Chapter 17: "Fight To Win Part 1: Rose vs Lt Lynn"

As Zeph and William fought with the other lieutenants, Rose and Lt Lynn were talking "so are you going to tell me your secret or not?" asked Lt Lynn, "I don't have a secret my skin has always been like this I guess," said Rose, "ok so about that Mace now, can I have it?" said Lt Lynn.

"What? No, I can't do something like that, I have to keep it close to me, it's mine," Said Rose, "I thought you would just hand it over cause I really don't want to burn your lovely skin but I guess I'll have to change your mind," said Lt Lynn, Rose went into defense mode as the Lt Lynn's whips started to burn, she lifted up her hand and cracked the whip she then flashes it at Rose releasing Fire Whip Rose then dodges her attack.

She then flashes the other whip at her releasing a Fire Blast at Rose, Rose then uses the Mace to hit it back at her she leans her head to the right to evade the attack, Lt Lynn starts to smile as she held both whips out on the ground beside her, the flames were getting intense she raises both hands and hits the whips out in front of her creating a stronger Fire Blast.

Rose blocks it with a Wall of Earth and then uses Hollow Earth to trap her but she leaps into the air with her whips of fire "I won't fall for that so easily," said Lt Lynn, she flashes one of the whips in Rose's direction and said, " Fire Rain".

Rose tried to dodge her attack but the flames burnt some of her hair, "all I got was some hair? Ok I'll go for your pretty face next time," said Lt Lynn, she was about to turn up the heat on Rose with her flaming whips, Lt Lynn starts to spin into a tornado of flames she shoots a series of Fire Blasts at Rose she then uses Earth Ball Projection, and both attacks clash and explodes, Rose then uses Rising Earth to hit Lt Lynn out of the tornado and she fell to the ground.

Lt Lynn started to lose her cool, she was the fiercest of all the lieutenants and short-tempered, "Little girl you are getting on my nerves, I'll just burn you to a crisp and take the Mace from your charred hands!" Said Lt Lynn as she was getting up.

Rose looked at her with raised eyebrows, "this woman is really crazy," she thought to herself, the Lt then starts to make her way toward Rose with a sinister look on her face," there is something different about her now so I can't let my guard down," said Rose as she drew closer to her with her whips trailing behind her, the place was getting hot, the heat was rising from the ground and then a ring of fire formed around them from the whips.

"Now I've got you, it's time for you to burn," said Lt Lynn, Rose then used Hollow Earth, and the ground where they were standing collapsed into a hole except where Rose was standing, and as the Lt was falling She throws her whip around Rose's hand and the mace, she then starts to pull on it and Rose was pulling it back.

"Just let it go, so we can be done with this," said Lt Lynn. "I made a promise to someone I cherish, that I would never let this mace go and I'll always keep it close, it is all I have left," said Rose, "well Isn't that precious, I have a promotion to get, now burn," said Lt Lyn.

She then wraps the other whip around Rose's other hand, then she sets the whips ablaze, with the burning whips on her hands Rose was not going to let go, with tears in her eyes Rose screams "I'll never let go!" then the Mace started to glow, her hair starts to float and her eyes were glowing, "what is this?" asked Lt Lynn.

Rose started to levitate and her burnt hands were healed, the flames on the whips were extinguished, Lt Lynn pulled them back to her and she fell to her feet in the pit and she then said " Flame Booster," to fly out of the pit as she made it out Rose pointed the Mace at her, light energy was being absorbed into the Mace, " Is this what you want? Light Blast," said Rose.

A beam of light was fired from the mace, while Lt Lynn was still in flight she turned her head and saw the attack heading straight for her, she used Flame Shield to block it, and the attacks connected causing an explosion and she was flung from it and into the ground with most of her clothing burned off and one of her whips was destroyed in the blast.

She was very furious, she made her way back to her feet, " look what you did to my outfit, my beautiful hair, my whip, you will pay for this," said Lt Lynn as the fire on her whip rages she cracks the whip and flashes it in Rose's direction saying, "Wild Flamethrower: Burn to Ash."

A wild intense blast of fire was heading towards Rose, she teleported before the attack got to her and reappeared beside Lt Lyn, Lt Lynn was caught by surprise as she turned around to face Rose.

Rose then uses the Mace to hits her into a heap of rubble, she was knocked unconscious, Rose's possession time was almost up as she questioned herself, " what is this power?"