Chapter 34: "The Journey Continues"

Zeph was breathing heavily, the possession then left him, he started to fall out of the sky, "Zeph" shouted William, Rose then stretched out the Mace and touched him "Teleport" said Rose, they both reappeared on the ground, Rose went back to normal as well.

"Zeph, don't worry I will heal you Recover Light," said Rose, "Thank you, Rose, for standing up for me like that and I think you will get used to the feeling in due time Rose, Zeph took some serious damage in that fight but he still managed to win," said William.

"It wasn't easy seeing you in the condition you were a week ago, this time around I wasn't going to let it happen again," said Rose.

Zeph isn't healing fast, it's taking longer than normal," Rose thought to herself, "it's taking longer than normal," said William, "he is coming around now," said Evan, "Jen? Allie?" asked Zeph, "No it's me, Rose, and William, Evan is here too," said Rose, as his vision became clearer, "Hey guys," said Zeph.

Back in the Dark Nation King Darius was having a conversation with King Nasheem through the mirror, "I haven't heard from Hex or Shadow in over a week now, she did say the spell would take some time to set in but I think something else might be up with them, I sense betrayal," said King Darius.

"They would be a bunch of fools to think they can defy you oh great king, I haven't heard anything from the West Kingdom as yet," said King Nasheem, "so the Prince and his friends haven't arrived as yet," asked King Darius.

"No my King, the prince of the west would have alerted me already," said King Naseem, "ok I will send someone to find Shadow and the others," said King Darius, "Hex and Chace should have been back here a few days ago with the supplies, I wonder if Chace found a boyfriend and ran off with him?" Asked Rigel.

"Stop messing around, I wonder if they ran into any trouble along the way if she ever heard what you just said you would be dead right now," said Malik, "Jett is out there hunting, so they might have met up and are on their way back now," said Blaine, "it is strange that they aren't back as yet but I will give them a little bit more time if they aren't back soon I'll go and find them," said Shadow.

"I can't even find anything to hunt around here," said Jett, an explosion could be heard echoing in the distance and then all sorts of animals started to run towards Jett," oh goody, so that's where all you little guys where hiding," said Jett.

A mighty gust of windy then came after the explosion," what the hell was that?" asked Jett, he then started to make his way towards the source of the explosion, as he drew closer, the trees were pushed over and some were uprooted, a crater was shot into the side of a hill, "what the hell happened here?" asked Jett.

As he got even closer to the dusty crater, to his surprise he saw Hex and Chace, he then rushed in, "Hex!, Chace! what the hell happened to you guys!" shouted Jett, with her dying breath Chace said, "Jett save Hex," he took Hex out of the crater, and as he was going back for Chace some rocks that were on the top of the hill slid down into the crater filling up the hole, burying Chace.

"CHACE!" shouted Jett, but she was already dead after she told him to save Hex, Jett started to dig with his hands but it was futile, "Chace, who did this to you guys?" asked a sobbing Jett, he then turned to Hex who was unconscious, he took her up and started to make his way back their camp.

"It's time for us to go now, I'm feeling better now thanks to Rose, " said Zeph," you're right we have to keep moving, it's almost dark," said William, "there is a town up ahead we can stop there for the night after they arrived in the town, Evan went ahead to find an inn for them.

"This looks like a good place to stay the night," said William as they entered the inn, "welcome to the Balaclava Inn," said the innkeeper," can we have two rooms sir?" asked William, "yes that would be six silver coins," said the innkeeper.

"Two rooms?" asked Rose, "yes that's what we can afford," said William, Rose then thought to herself, "me, and William in one room, together! alone!" her face started to turn red.

"Rose, are you ok, "asked Evan, she stuttered, "yes, yes I am", "here you go sir," said William, as the innkeeper gave the keys to William, Rose grabbed one and ran off up the stairs, "Rose," said a puzzled William, "what's gotten into her?" asked Evan.

Zeph started to laugh, "what's so funny?" asked William, "come on let's go get some sleep we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," said Zeph William, Evan, and Zeph had to share one room and Rose had one room for herself.

"I hope William doesn't think I am selfish but I couldn't be in a room with him after they had taken turns showering Evan asked Zeph, "hey Zeph who is Jen and Allie?", Zeph paused before he answered, "They are my younger siblings."

"Oh ok, they must have been great siblings," said Evan, "yes they were," said Zeph, William had just returned, he had gone to check on Rose, "how is she?" asked Evan, "he said "she was ok, she didn't open the door, she is acting so weird," said William.

Zeph started to laugh again, "what's so funny Zeph?" asked William, "one day I will tell you, let's get some sleep.

The next morning after they had breakfast, it was time for them to leave, "thank you, innkeeper, for accommodating us," said William, "you're welcome, do come again," said the innkeeper, while walking through the streets of the town, they were admiring the beauty of the town," this place is really nice," said Evan.

"It's been a while since I have last been here but some of the buildings look the same," said Zeph, "I wonder why it's called Balaclava?" asked Rose, a man started to shout in the direction they were going in, "Thief! someone, stop him he picked my pocket," the people in the streets were afraid of the culprit because he was huge in stature.

"Out of the way you fools," said the pickpocket, as he got closer to William and the others he shouted "out of the way kids, or get trampled," William drew his sword and said "Air Slash," Rose then used Teleport and appeared behind him, she swang the Mace, hitting him across the upper back, he fell to the ground face down.

Evan then went and took what he had in his hand and gave it to the Traveller, "thank you very much," said the Traveller, "he has been trialing me for a while now but I thought he was just traveling like myself, my name is Alwin by the way," said Alwin.

"I'm Evan and this William, Rose, and Zeph," said Evan, "nice to meet you guy, how can I repay you?" asked Alwin, "you don't have to, it's ok, just be more aware of who's around you," said William."

"Ok I'll try, I am traveling to the city of West Kingdom, I have some business there to attend to," said Alwin, "we are going to the city as well," said William, "is that so? I would like to hire you for safe passage to the West Kingdom," said Alwin," wait, what?" asked William.