Chapter 60: "Keep Fighting"

As the battle above raged on Aidan was bringing the heat and so was Tribus.

"This is the end of the road for you boy, Solar Flare," said Tribus", "Phoenix Burn!" shouted Aidan as both attacks clashed and exploded," I don't think you have the power to launch another attack like that, but I do," said Tribus with a sinister smile on his face.

"Zeph tap into possession and fire an Air Arrow at me," said Evan "what? are you crazy?" asked Zeph, "just trust me, it won't harm me," said Evan, I hope this works he whispered.

Zeph tapped in possession and fired the Air Arrow at Evan he then stretched out his sword which was covered in flames, the air made the flame grow in size then it subsided a little and then the flames turned blue," whoa," said Zeph.

"Yes! I have one shot, I have to make this work," said Evan as he was positioning himself, Evan turned and looked at Aidan and Tribus," now it's time to finish you and that weakling with one attack, Solar Flare!" shouted Tribus.

Evan slightly bend his knees, lifted his sword up took a deep breath, and launched his attack Flame Slash, he then shouted, "Aidan, to your left."

Aidan was surprised to hear Evan's voice.

Aidan felt an intense heat coming closer to him, blue flames rushed past him, it cut the Solar Flare in two, Tribus was astonished "what the!" said Tribus, he was slashed diagonally from his forehead down.

As the attack carried him away he started to laugh as he was going berserk," this can't stop me!" shouted Tribus, "now that's far enough, Flame Slash: Blue Inferno," said Evan the attack exploded, engulfing Tribus in a ball of blue fire, it burned away Tribus leaving King Ingatuius alive but unconscious, he started to fall from the sky, Aidan caught him before he hit the ocean.

"I did it," said Evan he then fell to the ground, his feet were weak," I really did it," said Evan with a smile on his face.

"He did it! Dad? Dad? Wake up!" said Aidan, King Ingatuius started to moan and opened his eyes slowly," Aidan Is that you? my son," said Ignatius," with tears in his eyes he said, "yes dad it's me."

"Thank you," said Ignatius he then passed out again, Aidan hug his father and cried, "Evan, you have truly grown," said Zeph," Light user, you are quite an impressive mage, for your age, my mother would be proud but let me show you what separates me from you," said Gavel.

He lifted his staff up and chanted a spell in an unknown language then he said, "Portal Creation Magic: Dark Dimension," a portal appeared behind him, "this feeling, it's pure evil," said Rose, and dark magic started to gather around Gavel.

He pointed his staff directly at Rose and fired a dark beam, "Light Blast," said Rose as she countered his attack, Gavel started to draw more dark magic from the portal, and the attack was coming closer to Rose.

"You see the separation? I'm willing to plunge this world into darkness if I can't have my way, that's something you will never do," said Gavel, Rose and her mace started to glow, "what is this?" asked Gavel as he intensified the beam.

"You lack conviction, this type of magic is forbidden, you are breaking the rules of magic, you're a disappointment, Piercing Light!" shouted Rose, her attack went right through Gavel, into the portal, burning a hole through his chest, the portal behind started to close.

As his eyes were wide open and full white, he started to fall from the sky and into the ocean," Rose, what about William?" asked Zeph, "ill figure out a way to get him back, I promise, I had to close that portal if too much dark magic pours out here it can throw off the natural order of things," said Rose to Zeph.

Just as she was making her way toward Zeph, they both heard a voice in their head at the same time.

"My my, look what you did, tsk tsk, you broke my precious vessel, unforgivable," said Dunkler, Zeph and Rose looked around, who said that? Rose did you hear it?" asked Zeph, "yes I heard it inside my head," said Rose.

"Now I'll have to punish you for your actions little girl," said Dunkler, "it seems like he's also possessed, this isn't good," said Rose as they took a defensive position, a frightening power was then felt by them.

Gavel's body started to rise from the ocean along with his staff, the orb from the staff was pulled out by an unseen force, and it was then placed in the hole that Rose created in his chest, Gavel then started to take on a new form.

With the dark orb in his chest, his eyes were pitch black, he had small white horns on either side of his head, his dark hair had grown even longer, his face had unknown symbols scribed on the left side of his face, with a dead cold stare he said.

"You children don't know your place," said Dunkler he raised his hand and the staff appeared in it, he then said, " Lightning Magic: Bolts," the staff turned into a lightning bolt and multiplied into hundreds, he then threw it at Zeph and Rose and all the others followed, "Blast of Wind, LightWave," said Zeph and Rose, they blew away his attack.

He then appeared before them, taking them by surprise with his incredible speed,' move' said Dunkler, they were pushed aside, Zeph to the left and Rose to the right, he went on to attack Rose, "Fire Magic: Fire Ball," said Dunkler.

Rose uses Earth Sheild, covering herself in a ball of earth, she then teleports out of it, Dunkler then looks up to where she teleported too, "this guy isn't like anyone we have faced before, it's like he knows where I'm going next," said Rose.

" Air Arrows: Exploding Air," said Zeph, he opened a portal catching Zeph's attack, he then lifted his left hand in Rose's direction and opened another portal, launching Zeph's attack at her, and she teleported to where Zeph was.

"Running away from me won't help you, just stay still so I can end you both," said Dunkler, "we have to keep fighting no matter what," said Rose to Zeph, "you might be stronger than us now Gavel but we won't give up," said Rose.

Gavel? that's not my name, I am Dunkler, a tier-one entity, Gavel is sleeping right now so I'm in charge," said Dunkler, " Dunkler? tier-one? that explains the power level, Zeph we have to be on our guard with this guy," said Rose.

"Yes he is very strong, I wonder what's taking William so long, the three of us can take this guy," said Zeph, "yea I know, but it's just us now, so keep up," said Rose.

"I want to crush you before he wakes up," said Dunkler.

"He held both hands up, the atmosphere above him started to crackle, he used an unknown language, then said, "Portal Creation Magic: Black Moon", a massive portal appeared above him, Zeph and Rose's eyes were wide open, astonished and crippled with fear.

Dunkler started to laugh, he then said, "I'm going to crush you to dust," Zeph and Rose looked at each other, and then at Dunkler and tapped into possession, Zeph aimed his bow at the falling moon, and Rose did the same with her mace.

"Winds Of Eight Directions: North," said Zeph a huge compass appeared pointing north, and he fired the arrow into the moon, "Devine Light: Dark Expeller," an intense beam of light followed the arrow, and the entire moon was vaporized by their combined attacks.

"I know you don't have the power left to destroy another Black Moon," said Dunkler, they were both out of breath using almost all of the power they had left," he's right, now what do we do?" asked Zeph.

"He said Gavel was sleeping right? I think I have a spell that I can use to wake him up, just take his focus off me for a few minutes ok Zeph," asked Rose, "oh ok I can do that," said Zeph.

Zeph then speed steps towards Dunkler, "you have decided to die first, excellent," said Dunkler, "I won't be the one dying here today," said Zeph, "here it is!" said Rose after searching the pages of her grimoire.

Rose then teleports behind Dunkler, "little girl you can't sneak up on me," said Dunkler, "I know, why don't you turn and face me? are afraid of a little girl?" asked Rose, as he turned around Rose cast the spell on him," what? Aaah, you sneaky little girl, he's waking up!" said Dunkler.

Gavel is now awakened.

"Arg, Dunkler was in charge again, I can feel him being pulled back into his cage, I hate when he takes over, I only want your power and not you so stay in your cage.

That little girl caught him by surprise, he made them very exhausted that's one good thing, I'll just pick up where I left off," said Gavel as he started to attack Zeph and Rose.