Chapter 5


'An O... Oracle?' I asked with fear. I have heard stories from my grandmother about Oracles. Oracles are werewolves who have the ability to see the future. They are considered to be the Moon Goddess's favorite since they are gifted with extraordinary ability to do great things. Oracles have not been into existence since forever and now I am one of them? Being an Oracle comes with not only great power and responsibilities but also huge risks. If other packs came to know about me, they can start hunting me to have the power for themselves. 'Yes child,' the elder said making me realize I had zoned out. 'It's such a blessing,' he added. 'No!!' okay, I was starting to get worked up, 'this is a curse, my life is being jeopardized because of all the greedy people who are going to try to come at me.' 'Honey, you need to calm down,' my mother came to me trying to calm me down knowing how bad I deal with my frustrations. 'Yeah, look at this on the bright side, you're the chosen one and I'm sure Moon Goddess wouldn't put you at risk,' the elder tried to reason with me but what I needed right now, is to be alone. 'I'm going back to the house, I need to relax, it's been a long night.'

I had forgotten my mate was still here until he followed me to my house. 'Hey,' 'Alec, if you're going to give me some advice, I don't really need any right now,' I retorted without letting him say what he wanted to say. 'I know, I just want to say you don't need to stress out, I'll be right here, by side, come what may, and I won't let anything bad happen to you.' I loved how his words left a calming feeling on me. Just his hands rubbing my back and I was already feeling somehow better. 'Can you stay with me till I fall asleep? ' That sounded selfish given that he might be tired from all the activities that happened and he's the acting Alpha since the Alpha is out for business. 'Okay.' 'Okay?' you don't mind at all?' 'You're my mate, anything for you,' he said leading me to my house and towards my room. I felt my cheeks heating up because of all these affections directed towards me. I've never been in a romantic relationship before, one, because I didn't want to get attached to someone and when they someday find their mate, I'm left with a broken heart and second, a relationship with humans wasn't an option at all. I have human friends though; they are charming people, but it is better if they are kept away from our world. On rare occasions, some werewolves are blessed with human mates, and they all adapt to live with us, but they can't stay in the pack house though to avoid issues with pack members. Coming to think of it, I think Alec had sensed that I was his mate before I had even turned, that's why he was so good to me. He might a year or two older than me. Thank the Moon Goddess that this was one of the days that I decided to tidy my room because I wouldn't have been able to bear the embarrassment.

'So,' I said laying down on my bed and let him soothe me in his muscular arms, 'I've heard a lot about you.' He chuckled and I think that was my favorite sound as from now. 'Have you now? All good things I hope?' 'Nope! far from good, people think you are so arrogant and rude.' 'I know, maybe it's because they haven't got to know me better and I can be very strict sometimes, that's the only way to get people to respect you as a leader.' We talked for a while until I felt myself drift to sleep.

'My queen don't wander deep in the forest, there could be a threat,' someone said startling me. 'My queen?' I'm confused why would the warrior address me as queen, 'I'm not a queen, I'm Luna,' I corrected him. 'And why are you dressed like a royal guard? Is there a special occasion today that I'm not aware of?' 'You were the Luna but now you're a queen, and I am a royal guard, specifically your personal knight.' What on earth is going on, I can't remember being a queen, the land of Atlantia is big but we have different packs ruled by their Alphas and Lunas. 'Savannah? ' This must be a one very impatient person, judging by the way they're shaking me vigorously. 'What?!!' 'Wake up, you're mumbling in your sleep.' It was now clear to me that it was Ara. I know she is not going to tease me about the mumbling thing forever. 'Dude, it's seven o'clock, I want to sleep more, and besides, it's the weekend so no school. ' 'I know, but I came to check if you are okay and your dad wants you downstairs for breakfast,' she said whining. 'I'm fine, I'll go freshen up but immediately after breakfast I'm going back to bed. I'm feeling so exhausted.' 'Aren't you going to see your mate?' Gosh! I'm supposed to spend some time with him to know him better. 'I'll call him, we exchanged numbers last night.' 'Ohh, so did you two.... ' I don't like the cheekiness in her voice right now. 'No!! we didn't do anything you pervert, we just cuddled and talked. Jeez! you need to purify your dirty mind.' 'Okay!! As you say,' I chuckled at her craziness. I knew she didn't believe me.

