Chapter 8: "Dark-Hunters, The First Encounter"

After the Mace Of Magic resurfaced the news reached the King of the Dark Nation, he then sends word to Shadow and his team to retrieve the item, Blaine and Jett, two members of the Dark-Hunters were in the vicinity of the village that was deep in the Central Kingdom Mountains, they had gotten intel that that's where the persons who had the magical item had headed, Rose and William were out gathering some berries that only grew outside the village.

"William what's bothering you?" asked Rose, "it's that obvious huh, I still think about the people I saw in the ruins of the kingdom, I just wish there was something I could do to help them, I wish I could have taken them all here with me," said William.

He has such a good heart," thought Rose, "We will figure out a way to help them soon," said Rose, William smiled and said "yeah, we will," just then the hunters appeared, "What have we here?" asked Blaine, "who are you guys?" asked William, Jett, smiles, and said, " we are the Dark-Hunters and we here for the Mace of Magic, so just hand it over, we don't want to hurt a bunch of kids."

" No, I can't do that," said Rose, Blaine then said, "what's a little girl like you doing with something so powerful, just hand it over, or we will take it from you by force then," " no it's mine!" shouted Rose, " have it your way then," said Blaine as he started to make his way towards Rose, she went into defense mode and released a spell Repel, a shock wave of light came from the Mace and pushed them back, "a little witch I see ok, " said Blaine.

Jett ran to the left of them, William had his eyes fixed on him, he throws a couple of knives at him and he dodged them, Jett pulled on something, and the knives he threw at William were pulled back, William dodged them, one sliced him on his right shoulder in the process, " only one barely got you, next I won't miss," said Jett.

William didn't know he got injured until he started to feel a burning sensation on his shoulder, Blaine was facing off with Rose, he has an Earth attribute so he lifted his weapon up over his head and struck the ground with it, the ground beneath their feet started to move, Rose then started to levitate she touched William with the Mace and he started to levitate as well, they moved to where the attack wasn't affecting the ground.

Rose then struck the ground with the Mace and cause sharp rocks to come out under the hunters' feet they then evaded the attack, Jett said, " these kids have some skills, let's get serious," Jett starts to run back and forth really fast until a copy of himself appeared, then they both ran around William and Rose from the left and right, Rose then pushes William out of the circle that was forming around them," he is escaping said the copy Jett to the real Jett," it doesn't matter we only want the Mace," said Jett.

"Earth Dome," said Blaine as he struck the ground with his weapon a second time, he had managed to capture Rose in a Dome of Earth.

William tried to make his way to her but he was stopped by Jett, then he went on to attack William again, He threw multiple knives at William and just as he started to evade them, the copy of Jett appeared in front of him, which surprised William, the copy Jett tried to grab his neck but as William was pulling back his head, his pendant came out and the copy Jett grabbed it instead, it was ripped from William's neck when he noticed that all he grabbed was the pendant and the chain he threw to the ground.

He went on to attack William some more, meanwhile not too far from where the fighting was taking place.

Zeph was making his way in that direction.

Within the dome, Rose closed her eyes, she always feared being held captive and William needed her help so she used the spell Piercing Light, the light started to shine through the dome until it was destroyed, Rose landed on the ground safely, and the flash caught Zeph's eyes, and the hunters were dazzled with the bright light.

Blaine then got upset and smashed his weapon into the ground, boulders started to rise up out of the ground until they were in mid-air, Blaine then said "Falling Boulders," William and Rose were astonished, it was too much for them to escape, just as the boulders were making their way down to crush them, the atmosphere around them changed and a mighty gust of wind came and pushed the boulders upwards and away from them, Zeph the bearer of the magical item The Bow of Stribog had joined the fight.

They were all astonished, "who is this guy?" asked Jett, "well, well it must be our lucky day, two magical items in one place," said Blaine, " and to think the boss went through all that trouble killing off that entire family for it," he is going to be very happy with us, snagging up two magical items, in one go," said Jett, Zeph said, "those cloaks, that symbol," he was very upset he said with tears in his eyes.

"Finally, I have caught up to them, the ones who murdered my family after I'm finished with you guys I'm going after your boss," William and Rose were surprised when they heard what Blaine had said, William asked, " how could you people do such a thing?", Zeph said, " you will pay for what you have done," they laughed, " don't get ahead of yourself now boy," said Blaine.

"You can't beat our boss, you're no match for us either so know your place boy," said Jett, the wind started to pick up, and the atmospheric pressure changed around them Zeph's eyes started to glow, and as Zeph aimed the bow said to be possessed by the wind god at them he said, "Wind Cutter," Blaine use a Wall of Earth to block the attack but it wasn't enough to shield them, Zeph's attack broke through they still got sliced up, the wrath of his anger, they didn't expect so much power from one boy.

"Earth Sphere," said Blaine, as he was trying to protect himself and Jett from Zeph's attacks, Zeph used the wind to elevate them into the sky, "Blaine it feels like we are floating," said Jett, " that boy is using a power I have never seen before," said Blaine, Zeph aimed his bow skyward up towards the ball of earth.

"This guy is powerful," said William to Rose," Air Blaster!" shouted Zeph, he released a very powerful air attack, the earth around them started to turn to dust as the attack came closer, suddenly a beam of dark energy was shot from above, it went past the Sphere and clashed with Zeph's attack.

A big explosion was made and after the smoke had cleared the Dark-Hunters had escaped with help from another member," Dammit!" shouted Zeph, he was overwhelmed by the power of the bow and his anger, he passed out, William then went to pick up his pendant that Jett had ripped from around his neck, "let's bring him back to the village," said William to Rose.