Chapter 35: "It's My Turn"

"You want to pay us for protection?" asked Evan.

"Yes, I have a very valuable item that's been in my family for generations but the last keeper of the item died, now it's my responsibility to take care of it, someone tried to steal it away from me before I got here and now someone else tried to take it again, so it's better to be safe than sorry, I want to take it back the city of the West Kingdom where it will be safe there, will you take my offer?" asked Alwin.

"Oh ok we will help you get to the city safely," said William," if we leave now it will take us about half-day to get there," said Zeph, "ok then let's go!" said Evan, halfway into the journey as they were on the outskirts of the Forrest, "we're not alone," said Rose.

"I know they have been following us for about an hour now," said William, "they are coming for the heirloom," said Alwin, "how much of them?" asked Evan, "three," said Rose, "don't worry Alwin they won't get their hands on it," said William.

"There is someone up ahead," said Evan, the three persons that were following them came out from among the trees wearing masks, these are just some kids," said one of the bandits, William, Rose, and Zeph turned around to face them, meanwhile, Alwin was in the middle and Evan was in front of him.

"Just hand over the item and we won't hurt you, it's that simple," said the Bandit standing in front of Evan, "no I can't this has been in my family for many generations, I won't just hand it over to you like that," said Alwin.

"Well then I will just have to take it then," said the Bandit" stop right there, don't act like you don't see me," said Evan with his sword pointing towards the bandit," watch where you are pointing that sword," said the Bandit.

Zeph blows away one of them with Blast of Wind, the other one swings his sword at Rose she blocks it with the Mace and his sword broke, he was astonished, she then swang the Mace, hitting him unconscious into a tree, the last one attacked William, he dodged and struck him across his back into the ground.

"They took them out so fast, these kids aren't ordinary but this one in front of me looks like he is the weakest one," thought the Bandit to himself, the Bandit then drew his sword and said "Air Cutter" Evan blocks it with his sword as it was pushing him back, "not bad but this one will cut you right in two, Air Cutter," said the Bandit.

"Same attack more power, thank you for feeding my flames now It's My Turn," said Evan, the fire could be seen around him it started to get intense as it sucked in the air attack, and he grips his sword tighter, it was engulfed in flames.

The Bandit couldn't believe what he was seeing, Evan then pulled his sword up and over his head, as he was bringing it down he said, " Flame Slash," the Bandit blocked it with his sword but he was being pushed back and the heat from the flames were scorching him, "Is this all you got?" asked the Bandit trying to play tough, "no I was just trying to get you far away from us so I could do this, Flame Slash: Explode," said Evan.

The attack engulfed him and then it exploded, "oops I think I gave that a little bit too much," said Evan, William was astonished, "Evan when did you learn how to do that bro? you have gotten so strong it's amazing, Rose, Zeph did you guys see that?" asked William.

" Yes Evan is growing and he will keep getting stronger," said Rose, " that move was unique, he absorbed the air and strengthen his flame attack," said Zeph, " thank you guys very much for protecting me, you guys were amazing," said Alwin.

" We promised you we would get you to the city of the West Kingdom safely," said William. "and it's just over that hill," said Zeph, "finally I will get to meet her, I wonder what she's like?" asked William, " there is only one way to find out," said Rose with a smile, "let's go!" said Evan.

As they made their way closer to the city of the West Kingdom they saw a huge banner and posters about a tournament, "oh no I totally forgot about this!" said Alwin," what's this?" said Zeph, "you guys don't know about the Tournament Of Strength? "asked Alwin.

They all shook their heads from one side to the next side, "its held every year to show who is the strongest and there is a grand prize of three thousand gold coins, the prince of the West Kingdom is the reigning champion for three years running, no one is able to beat him," said Alwin.

"Wow he sounds really strong," said William, "you guys could have entered the tournament I'm sure you would give them hell," said Alwin," for sure we would," said Evan.

"Well, this is where we part ways, I'm heading to that side of the Kingdom, thanks again, and here is what I promised you guys," said Alwin as he handed a bag of coins to William," thank you," said William.

"Ok where to next?" asked Evan, "the castle, to speak to the King, he should be expecting us," said William, as they made their way towards the castle they were also sightseeing, "it's really crowded here, this tournament really does draw a crowd," said Evan, "this place is really beautiful I like how they use red in almost everything," said Rose.

"Things have changed since I was last here, there used to be a restaurant over there now it's a fancy-looking inn and those other buildings weren't there," said Zeph, as they made their way to the castle's entrance.

"Stop right there," said Gaurd one "what business do you have here? the tournament is in the arena," said Guard two, " we aren't here for the tournament, we are here to see King Ignatius, he is expecting us, I'm Prince William of the Central Kingdom.

"Don't worry Hex we are almost there," said Jett as he made his way back to their camp, "Shadow!" shouted Jett, they all turned around and saw Jett with Hex in his arms, "help?" asked Jett, they rushed over to him.

"What happened? where is Chace?" asked Shadow, "I don't know they were attacked, Chace didn't make it," said Jett with tears running down his face," she is unconscious," said Rigel, only she alone can tell us what happened, let's take her to Hayes Villiage there is a doctor there that can help her," said Shadow.

"Whoever did this to Hex and Chace will pay with their life," said Rigel, "I can't believe she is gone," said Blaine with his head hanging low," let's go," said Shadow.