Chapter 4

'Aren't you supposed to be apologizing to me?' someone said beside me. 'Apologize for... oh Alpha! I am sincerely sorry for my actions earlier. I never meant to disrespect you. I was just so anxious about this whole mating thing, and I let my frustration take a hold of me... okay, maybe I'll just stop talking. ' I said realizing that I was rambling.

'It's okay Savannah, just don't be rude towards me next time or else I won't forgive you that easily.' he said with a smile. 'Thank you, Alpha,' I slightly bowed. 'It's Alec. Alpha makes me feel like an older person and I'm only nineteen, ' he said exiting the dance floor and heading to the makeshift bar to get a drink. I followed behind him to try and continue with the conversation and get to know him better. 'So how does it feel to have all that authority?' I asked. 'It's just normal and overwhelming sometimes but I'm used to it now,' Alec said taking a sip of his drink. 'Back in my school I am just a normal person though,' he added. 'Are there werewolves in your school too?' I asked letting my curiosity take over me. 'I haven't met any or smelt one, so I don't think there are any werewolves.'

'And what of blood moon nights?' I asked since if there were no werewolves in his school, how does he manage to get through the nights of the blood moon alone. Every night of each blood moon werewolves tends to change into their wolves' forms, and they have to stay away from humans since their thirst for blood cannot be controlled. Legends say it was a curse from the Moon Goddess as a punishment for something bad our ancestors did. 'I always come back home every blood moon night.'

'Savannah, stop bothering Alec with your endless questions,' My dad warned playfully. 'It's okay Gamma Ken, I am not bothered at all,' Alec defended me. It is when that I realized that most people had left the house. They probably went home since it is not compulsory for everyone to be present during the ceremony. 'Let's head to the backyard, people have assembled already,' my dad said as he ushered Alec towards the back door. ''We'll join you soon Gamma, I need to get her to change into something comfortable first,' Ara, who had also joined us, said while dragging me upstairs to her room. She gave me her shorts and a tank top then shoved me to the bathroom. 'How come you were talking to Alec so comfortably?' I knew she had questions when I saw the look she had after seeing me with the future Alpha. 'He was the one who approached me after you left for a while, then I said sorry to him, and we just started talking.' She didn't ask anything else and let me change in peace. 'I thought people said he was rude and arrogant, but he was so nice to me, and we just clicked,' I voiced my thoughts as I joined her, and we headed out of her room. 'Maybe because you are the Gamma's daughter or sometimes people spread news, they don't know anything about,' She reasoned. 'True,' I agreed and kept quiet the rest of the walk.

There were not so many people in the backyard, just my family, Ara's parents, Alec and a few pack members, mostly elders. 'So how do I change?' I asked my dad. 'Just imagine yourself in a wolf form then you'll change.' 'Just like that?' I was surprised cause I imagined it would take a lot of struggles. 'Yeah, though it is going to be very painful since it is your first time' My dad said with a little hesitation. 'Oh!' I turned to Ara since she was the one who got activated just recently, 'On a scale of one to ten, how painful is it?' 'I'd say eleven,' she said with some fear. 'ELEVEN???! That painful? What if I die out of extreme pain?' I could feel a panic attack coming and it was getting really hard to breathe. ' 'Savannah? Savannah!' I didn't even realize I was almost collapsing to the ground until Alec caught me. 'You need to calm down and take a deep breathe, okay? ' He encouraged me. I did as he said and managed to relax. 'The pain will only be for a short while and you will heal fast after you change to your wolf form,' he said as he let go of me. I nodded and went a little far from them. I saw Ara mouthing 'you got this' to encourage me. I bend down and did as my dad said imagining me in a wolf form. A sharp pain rushed through my body, and I couldn't hold back a scream. Alec almost ran to me, but my father caught him. What's with him and this sudden affection? There was another feeling of pain through my body, and I felt my bones cracking and my clothes were tearing. This has to be the most painful experience because I cried in front of everyone without any shame.