'Good morning, guys,' I greeted my family as we joined them at the table. 'Are you okay now dear?' my father asked, 'I tried mind linking you, but you had blocked us, and your phone was off.' 'Oh yeah, my mind was too occupied I didn't even notice someone was trying to talk to me, and my battery died but I'm okay now so don't worry,' I reassured them. 'She even had a sweet dream that she was mumbling in her sleep,' here we go. Everyone laughed reducing the tension a bit. 'It was a confusing dream; a warrior was addressing me as queen.' 'Wow! You haven't even been crowned Luna and you're already dreaming of becoming queen?' My brother asked laughing at me. 'This is not funny Sam, it felt so real.' 'How did you know it was a warrior?' my dad asked showing concern. 'I've met him a couple of times when he was patrolling the pack. Warriors are trained to protect the pack from intruders and rogues. They take turns to patrol around the pack. Rogues are werewolves who have been banned from a pack or they decided to leave their packs and stay on their own. They are normally not harmful, but some are dangerous. They have a different smell from other werewolves, so it is easier to identify them. I just don't get it why a person will want to leave their family and live such a stressing life. 'Huh! It's just a dream anyway, so let it go.' my brother interrupted again. 'But it felt like it had a meaning, I can't just forget about it,' I complained.

'She's right.' 'Grandma!! Oh my, when did you get here?' I was so happy to see my grandmother after so long. 'Just now, your father called me yesternight saying you could use some help from me,' she said as I was comforted in her hug. 'Yes, I just discovered I am an Oracle, and I don't know what's next.' 'Well, it seems like the Moon Goddess has shown you what you are supposed to do,' I let her continue since I was getting confused, 'She has shown you your purpose through the dream.' 'Through my dream? I don't understand, what's my purpose?' I looked around the table and everyone was just as confused as I was. 'You're to unite the packs as one and, make Atlantia a Kingdom.' Okay, that's a lot, given how big Atlantia is but given the dream, I will manage because I had seen the future. I don't think it's going to be easy though. 'But don't worry, you have a mate, who is Alpha and also, I'll be available whenever you need any advice.'

'Thank you, grandma, I'm going back to bed for a while,' I said leaving the table and heading to my room. I didn't have the appetite for food anymore. I opened my phone, just to get a few messages from Alec.

On Text [Good morning.] [Are you okay now?] [Hey.] [Good morning. I'm okay, and I'm sorry I couldn't reply earlier because my phone was off.] [Thinking about it now, I'm not okay. Can I come over?] I already knew his answer even before he replied, he won't say no to me even if he has work to take care of. I know I have to control my emotions but it's difficult because I can't help with my longing to be near him and feel comforted. The mate pull is too strong. [Yeah, sure. Do you want me to come pick you up?] [No, it's okay, I'll ask Ara to drive me there.] [Okay.] I texted Ara and she agreed to take me to the pack house only because, this gave her a chance to also see her mate. 'So, why did you decide to see him? I thought you wanted to sleep.' 'I just want to be near him, it helps me to calm down,' I replied while messaging my parents that I won't be home for some time. 'Just don't get so attached to him and forget about me,' she whined. 'As if you didn't abandon me when you met your mate,' I retorted remembering how alone I was that time since I had no other friends apart from my schoolmates who, of course didn't live near our house. 'I'm sorry love, I couldn't help it,' 'Just like I can't help it now.' There was a bit of silence before we burst out of laughter.

'Hey, have you been waiting out here since?' I asked Alec who was standing at the gate seeming to be waiting for me. The pack house was like a palace, it covered a large area of land. Credits to the architects because this house is breathtaking. 'No,' I gave him a stern face, 'Yeah.' 'I just missed being with you.' He took me in his arms tightly and inhaled my scent. Glad to know I'm not the only one who is getting clingy. ' So, what's up? ' 'I had a dream showing me my purpose, I have to unite the packs in Atlantia to become a Kingdom.' I felt him tense a little. 'T... that's your purpose as an Oracle?'