
Lands of dark greys and deep blacks stretched across the horizon. Dead shrubbery and tall trees that twisted and turned in irregular patterns were spread few and far between.

The trunks of these trees looked dark and rotten, and yet beautiful red leaves blossomed from its branches. Dark crimson vines held flowers, some from which dropped down an equally crimson essence.

And yet among the land, were pools of water, blue and untainted, contrary to how one would expect from viewing the rest of the scenery.

In a certain castle located in the far distance, a young man, walked through its halls.

He walked and walked, with no clear destination in mind. He simply wanted to get away from it all.

"Viktor, to think you'd run away after I said what was simple truth to you. Were you trying to find a place to hide and cry?".

The man named Viktor stood stiff, taken aback at how the woman who had been the cause of his bitterness, followed him.

"I merely wanted some fresh air, sister".

"fresh air!? Fresh.. air?", she laughed, "if you wanted something like that mid conversation, why do you look so pale at the sight of me? You're going to make this sister of yours sad, Viktor".

"We all know how Father doesn't like to see me sad".

"Krrgh", Viktor, clenched his teeth as he pulled his hand into a fist.

"You're so pitiful Viktor. You have no power from our bloodline, you have no charisma, you lack the courage to even hold your place in this family. As a prince you're ought to be ashamed of yourself", she shrugged and yet Viktor could still see her belittling smile. Words that should have been expressed with empathy were more so like daggers meant to kill. "A vampire like you is no vampire at all".

"shut up…".

"Hm? What did you say?".


"Y-you insolent scum!", dark red blood seemed to pool out of her skin, congealing together in the form of bats. They charged towards Viktor, who could do nothing but simply watch it happen.

Serves him right, he thought. Had he kept his mouth shut for a little longer, maybe he would live for another day. Maybe he wouldn't have to suffer the pain he was about to, maybe in a year, 2 years, even 5… he'd finally be free.


Viktor screamed as he pulled out a dagger. He swung at the bats, cutting them in halves. Some of them passed through his defence, eating away at his skin, tearing apart his flesh till you could see bone.

Why did he have to live a life so cruel. Born into one of the many houses related to the imperial family of Vampires. Had he been raised into a low-born family, maybe he wouldn't have to live through half the pain he was currently experiencing.

His family treated him harshly. He never even met his father, except for times when he was to be punished. His brothers, ignored his existence. The butlers and maids liked to toy with him, enjoying the little power they had over a vampire with noble blood. His sister was the worst of them all, torturing him every day without fail.

Even if he was going to die today, he wouldn't go down without taking this bitch with him.

And so he slashed, thrusted, and pierced through bat after bat, inching ever so closer to the enemy in front of him.

"To think you kept a dagger on you, you really have no shame".

Vampires were blessed with supernatural abilities, far surpassing that of the humans. Drawing out the blood from within their bodies, they could cast blood arts, powers possessed only by the vampires. Some were learnable, while others were the individual's own unique skill.

And so with no use for weapons, the vampires shunned those who used them. Referring to them as weak and pitiful, not having enough power to use their blood arts as their weapons.

This is also why Viktor had a dagger, a weapon more inconspicuous than a sword and much easier to hide.

Though Viktor's efforts were definitely a sight to behold, they could only take him so far. As he reached a foot away from his sister, he fell to the ground, his body could go on no longer.

And yet he CONTINUED to fight. Though his arms were now too bloody and injured to be used, though his legs felt as though they would fall off right then and there, he pushed on, crawling towards his sister's feet.

Finally, as if his efforts had been acknowledged at last, he laid at the feet of his sister, only an inch away.

And in this burst of emotion, in the heat of the moment that had unfolded, he committed the greatest sin know to the Vampires: he bit his sister's ankle, drawing her blood from within, loudly gulping as he swallowed.

His sister was so shocked she couldn't speak or move. Even members of the imperial family were not allowed to commit such a sin. And to think he'd be so desperate as to do it to his own sister. Had he no shame? Did he not realise that she would never actually kill him, at least not in broad daylight. It was still treason to kill a Vampire noble. She would only have beaten him up bloody and then left as a lesson. Now there was no saving him.

- - - - -

"Viktor… do you understand the crime you have committed".

"Father, I'm sorry".

"Sorry!? You bring shame to the Blackwood name!".

"Father, if you'll give me the chance to explain myself".

"Silence! To think you would find excuses for committing such a grave taboo".


"I am no longer your father. Viktor Cavar Blackwood is no son of mine".

"I'll let you leave with your life, as you were once nobility. But this is the extent of my blessings. Don't die to some mangy beast lest you rub our name in the ground any further".

Just as predicted, a few days later, Viktor had been banished from the land of the vampires.

He had been truly lucky to have escaped with his life. He wondered whether his father didn't hate him as much as he had once thought.

Though none of that mattered now, he was exposed to a world completely foreign to his own. Was he truly free now? Was this what he wanted all along? He didn't know for sure, but at the very least. He could say it was sort of exciting.

- - - - -

A few years later…

"Hey, isn't that the hunter, Scruffy Beggar?".

"Yeah, I think so. We better stay away, I hear he's got a nasty temper".

Viktor looked at a man that fit the appearance of exactly what he was called.

He definitely didn't want to involve himself with him…