A Tale That Began With Winter (3)

"Werewolves!", my father shouted as he pointed his sword at one set of eyes.

In an instant, what I had thought was a wolf, had howled into the moon. seven monsters charged towards the group. Their movement like that of regular wolves. Yet they were much, much bigger.

Shots fired into the night. Blood spewing everywhere. The wind hissed as swords sliced the air. The whimpers and cries that came after drowned out all other sound.

My eyes widened as I watched the scene unfold. Werewolves, he said? But they no longer exist. The hero vanquished their race hundreds of years ago.

I heard a low growl towards my left. Panicking, I jumped back, pointing my sword to the sound. Shit, am I going to die? I stared at the large seven foot figure. My hand shaking, and eyes darting between my father and the beast.

If I ran: I would die, if I fought: I would die, if I did nothing: I would die...

I should've listened to mother, I thought. I knew she was simply worried for me. The walk was just an excuse. Why am I so stupid, I wondered.

The werewolf stepped closer and closer, it's mouth agape, revealing large sharp teeth that could perhaps rip even steel in half. Long muscular arms and legs, a pointy snout and silver fur. In a sadistic way, you could say they were beautiful.

But I was not going to die here, not now, not ever. Run? Father would never even think of such a thing. I gripped my sword tighter. What were all those sword lessons for, if I was going to die anyways.

Charging at the beast I lunged to the side. It's large claws barely scraping my face. I cut towards its leg. The beast howled. I foolishly, for but a moment, felt joy. For a moment, I felt relieved. I had let my guard down. Thinking as if I could kill this monster on my own. The beast was much smarter than I had thought.

A large claw, larger than even my head, struck my side. Flung towards a tree, my mouth fell agape. Blood spurt out, as if trying to escape the confines of this fleshy prison. Naïve was what I was. I thought I could help father. Perhaps show him a large deer, he'd be ecstatic and praise my accomplishment.

The beast stood tall as it looked upon me. As if it could see right through me, it smiled. In the most eerie fashion. Dread, fear, even when I had laid out all my options, I thought I was ready for it. I was clearly mistaken.

"Help... me", I muttered, almost inaudibly. These 2 words taking all my being to say.

The wolf's head split off. A fountain of blood now in its place.

A different silhouette. Somehow more threatening than the last, looked at me. I could not see his face. Yet I could sense the disappointment. Was I really that weak? If I were stronger, would you have been around more? Would we have laughed as we shared stories of our days at dinner? Would we have been a normal family like the ones in those fairytales?

"Bandage him up, we're going back!", he shouted to the others.


An explosion so loud it could deafen you, attacked our ears. It had come from the mansion.

"Cecilia!", father shouted as his eyes widened. He immediately ran, not wasting a second for thought.

One of the group, a man in a hood and mask, stayed to patch me up, while the others followed father to the mansion. Their steps grew quieter and quieter till it was just me and whoever was sat by my side.

The sky dyed in red, a large pillar of smoke revealed itself behind the tall trees. Though my mind was filled with thoughts of self sabotage more than worry.

Once I had been tended to, the man stopped, simply looking at me for a moment.

"Thank you", I muttered to the man.

Though, I never expected him to lunge in at me. He brought me to his chest, holding me tight.

"I should've known you were going to do this, you started acting weird again, idiot", hearing his voice, a flood of emotions swept my mind.

"I thought I'd never see you again, or mom, or dad, I was scared Brad", tears flooded my eyes as I held onto him.

For a moment, It all seemed like it was going to be ok, I wish I could stay in his embrace forever. Seconds passed and neither of us said a word.

"Can you stand?", he asked as he pulled back.

I nodded, as I rose up to my feet. My back stung, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. Not like I could say no to the pain anyways.

"My my what a heart wrenching performance, bravo, bravo!", a voice unknown to me joyously clapped as he walked out of the shadows.

"Who are you?", Brad pulled out his sword, pointing it at the man.

"Oh, nothing but a passerby, what do you think I am?", he shrugged.

Looking at the man, I noticed his blood red eyes and protruding fangs.

"Vampire...", Brad grumbled.

"Correct!", the vampire cheered, but he wasn't where he was standing before. He was now standing an inch away from Brad. "Here's a reward for you".

If I could return to his embrace, I would, sadly I can no longer do that.

"B-Brad?", I looked to the bloodied corpse with a hole in its chest. My face constricting into an ugly cry. The vampire pulled his arm back, holding a still beating heart, as if it hadn't yet given up on life.

I fell to my knees, pulling his mask away. His face hadn't even changed or distorted. He had died in an instant. Why? Why was this happening? He's dead now and it's all my fault. I punched the ground.

The vampire squirmed as he looked at me. His face blushing as if he were suffering from pure euphoria. He crushed the heart, letting the blood drop down into his mouth.

"More, more, show me that face more", his tone shifted from out of breath to more and more maniacal.

Another explosion rang out in the distance.

"Tch, I'm gonna be late for the main show", he looked to the red sky and then back at me.

"Sayonara, little boy, may we meet again", he grinned from ear to ear. "Though you'll probably die sooner or later anyways".

"Just make sure to come and take revenge if you do live, I'll be waiting", he disappeared into thin air.

And here we are now, all alone. I tried walking further and further to find help, but none came. I don't know if mother's alive. I don't know if father is already dead. I just walked. You know, it's moments like these where you really step back and reflect. Yet, it's never about anything good that you've done. It's always the wrong. If I were like this or had done that, then maybe none of this would've happened.

I thought of going back, I really did. Perhaps I could help father, redeeming myself in his eyes. I'd save mother from those scary wolves, I'd kill the bastard who killed Brad.

Yet even then, my legs shook, denying my hero's complex. Who was I kidding I'm not the hero, not the gallant prince who rescues the princess. I'm a sad kid who can't even get his dad to look at him.

As the snow fell like stars out of the sky, my bloody wound stained the snow beneath my feet- Ugh I don't even care anymore, describing the scenery? Is that all I'm going to do till I die.

I fell to the ground.