What is my reason?

I continuously flipped through page after page. Diagrams and anatomy of the supernatural, all presented and described thoroughly. The journal now looked more like a Beastiary than anything.

Though, it seemed as though this had been passed down generation after generation, as more diary entrees could be seen, signed by different people with the Greyheart family name.

*Knock* *Knock*

Startled by the sudden noise, I almost tore one of the already worn pages.

"Come in".

The door creaked open revealing Issola behind it.

"Haven't slept yet?"

"No", I looked back to the book.

"Oh, you're still reading your book".

"Sorry for downstairs, when I-", she looked like a kid afraid to get told off for her actions.

"-It's fine, my shoulder's already feeling better now", I sighed. "I'm just sat here thinking".

"I don't know what I'm doing", I looked at the oak wood ceiling. "What now?".

"I'm here, someplace safe and yet it somehow feels worse than when a werewolf looked down on me, like I was just some sack of meat", the door creaked as I carried on my rant. "The one thing, I want right now, is to stare at the faces of those who wronged me... Begging for mercy as I clench my grip around their throats, their eyes slowly... losing their light until they die in the regret of EVER having crossed paths with me".

I didn't know how I looked in this moment, but I knew my face didn't look pretty.

Issola shuddered as she looked to my sick grin, and cheeks that blushed red like the vampire who killed Brad.

Issola knew she couldn't leave me alone, she knew that if she did, I'd take a path that leads to nothing but regret. A dark and gloomy path with no light in sight. At least if she were there, she could stop me from treading too far.

Scott revealed himself from behind the door, looks like he had been listening to us talk.

"Get some sleep and meet me at dawn, I'll grant you your wish", Scott's eyes looked at me determined, though in a way, he also looked sad. As if once upon a time, he had gazed upon a scene just like this one.

- - - - -

Metal clanged together in short strikes. Sweat dripped down my forehead as my eyes dilated, trying to catch my opponent's next strike.

It felt nostalgic, even though I spent my days just like this a few days before, it felt like a world far far away.

My concentration, trying to perfect my sword, somehow pulled me out of reality. In a way, it felt as if it was only me and my sword. It was addicting!

*Rah* *Rah*


My sword was caught in Scott's, his arm swinging in a circle almost instantaneously. My blade soon flew through the air. But I had no time to react to it. Dropping to my feet, I dodged the incoming stab to my throat.

I jumped to the side, trying to retrieve my sword. Almost— there—

Scott kicked my back down to the ground, locking me in place. A cold sting now falling behind my neck.


Though similar to Brad, it was more like Furious Brad but constant and unending.

Issola simply stood and watched, providing me with first aid. She had gained a fan base since her arriving in this town. People flocked to her, trying to strike up conversation. Some stayed to watch me have my ass handed to me.

A lot of Oohs and Aahs followed by low hissing accompanied every strike that landed on my body. I can't blame them, every kick and punch looked like it had a lot of power, and it definitely did. I soon found myself sore all over, multiple bruises and scratches were tended to by Issola's weird, and awful smelling concoction.

At the times when I rested, I studied the book I had been given. The diagrams and pictures of the anatomy of the beasts listed multiple weaknesses that could be taken advantage of, along with ideas as what not to do when facing them. I knew I needed to learn this stuff quickly, for the next time that history repeats itself. And in a way It satisfied a part of my brain that I never knew I had. It was sort of addicting.

- - - - -

"We're heading into the forest?", my wide eyes were unneeded, as the shock in my voice showed plenty of expression.

Scott didn't humour my response, simply walking away. And so I simply walked along, behind him.

Issola chose to walk beside me, easing my nervousness with her unique sense of humour.

She leaned in closer to whisper into my ear, catching me off guard. I blushed a bit but soon regained my composure.

"You know, it's not like Scott hates you or anything, he's just kinda not... socially, adept?"

"He's just a large shy kid is what I'm trying to say", she looked at Scott grinning maliciously. "You know when you kept pestering him and he gave you that spare change?".

about what she was going to say next, I leaned in closer, "Yeah, what about it?".

"He thought you wanted, as he said to me, 'that thing called pocket money, that the kids get from their relatives'"

My mind blanked for a moment, why and how on Earth would he EVER reach such a conclusion. This was before I immediately burst out into laughter. Maybe even the oh so great Scott had some things he wasn't good at. Though it was nice of him to think that. Wait relative?

"You said relative?"

"Oh he still hasn't told you?", her eyes wide, she looked puzzled, though that confusion soon faded away. "Well not exactly relative, but he and your father are blood brothers or at least were, some things happened. Anyways ye they did this whole satanic ritual where they slit their wrists and—"

"I DON'T need to know that", I interjected, trying to scrap the image from my head.

But they were blood brothers huh? I wonder what happened.

Finally reaching the forest, I looked to the shrubbery and trees, all still covered in snow, though some parts had began to thaw. It seemed that spring was ever so close.

Perhaps this place will look even prettier soon. I hope I can come back someday and see it. Well here we go. My first trial by fire!