Chapter 16: "The Captain and Lieutenants of the East"

After they had defeated all the foot soldiers, some were unconscious and some had fled the city hopping away in pain, as Captain Hanson drew closer to the ruins his soldiers could be seen running towards him, "why did you leave your post?" asked Captain Hanson.

Soldier one, " We were attacked by four strong rebels, and they had magical items, Sir," "Strong you say?" asked Lt Gregg, " well let's hurry, we need to take those magical items and punish those filthy rebels," said Lt Jack, Not long after the arrival of the Captain and his Lieutenants, to Captain Hanson's surprise, he said,

" Captain Thomas, I thought you were dead, I guess you ran away with your tail between your legs, coward, so this is what you're doing, a group of kids, you must be joking is this the best you can do."

"Hanson, you traitor, you will pay for what you did back then, You and you're King murdered my family I can never forgive you," said Thomas, William was upset when he heard what Thomas said, he took a couple of steps towards them, " So you are the ones who came here and destroyed my home," said William, " Who may you be, a filthy rebel? said Captain Hanson, "I am Prince William, son of King Cresswell," said William, they all looked in disbelief, " Cresswell had a son?" asked Lt Gregg.

"Oh yeah he must be the little brat who they couldn't find, so you are alive, you will die here like you're family," said Lt Jack, so the son of the greedy King is alive, where have you been all this time?" asked Lt Gregg, Captain Hanson then recognizes the First King's Sword, "son of Cresswell, hand over that sword and come with us boy, that goes for the rest of you as well.

" William then grips the sword tighter and raises it over his head, "this doesn't belong to you and furthermore I want you and all your soldiers to leave this place and never return," said William, all the Lieutenants scoffed and laughed, " do you really think we are going to leave here empty-handed? it seems like you really want to die here, well have it your way," said Lt Jack.

William then said, " Plunging Breaker, as he was bringing the sword down, "a huge wave of water took them by surprise, Lt Gregg tried to shield himself and the others within a ball of dense air but the water cracked it in a couple of places, the other soldiers that were with them were caught in the wave and got washed out of the castle's ruins.

"I said leave!" shouted William, " he almost got my hair wet," said Lt Lyn, "the boys' got spunk, I'll give you that," said Lt Jack as he stepped out of the shield after the wave had passed and towards William, " I'll be your opponent, Prince William, I'm Lt Jack," said LT Jack.

"So we are going to fight a bunch of kids?" asked Lt Gregg, "might as well," said Lt Lynn, "they do seem strong but they still can't beat us and I could really use the exercise come to think of it," said Lt Gregg as he makes his way towards Zeph, Captain Hanson and Thomas had unfinished business, as they glared at each other, Lt Lynn said as she approached Rose, " you have such lovely skin, what's your secret?"