
"You don't look like much, but thinking of that kid… maybe there's more to you, let's fight!".


"Did you not hear me? Let's duel".

"I don't think-".

In the next moment I was lifted into the air. I flailed my legs, trying to kick myself free to no avail.

I had just gotten here and I was already about to fight someone.

Dragged inside further, I noticed a room to the side, empty and large enough for a wide scale battle between I'd say, 10 people.

He threw me to the end, as if I weighed as much as a feather.

"Don't disappoint me, choose one of the weapons over there".

A rack of weapons laid against the wall, all kinds of tool could be found. Kinds I had never even seen before.

Grabbing a sword, I prepared myself for the coming fight. The man in front of me was too stubborn to listen to anything I was saying.

A sword was the one thing I was somewhat confident in, too bad I had lost my handgun. Perhaps they had sold it off already? If they're treating us this well, maybe once l'm sold off, they'll return my stuff.

Walking to one of the other walls, he pulled out a large spear.

Our weapons seemed to be made of an extremely durable, wood-like material, perhaps it was a kind of wood.

Nevertheless that did not matter, all that mattered was somehow leaving alive and unharmed, or at least with my bones intact and limbs attached.

"A swordsman eh? How basic".


"Don't be shy, come at me, or shall I-", he kicked off the ground before he could finish his sentence. "You're not the first swordsman I've faced".

Just as I was about to block, a sense of dread caressed me as if I had been touched by death itself.

I had no choice but to duck, backing away. Though it did not matter how far I jumped back. He would simply keep pushing toward me.

He thrusted his spear time after time after time again. The spear did not suit his style of combat at all. A spear is meant to be defensive with great offence while still keeping distance.

He didn't hesitate to close the distance.

I didn't have any time to counter as he did this. While I could come close to him, taking advantage of the fact that it was a spear, something told me I would regret it.

"Why do you use the spear when you're so aggr-ESSIVE hurgh", he had finally managed to corner me enough to warrant a block rather than a dodge.

The impact, unlike Viktor's, was much stronger. Not only had I lost my balance, I was even flung quite far away.

His power was equivalent to that of the last high class I had encountered.

I can't allow him to control the fight any longer.

This time, I slashed at- where? He jumped?

Why would he jump? And he flew up so high. This puts him at a disadvantage, it's as if he doesn't know fear.

Or am I just that weak in his eyes?

I didn't question it further, this was my chance. I had finally seen a glimmer of the end of the tunnel, i readied my sword to stab at him while he couldn't dodge.

In response, he smiled. Pulling his arm back, he threw his spear down at me.

"He's insane…", I couldn't help but say as I had no choice but to dodge.

But he no longer had his weapon, I stabbed at the unarmed man. I gasped for air as a shiver ran down my spine. I pulled my sword to my side, backing away as I did so.

He casually walked up to retake his spear.

"You have a good sense of things, I'll give you that much… but you are nothing special", he slowly made his way closer to me. "You asked me why I used the spear, you were probably wondering why I used a weapon that did not fit the way I fight huh? It's because I don't fight with a spear. I fight with my fists".

He threw his spear once again. This time I decided to parry it to the side, allowing me to still back away as far as I could.

"All you do is run", he growled.

Every step he took as he ran shook the ground beneath.

Finally being able to analyse my situation for a moment. From a third person's point of view, I truly looked like a child in front of this giant.

His spear was far taller than me.

"If you space out in the middle of our fight, you'll die".


He can't possibly?

He finally closed the distance between us.

He threw a jab, a hook, a straight. I dodged each time, slicing at his arms as I did so. Shallow cuts from which blood oozed out were slowly emerged, further and further crowding his injured arm.

I noticed other scars that ran all along his skin. Ones that seemed old and others that seemed relatively recent. He clearly had experience and had fought not too long ago.

He finally took a second to stop fighting.

"Kid, have you ever fought a werewolf?".

? I didn't understand where this was coming from. But my eyes winced at the word.

"So you have…".

"What has this got to do with anything?".

"Why obviously it's because I am one as well".

"You!?", my throat sunk, a ball swelling in my throat making it hard to swallow or breathe.

He let out a little laugh, that soon turned louder and louder.

"You're afraid, did my kind do something to you? Was it someone you love?".

"Krgh", I bit my tongue.

"It was wasn't it? You need to learn to hide your emotions… I can read you like a book".

He walked slow and steadily toward me. As if to add suspense to his steps.

"You wanted a fight? I think I'm now finally in the mood".

"That's what I wanted from the start".

I pushed myself forward, swinging my sword in a large arc.

"Oh!?", he grinned wide. "Let's see if this anger lets you survive, just a little longer".