Chapter 6

'Yeah, Is it a bad thing?' 'It's not, it's just that you, being a queen, will take much of your time and we'll not have more time to spend together,' he said leading inside the compound. Porsche cars were parked almost everywhere. 'I know, but don't worry, we'll figure it out with time.'

He really had a lot of work to do so I ended up staying at his room while he went out to take care of pack work. His room was so clean and organized I felt so embarrassed remembering my own messy room at home. I loved how his cinnamon scent was very strong and it gave me comfort I ended up taking a nap before I was woken up by a loud knock on the door then someone badging in before I could answer. 'Yes, can I help you?' I asked the blond girl who was looking at me like I was doing something wrong. 'Well, you can help me by telling me who you are and what you're doing here, and where is Alec,' she snapped at me with too way much attitude for my liking. She must be a pack member who, judging by the way she came in, must be very close to Alec. 'Alec asked me to wait here and he must still be in his office.' I was surprised by how I managed to keep my cool with the look full of despise she was giving me. She didn't say anything and slammed the door heading out. I decided to go check on Alec because it's been a while and it was almost time for me to head home. The pack house was filled with people as compared to when I came in the morning. 'Excuse me, can you show me the Alpha's office please,' I asked a young girl who I met at the hallway. 'Sure, it's on the ground floor.' 'Thanks,' I said when we reached a door with the word 'ALPHA' written on, 'I'm Savannah, by the way.' 'Nice to meet you Savannah, my name is Alesha, but people call me Al in short. I'll leave you now,' she said heading back upstairs. I was about to enter when I heard someone shouting.

'What do you mean it's over for us Alec?' Sounded like the girl from earlier. 'It's what it means Camilla, we can't be together anymore as I have found my mate,' Alec shouted back. 'But you promised I was going to be your Luna,' she whined, 'and just so you know, I won't let that bitch take you away from me.' Okay, now I was so pissed at her. How dare she call me a bitch and she is the one clinging on my mate. 'That was all in the past, and you need to have some respect for my mate,' Alec defended me, 'Savannah! you can come in.' Oops!! I forgot he could sense me. He must have known I had been eavesdropping for a while. I opened the door and went right next to his side to show Camilla that it was my place. I was not angry that he had been dating previously because I had no right over his past. He was allowed to do what he pleased until the minute we knew we were mates. But I'll admit I was a little bit jealous because they had chemistry and she was his first love. 'This is not over yet,' Camilla said angrily and stormed out of the office. There was silence between us, and it was becoming very uncomfortable. 'So,' I said causing him to look at me, 'I should probably get going since it's getting late.' I was about to go out when he held my hand and made me turn to look at him. 'Are you mad at me?' 'What? No! Why would I be?' I said trying to leave, 'It's getting late, and Ara won't be able to drive me home since she is spending the night here and you're busy.' 'Savannah, you know we're mates and even though I haven't marked you, I can feel your emotions.' He caught me there. 'Okay, maybe I am jealous, and a tiny bit mad cause you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend.'

'There is no need to be jealous of Camilla, you're my mate and I love you, she's my past now,' he said trying to comfort me, 'and I didn't tell you because I didn't get the chance, we only met yesternight, but I'd have told you I swear.' And just like that I felt relaxed again. 'Okay,' is all I could say. 'Stay here for the night,' he said out of nowhere, 'please?' 'I... wh... what?' 'I feel like you are not okay yet and I'll be so anxious if you're not here with me.' 'Okay, I'll wait for you in your room as I call my parents,' I said heading to the door. 'Stay with me in the office please, I only have little work left then we'll go and have dinner.' He's being super clingy now and I'm loving it. I just nodded and went back to sit on his lap and silently watched as he entered some names in his computer. I can't believe I'll be this busy when I am crowned Luna. A few days ago, I was happy I didn't have a higher rank in the pack, only to be mated to the Alpha. 'Whose names are those?' I asked with curiosity. 'They are new pack members; I'm getting them into the pack's system.' I think they must be newborn werewolves or rogues who have decided to join a pack, with a thorough interrogation of course, so as to not bring danger into the pack.

