Ragnarok (battle of god's and men)

Subtitle:First Encounter

The creature before them roared out loudly as huge heaps of desert sand poured down from his back as he shook itself furiously to reveal his huge body that was covered with thick impenetrable blocks of skins except at the edges of the skins where it's skin can be penetrated but one can hardly take an aim there cos it's knows it's weak point and covers it as much as possible.

The four gaped with open mouth at the creature before them until it opened its eyes and peered down at them.

It's eyes were as yellow as that of a beta wolf bit the slit in his eyes like that of a constrictor,the body elongated out like that of a spider but much larger with it's eight legs as huge as Twelve feet spider. it has two long big hands at the end a pair of large claws attached itself opening and closing like a gardeners scissors.

Roaring loudly it slowly raised down it down his head to peer at them when the first arrow lodge itself in it's eyelids as the creature roared loudly and swung his great claws at the them but they were quick to get out it's way avoiding the fatal blow, reloading Eramis shot another arrow at it but this time the creature had already retreat into the sands.

Moving at terrible speed the creature heads their way as they all ran off heading for the Oasis at the other end,their footsteps sounding on their path of the desert sand kept the creature confused as it seems to run around in circles not knowing whom to pursue until it got angry and followed Gabe who was oblivious it was on his trail. Minutes later saw Gabe flew high up and landing meters away as the creature head speedily at him when Marcus launch himself at the creature but got slapped away.

Leaping high up Damil jumped on the creatures leg initiating a back flip he landed on its back and with one giant heave he stabbed the creature on the neck in-between the joints as the creature roared out angrily.

Raising his claw over it's head he knocked Damil off his back as the sword remained impaled on its back. swinging his claws it grabbed Gabe by the waist squeezing him slowly but another arrow pierced his his eyes as he never saw it coming. quickly dropping Gabe it staggered back a bit and charged again but this time it made a mistake of his life as Gabe grabbed his claw and expertly swung himself over and onto it back, grabbing the impaled sword he made to push it down when a shout from Eramis stopped him.

Eramis's POV

I got my flute out of my pocket and raised it to my mouth as the creature kept coming at us, slowly breathing i found my composure and began a melodious song with my flute as the creature screeched to a halt before me. Raising it claws he slowly brought it down on my head as the other tried to rush forward but a nod from me stopped them,

The claw landed on my head sending a shudder through me but I didn't stop untill it turned it back to me while stretching forth it's huge tail before me.

Giving the others a nod I slowly walked up to its back as the others followed suit and the creature heaved to it's feet and took off heading towards the end of the desert.






The others looked with amazement at Eramis who played his music on his flute as the creature slowly walked forward with the others chattering along until the creature arrived at the end of the desert and gently stretched his huge tail on the desert floor as they team climbed down from its back. Raising itself to it's feet it turned and faced the team as it raised it claw once again and touched Eramis with it before turning and retreating into the sands once again as the team watched it speed off under the sand before they turned and walked away continuing there journey.

"Come on Eramis tell me what the hell is this flute" Gabe asked curiously.

"It's nothing brother just a flute" Eramis replied smiling.

"Just a flute and you just commanded this damn monster with it,how is that possible" Gabe retorts as Marcus cuts in.

"I don't think that flute is ordinary,I think that's a gift from the gods.wait a minute I think that's a gift from Apollo the god of music and peotry that's the only person that his flute can calm even the most dangerous of mind" Marcus spoke.

"You are right Marcus, that flute belongs to Apollo and that's why it can do all this things" Damil interjected.

"And how sure are you that this flute belongs to Apollo huh" Eramis asked with a smile.

"From the things it does brother,it clearly shows that it belongs to the gods" Gabe added as everyone went silent each with their different thoughts.

Marcus POV

Why would Apollo grant Eramis his flute as a gift,I don't seem to understand because right from when we were kids I have been observing him and this flute of his and I can't seem to discern the connection they both have but i know the flute isn't ordinary as he assumed or he doesn't want to tell us how he got the flute.

I don't know but this has been tugging my mind all this while,what if we didn't see the demigods. what if we fail on this journey,what if we die out here,what if the gods win this war at last,then we are all going to be puppets in their hands and that would be the greatest suffering we would ever get.

Damil's POV

I am having second thoughts about this mission,I have been trying to built up a morale of my own but it isn't possible.i am only an absorber I gain morale to fight when others charge towards the fight,why did the gods give me this kind of mind when I they are supposed to give a mind of a lion being that I am the only son of my parents and we lived under the cruel hands of my father's brother who is a selfish and ungrateful human.

I chose to go on this mission because my friends are going on this mission and I can't stay at home alone cos it would be a hell for me to without my friends who are my pillar and protect me from the hands Daeus the bully who always make hell for me at home.

Gabe's POV

I don't like the way Marcus is feeling as if he is the boss here, giving me commands but I don't want to start acting foolishly untill the right time when I can take over the control over the team but I know I can't do that In a forceful way or it would seem I am selfish and arrogant.

About Eramis there is this gait and confidence he usually display whenever we are in danger,it seems that flute of his is a kind of talisman that saves him from danger.but how come I don't have a gift from the gods also before this twilight began,how I wish I had one with me I would be so happy.







The crackling of twigs and fallen branches broke each of them from their reverie and bringing them back to the land of the living as they all stood still twitching their ears for the sound but none came again.

Suddenly the sound came again from their left hand side as the all drew their weapons ready to fight anything that might come against them, with a roar a creature speed past crossing their path as Eramis was quick to deliver an to it's hind legs earning a loud screeching sound from their right. It came as an attack as huge amounts of screeching creatures came pouring out of the forest around them as they broke into a sprint heading for the bright patch before them,the creatures moved at incredible speed leaping at them from different angles as they all had their weapons at hand slashing and kill any in their path until with a loud roar one of the creatures took a giant leap and crashed into them as the all fell out into the sunlight as the creature began burning and fading off like a burning flax in the cornfield until it fade away.

The others quickly fell back stepping away from the sunlight as the unfortunate once who were too fast enough quickly fell back into the shadows screeching and nursing their wounds, scrambling to their feet the team held their weapons tightly as they all threw abusive words at the creatures urging them to come out and fight but it was futile as they knew what would happen if they step into the sunlight.

Ignoring them the team picked up their bags and turned continuing their journey as they walked ahead following the map in Marcus's hand as it kept leading them east towards the rising sun.their horses had been turned loose back the desert before they mounted the desert creature now they had to continue the journey by foot each with his burden of bags and their weapons in their hands in lookout for any hostilities that could come unexpectedly.the fact that they had just been attacked by some unknown creatures coupled the fact they met them unexpectedly had sent a kind of shivering down their spine as they cast quick eye dart glances at every corner and hidden places around with each watching each other's back all the time without a care for any damn creature that would come out again.

Suddenly a thud vibrated as they came to a halt,then the thud came again this time a great rumbling followed the thud as the sand started rising up into the air taking the shape of a Sphinx blocking them passage.