After Bryant dropped me off it was all up-to me God knows how uuuuhdff4much I cursed him in my head on our way here. I entered through the revolving doors, it was an elegant big room with several crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling the windows had beautiful decorations on them and there was a staircase leading to the stage but the room was empty. " how am I supposed to inquire for booking now" I said to myself. I walked out and tried to figure out what to do I am thinking about going to as the gate guard but it's too far from here. I walked around behind the venue I saw another building and decided to walk toward it, it was another building I walked inside only to find out it was an office " how can I be at your service " one receptionist approached and asked me "good afternoon am here to inquire about booking of the hall" I asked " just take the elevator to the sixth floor and you'll find a secretary there and she will help you" he gave me the directions I thanked him an walked to the elevator and got off at the sixth floor. I spoke to the secretary and she told me to wait on the couch. she went into the office and told me to wait. I just nodded and hoped that their boss would agree to see me because it was almost four into the evening and most people refuse visitation at this hour. damn am so hungry at this point "you may go inside" the said to me after receiving a phone call " thank God " I said to myself while walking inside the office. I knocked the door and got inside the office was quite spacious a man was standing facintthe window and asked about my agenda and explained to him about when and why we need the hall and before I was even done talking "come back tomorrow at a decent hour you'll be given a form by the young lady outside fill it" he said and left. I left the office and the secretary gave me a form on a clipboard I filled and give it back " come back tomorrow at eight in the morning " she said and walked in to the office. I walked to the elevator got in and called Bryant and informed him about the feedback this bastard hanged his phone on me. I walked back into the hall and checked if it had all the conditions given by the cps there was some else in the hall I ignored their presence and continued to check I walked up-to the stage and there was a painting a chicken painting like who would have a painting of a chicken of all the things rolling my eyes I walked past it and while I was going down the stage my eyes were caught by something else a tall figure dresses casually and was walking towards me, I couldn't walk anymore she appeard in front of me again " hello " while offering her hand to me " gggrrrrrrrr" my stomach decided to break loose while growing out loud from hungry" you can alteast shake my hand"i was just starting at her while she was talking "are you hungry " she asked, I had completely gone dumb while she speaks to me, I don't know how this woman gets me weak everytime I see her after all this time. "are you okay" she asked while moving closer to me " am good" I said while walking away she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her " If your not in a hurry we can go eat " she asked " no am not hungry " I answered her " well you stomach says other wise" she said while pulling my hand we were talking out of the event and before I knew it she was holding the car door for me to get in, I didn't want to seem easy to her but i could not win against her either. Moon that sounds you want from me why do you keep appearing in front of me I was staring at her while she's driving and it took me back to when we were dating she used to grab my inner thighs while driving "how have you been doing" she broke the silence with her question " am good " I answered "what were you doing back there " she continued "work" I replied my stomach couldn't stop growling were here we stopped at an unfamiliar place it looked empty but it had tables and the chairs Were on top of them I didn't want to ask anything because I was too tensed up the idea of only us me and her together didn't sit well with me because I didn't want to say anything to make her uncomfortable. " I hope your not uncomfortable being here alone with me" it like she read my mind "no am okay " I looked down while answering her. she made us food and drove me to my house I was grateful that she asked for my phone number so that we can continue catching up although the dinner was quite okward but deep down am glad it happened.

the next day I went to work and reported about the progress and we went together with Bryant for the appointment. I went in and after our discussion I was told that they would give is a feedback. the D Day was finally here and the venue that was available for us was quite big and the children filled almost half of the hall. before event started we were given responsibilities in order for things to run smoothly. "damn what a day " I said to myself while putting out a big sigh after the children and guests were all gone the head CPS officer congratulated us for everything . I was so tired and I couldn't wait to go home. I arrived at home took a shower and I was headed to bed "thank God tomorrow's on a weekend" I said to myself while jumping on the bed it is now nine o'clock I reached to grab my phone and went through the moon's text messages as if it was a novel we have been talking now for almost two to three weeks now my bestie warned me not to hurt her if I have any intentions of getting back together with her to be honest that's the last thing on my mind right now because we haven't quite talked about our past. at around 11 I heard my door bell ring, I wondered who it was because my bastard never rang the bell even once. I was only in a big tee with nothing underneath because I was going to sleep so, I went to the door wondering who it was at this time I peeped through the hole and opened the door it was moon I was quite confused