'Done! Just in time for dinner,' Alec said startling me as I had started to fall asleep. 'Are you tired?' he asked stroking my back. 'Yeah, though I've practically done nothing the whole day.' 'I'm sorry that you came here, and I didn't spend much time with you, shall I carry you to the dining room?' That will be so embarrassing in front of all those pack members. 'No thanks, I'll walk by myself, you can hold my hands though,' I said smiling at his cute face.

The dining table was long to fit most members who lived in the pack house. They all stood up to greet Alec. He led me to the seat beside the seat at the head of the table and helped me to sit down. 'Hello everyone, I want to introduce you to my mate and your future Luna, Savannah Brown,' he introduced me. My voice decided to betray me at this moment, so I just slightly bowed and smiled at them. 'Hey!' I whispered to Alec, ' Is it bad if I get some more food? I literally haven't eaten since morning.' He laughed before saying, 'why are you whispering? this is your home now, feel comfortable and free, okay?' 'Okay.' I served myself some more food and ate quietly as I observed them talking and laughing together. 'Can I borrow one of your shirts to sleep in?' I asked Alec after I had freshened up. 'Sure.' He handed me his shirt which was like a dress shirt to me. 'Sophia will be so happy that I won't be stealing her mate's shirts anymore,' I said randomly. 'What? You're wearing someone's else clothes?' I could see a hint of jealousy in his eyes. 'She's my brother's mate,' I added hurriedly. 'Oh! But still, I don't want another guy's smell on you, I'll go berserk.' I noted that down in my mind to be careful in the future because something that small could make him kill a soul. He gestured to me, and I snuggled into his arms making him to immediately fall asleep.

NEXT DAY Someone was shouting downstairs for people to gather so early in the morning. I wondered if that is what comes with living at the pack house. The only time there is not much noise is when people are asleep. That must be Camilla since I can clearly remember her voice. Is that like her thing? Shouting every time. Alec was still sleeping so I slipped out of the bed quietly to go and check what was going on. 'Where do you think you are going young lady, in my shirt only,' Alec said making me jump, 'there are so many unmated male werewolves in this house.' I didn't say a word as he went to his closet to grab a pair of shorts for me. 'I thought you were sleeping.' 'I was, but the I woke up,' he said, 'now, you don't to go out without washing your face, do you?' I was so curios about what was going on that I had forgotten. He gave me a spare toothbrush and we both cleaned up before heading downstairs. The pack members were gathered around Camilla who had a mischievous smile. 'Camilla, what's going on?' Alec asked when we were near her. 'Nothing much, Alpha,' she said smirking. I so bad want to reap that smirk off her lips. 'So, you woke everyone up for nothing?' I asked as she was really getting on my nerves. 'No, I have a message to pass to you, in front of everyone,' she said pointing at me, 'I Camilla Stephens, challenge you, Savannah Brown, to a duel and whoever wins will step back and let the other become the future Luna.' 'Camilla! That's not logic, Savannah is my mate, so it is her right to become Luna,' Alec said angrily, 'It's not a position to compete for.' As much as he tried to defend me, she had already challenged me and that, in front of everyone, I could not refuse and make a fool of myself. As the future Luna, I needed the pack members to respect me, and I also had to assure them that I was capable of protecting them. 'I accept!' I said to Camilla as Alec turned to me with a look I couldn't figure out. 'Cool, meet me at the training ground at ten,' Camilla said and disappeared into one of the rooms. Alec went towards his office as I followed him. 'You shouldn't have accepted the challenge,' he said upset. 'I had to, and you that,' I said shuffling through his hair, 'Don't worry about me, I can fight Camilla.' 'With basic training? Camilla has trained with me as an elite warrior.' Every werewolf had to take basic training so as to be able to be at an advantage when they faced any danger. Only pack warriors and members of high rank had to undergo an advanced training. Mostly the Alpha, beta and gamma of the pack. 'And I too, have trained as an elite warrior,' I said proudly. 'You have?' 'Yes, you seem to have forgotten, my brother is the future Gamma and Ara is the future beta, so I trained with them, and it seems to have come in handy.'

'You need to be careful though, I know Camilla will do anything to win, even if it means playing dirty, ' he said calming down.