My fingers turned into paws and my skin was covered with fur. The pain started to fade as I was slowly transforming into a wolf. My fur was pure white. I was so excited forgetting about everyone around me as I admired my wolf form. I can't wait to brag to Ara, her wolf was brown with a tint of grey. 'Don't brag too much though, my wolf is still pretty.' I was startled with the voice in my head. ''Is she in my head or I am imagining her?'' I wondered. 'I'm not inside your head dummy, you have been linked to the pack so we can now mindlink,' she answered. I looked towards her and saw her smiling. Only pack members can be mind linked. This enables us to contact each other without talking. 'Savannah? are you okay?' different voices asked at once. 'Ouch!! that sounded so loud, I'm fine guys.' I replied to them. I stood up since I had regained my strength and went towards them. I felt a rush of excitement through my body as I neared them. There was a tingling feeling in my heart then my eyes met Alec's. Oh Moon Goddess, he's my mate, it dawned on me. 'Mate!' 'You found your mate? Who is it?' I heard Ara asking through the mind link. 'It's Alec, ' I replied to her. I saw her eyes lit up with amusement. 'Gosh! you're the future Luna.' she said all happy. I saw Sophia looking at her with curiosity since they couldn't hear because I had blocked them. 'Let's complete the ceremony,' Alec said suddenly. Is he not happy with me? What if he rejects me? I would die.

He moved forward and turned into his wolf. Alphas' wolves are always black and huge. The others followed him and turned into their wolves too. He howled and we followed him by howling too. After that we he led us to the pack's forest to go for a run. My first run with the pack members. It was so refreshing to feel my paws hit the wet earth of the forest and the wind blowing through my fur. Ara's wolf ran beside me jumping around all excited. After the run some people went to their places and we went back to the backyard to turn and continue the celebrations. We each went beside the house to turn to our human forms and put on some clothes. Ara gave me some warm clothes since the night was getting chilly. I could see how eager my family was to talk to me. 'So, how was it?' My mother was the first to ask. 'Painful though I'm happy.' I replied. 'Have felt your mate yet?' Sophia asked as she joined us with some drinks. 'I have, I've met him already.' 'You did? who is he? ' My brother couldn't hide his joy, but I wasn't sure if my mate has accepted me or what because he has not said a single word to me since we turned back. 'Uhm...' I was hesitant if I should tell them or not.


I could feel she was hesitant to tell her family that I was her mate. I started feeling her anxiety when I didn't say anything to her after she realized I was her mate. She must be thinking I'm going to reject her. I just didn't want to halt her ceremony by showing my excitement. I already knew she was my mate when I first saw her at the door before the party started. She smelled like Vanilla, and she looked like a goddess in that dress. Just the sight of her made my heart jump. My wolf was so excited to find his mate, but we had to wait since she could not feel us yet. I enjoyed the way she feared when she realized she had disrespected the Alpha. And the way she danced crazily at the dance floor with the tight dress. It took every ounce of control for me to not walk to her and kiss her in front of these guys checking her out and claim her as mine. I hated to see her in pain when she was turning and wished that I could take away all the pain. Her screams tore my heart because there is nothing, I could do but just stand there.

'I'm her mate,' I told her family. Her dad wasn't surprised as he seemed to have noticed when I almost ran to her as she was turning. 'Oh, my Moon Goddess, you're the future Luna!' her brother said hugging her affectionately something which I didn't seem to like. Even if he was her brother, I'm the only one supposed to be that close to her. 'Y... you accept me? ' Her sweet voice asked. I wanted to kiss her now so badly. I stood and went to her to take her in my arms. This was the most special feeling. My wolf was so happy. 'Of course, I accept you, you're my mate, why would I reject you?' I felt her body relax at my words. She must have really been tensed. 'See? I told you nothing bad will happen,' her friend Ara said beside us. 'We're so happy for you Savannah,' her dad said. As much as I didn't want to let go of her, we had to close the ceremony as it was nearing midnight. I sat beside her and let an elder close the ceremony. 'Before I close, there is something you didn't notice,' elder Santos said, 'her wolf was all pure white, which is not something normal.' 'Is it something bad?' Beta Raymond took the initiative of asking. 'No, it means she's chosen by the Moon Goddess, ' elder Santos replied, 'she is an Oracle.'