house took a shower and headed to stans place for food. I just rush into the house without knocking, well maybe I should have then I would have saved myself from seeing Stan and his girl but naked "Jesus Christ get a room" I shouted while partially covering my eyes "don't you have your own place like seriously, how about you stay at your own place" he shouted back at me, his girlfriend just giggled, I proceeded to the kitchen looking for food I found some on the plate and started munching it all in my mouth. "stupid did you have to walk in right now" I felt a spank behind my head as Stan was speaking to me, I hit him back and just told him to make me food. I went to the couch and sat with his girlfriend we talked for a while waiting for the food. " I go hit the shower first" she said to me and walked to the room while covered with only sheets.

" am Stan I need help with something " I asked "mmh" he replied " so we're looking for a venue for an event that is about to be held it's urgent" I didn't even finish my sentence and he Cut me off " so are we going to assume what happened at the chef's event" he asked " I rather not talk about it" I said to him "but you can't keep behaving like nothing happened" he kept on the topic, " it not like anything happened I felt like she didn't even want to speak to me, its like she only Did because she had to" I told him "how did you feel when you saw her again" he asked with a concerning face " I mean I don't really know exactly what I was feeling in that moment,it was like we didn't know each other" I said while looking down "I mean if I were her I wouldn't want to see you again, you were a bitch to her though but I don't want you to be unhappy find yourself another girl" he said while patting my head "it's not easy because of my family you know I don't even know " I said " ugh just give me food and stop asking me these questions am tired plus I had a shitty day at work" added

when the food was ready we all ate and left at around nine o'clock. while I was in my bed I kept thinking about moon, I got up and went to my dresser and took out the coat she covered me with, yes I didn't wash it. it had her scent and it was driving me crazy at this moment I wish that I had asked her so many questions, I wish I asked her how she was doing after I shamelessly left her, if she still gets Car sick during every ride, if she still cuts off the bread crust before eating it, if she still washed her hair in the sink, if she still drinks when she's stressed in the morning,if she still walks naked around the room after taking a shower and if she still scratches the inner part of her palm when she's anxious. just the thought of these things made Me tear up I have never wanted her so bad as I do know and I thought to myself if she was curious about me too.

the next morning I woke up with my eyes puffed up from crying because of my bad decisions. I quickly prepared my self and drove to work because I couldn't afford to be late. " good morning " I greeted everyone in the office while heading to my desk. today I had an appointment with the kid that was referred to me at ten so I had to prepare the room while waiting for him because we use counseling shared room it's adequate that you prepare ahead of time because some patients might come in like ten minutes before time. after my session I went and arranged my notes and compared it with the previous one to see if our diagnosis were on the same page this is important especially on cases like referrals. " rookie let's go visit the venue" Bryant approached me with a commanding voice "okay but can we eat first before going "I said with a smile on my face " is this the right time to worry about food" he said to me in an angry voice "sorry I meant to say it's fine we can go now" I said to him," because you mentioned food you will be going alone to visit one venue" he said " but I haven't done this before" I said to Him in a submissive voice " well there is always a first time for everyone isn't it" he said while laughing " lets go I'll drop you at the venue make sure give them all the details