Chapter 59: "Fight Fire With Fire"

"The undisputed champion of The Tournament Of Strength, I never thought I'd be fighting you like this, dad," thought Aidan to himself.

Tribus made the first move after unsheathing his sword, he appeared in front of Evan swinging his sword, and he blocked it but his strength was too much for Evan he was pushed away, "weakling," said Tribus.

Evan was distracted by the fight between William and Gavel, after seeing what Gavel did to him, "William..." thought Evan to himself.

Adian pointed his flaming sword at Tribus and said," Fire Thrust", he just blocked it with his sword, while Evan was sitting there he thought to himself, "I have to focus on defeating this guy so I can save William, this guy is really strong so I have to be extra careful."

Evan then saw an opportunity to attack him while he was busy defending himself against Aidan's attack," Flame Slash ".

He then did the same thing to Evan's attack, " this is all you got? I'll kill you first," he said to Evan," "Aidan get back!" said Evan, "Why?" said Aidan, "just trust me," said Evan, the Flames started to intensify, "what is this?" asked Tribus.

"Flame Slash: Explode," said Evan, Aidan was surprised he said, "how did such a weak attack get so strong?" Tribus was engulfed in flames.

"I must say for a minute there I was underestimating you boy, you have a hidden power, too bad you won't get a chance to unlock it to its fullest, said Tribus.

As the flames started to die down, Tribus had taken his true form, with two small horns apart from each other on his forehead, strange symbols on his face, and a darker complexion.

" What are you?" asked Aidan," a god," said Tribus," you are no god, you body-snatching bastard," said Aidan, as he charged towards Tribus, while they were fighting Evan, who was looking for another port of entry to land another attack, Tribus then slashes Aidan diagonally across his torso, he fell to the ground as Tribus was about to slash him again.

Evan stopped him with another Flame Slash, Tribus backed away from the attack, and Evan went over to Aidan, "I don't want your help, so stay away," said Aidan as he was trying to stand up, "we have to work as a team if you want to defeat him," said Evan.

"I'm royalty I don't work with weak peasants or any peasant at that, just stay out of my way or you will get burned," said Aidan.

Aidan was a cocky and proud prince but in his heart, he knew Evan was right but he couldn't put his pride away and work with Evan, he then said to Evan.

"That guy ruined my life, all the years I missed out with my real dad, he took all of that away from me, I spent so much time chasing him and it was never really him, beating this guy and getting my dad back is everything to me right now."

"I want to defeat him too as well and help my friends fight the other guy," said Evan.

Aidan then stood up.

"Just stay out of the way," said Aidan as he charged toward Tribus, "that guy is gonna get his royal ass killed," said Evan.

So he just sat and watched them fight, Aidan was holding his own against Tribus but not for long, the injury he got from earlier on started to set in, and his movements started to lag he was now being beaten.

"I think it's time I jump in before that idiot gets chopped up," said Evan, Aidan was flung by Tribus's attack over to where Evan was sitting.

Evan went over to him and gave him a potion that he got from Beatrice, "you can't fight him alone we have to work as a team," said Evan to Aidan as he handed him the potion.

Aidan looked at it for a couple of seconds and took it from Evan, after drinking the potion the cuts on his body were healed, "this is some incredible stuff," thought Aidan to himself, "oh ok, I see you don't have much fighting experience but you have a powerful attack that can help defeat this guy, I'll take the lead and whenever you see an opening to launch an attack, take it," said Aidan.

"Ok, I will do just that," said Evan, "what are you two whispering about over there, I'm getting bored over here," said Tribus he then raised his sword up over his head with one hand, and a fire started to engulf it, as he was bringing it down he said, " Flame Rush".

A wall of fire rushed between them, crashing into the shield that protects the Land of Magic from the outside world, "what a powerful attack even the sand was turned to ash," said Evan.

Aidan then charged towards Tribus and as their swords were clashing Evan joined in.

"Two on one and you still can't land a blow," said Tribus, "Fire Blast: Inferno," said Aidan the attack pushed Tribus back he then deflected it to the left but Evan was right behind the attack "Flame Slash," said Evan.

Catching Tribus by surprise, he was slashed horizontally across the torso, "I guess I spoke too soon," said Tribus, "to your left Evan," said Aidan, Evan moved to his left, and Aidan charged in with a Heat Strike: Red Cresent, Tribus blocked it but the heat from it was intense, "I won't stop coming at you until I rid you from this body," said Aidan.

Tribus was being overpowered, he was being brought to his knees," Your determination is quite strong," said Tribus.

Tribus's sword was now being pressed into his body, burning him, "you have gotten a bit stronger son," said Tribus with King Ignatius's voice, Aidan was then distracted, and Tribus got the upper hand," Flame Rush" said Tribus.

Aidan was caught right in front of the attack, he was being pushed back as he tried to defend himself against the attack but he wasn't strong enough to hold it back, Evan saw what was happening, ran, and pushed Aidan out of the way and in doing so his legs were badly burned," He saved me," thought Aidan to himself.

"One down, one more to go," said Tribus, "ill be ok just keep fighting," said Evan on the ground.

Aidan started walking towards Tribus and stopped halfway, he raised his sword and pointed it at him, "as the prince of the West Kingdom I will defeat you, wings of fire then appeared on his back, his sword was covered in flames, "now you seem serious," said Tribus.

Before he could have finished that statement Aidan appeared right in front of him, the heat that was coming from Aidan scorched Tribus he backed away from Aidan, "I guess ill have to get serious too," said Tribus as he started to change his form.

His horns grew to about two inches long, the marking on his face was less and his power level had grown.

Tribus vanished and reappeared in the sky," that won't save you," said Aidan as he flew off toward Tribus, while they were setting the sky ablaze Evan was struggling to stand.

"This fight isn't going to go in our favor if I just lay here, I have to get up and fight," said Evan as he tried to stand up, "it burns but I have to, I can't just lay here," said Evan," Evan? your hurt, just stay there," said Zeph.

"No Zeph I can't, I refuse to lay here helplessly and wait for someone to rescue me, I know I can do this, after that day in the market I made a promise to myself that I will become strong like William, Zeph I have an idea and I need your help," Said Evan.