Hello, Sister.

- So what do we do now? - She desperately ran her fingers through the hair on top of her head, tugging at it. 

- We will do what we can. - Eugene smiled. – We will fight. Lillian is immortal, but the others are not. We must stand against them until the rest of the group arrives.

- The rest of the group? - Finally leaving her hair alone, Temithea frowned.

- You don't think that knowing about the prophecy I've been sitting idly by all this time, do you? I also have my own "eyes and ears" everywhere. The magicians and werewolves will be here soon, it's only a matter of time- I sent them a message as soon as I saw everything happening here.

- I sent a messenger to Riliya, but... but I do not know if she was able to get there alive. - Pursing her lips, she only silently prayed that Giselle would survive.

- So we need to do everything we can to buy time. - Eugene said affirmatively, patting her student encouragingly on the shoulder.