The Immortal vampire

Bright flashes fanned out like fireworks scattered somewhere in the distance, where Temithea still could not reach. 

What was that? 

It was so different from the spray of witchcraft that Lillian used to destroy the magic maze. Was it some kind of magic that she had never encountered before? 

Curiosity overcame her fear, but she had to stop when Klaus suddenly collapsed, whimpering and spewing blood from his mouth.

The stupor was momentary before she jumped off Berkoot and, waving spells from all sides, fell to her knees in front of the wolf. 

The vampires, who fought fierce battles, realized the complexity of the situation and stood up like a wall, protecting their "queen" from the enemy.

Tiny droplets pinched the corners of her eyes with immense gratitude, but she did not waste time on this and began to inspect the damage. Under the scarlet-dyed fur, she couldn't see the bleeding deep laceration.