Chapter 64: "A Change Of Heart"

After leaving the Village they made it back to their hideout, Shadow was still unconscious, Hex, Blaine, and Jett were worried, "is there a spell that you can use to wake him up?" Asked Blaine.

"Yes," replied Hex, she used it once and nothing happened, she tried again a few more times but still nothing, "ugh my powers are off since my last fight with Rose," said Hex, "I guess he will just have to wake up on his own," said Jett.

The next day Hex was out training, trying to find her way back to her true power, after infusing her powers with the dark energy, she mostly deepened on the dark energy, "argh! Why can't I get this right?" asked Hex.

"You need to take a break, you have been at this all day," said Blaine, "easy for you to say, you still have control over your powers," said Hex, a few days later Hex had gone further into Forest to train.

"I can feel it coming back to me little by little, I just need to try harder, if I can get my powers working again I can wake Shadow up," said Hex.

Meanwhile at the hideout.

"Hmm, where am I?" Asked Shadow, he was alone, as he sat up he looked around, "I'm at the hideout but where are the others?" asked Shadow,

he then started to have flashbacks of being surrounded by fire and losing consciousness, he then stood up, he was a bit dizzy but he made his way outside.

"Blaine? Jett? Hex? Rigel? Where could they be?" asked Shadow as he was looking around, then he said, "I think I know where I can find one of them, he then started to walk, making his way through the forest, and he could hear crying in the distance.

"That voice," said Shadow, as he got closer, he saw Hex on her knees crying, "why can't I get this right, my powers I need you, I want to wake him up," said Hex, "wake who up? "Asked Shadow.

Hex stopped crying instantaneously, with her eyes wide open, she turned her head to see if she was hearing properly, "Shadow, he feels different, " she whispered, and he then smiled.

And as he made his way closer to her, he knelt down before her and wiped the tears from her face, she hugged him and started crying again, "Hey, I just wiped those away," said Shadow.

He then stood up with her, "I can't believe you are really here, I'm so happy you woke up, I thought you weren't going to wake up," said Hex, "you know I'm much stronger than that, I see you're having some trouble with your powers," said Shadow.

"Yes, ever since I fought Rose, I have lost the dark energy seal, so now I'm left with my original powers but I can't seem to get control of it," said Hex," I can't seem to feel mine anymore either, it seems like that pillar of fire didn't really burn me physically but it burnt away my dark energy seal," Said Shadow.

He then took one of his gloves out and put it on, he placed his hand on the ground and it started to freeze a little bit.

"You have to remember you're true purpose, think back to a time before the seal, what brought you joy? Focus on that, feel the power flow throughout your body, then take control of it," said Shadow.

"Oh ok I'll give it a try, Hex closed her eyes," as she went through her thoughts, an image of Agatha appeared in her mind, she thought to herself, you brought me joy, you saved my life, my reason for living, Hex's powers started to flow throughout her body, she started to levitate, "this feeling, I remember it now, how could I have forgotten you," thought Hex.

She then opened her eyes, tears were running down her face.

Shadow then stretched his hand up to her, she held it, and he formed some ice around both their hands, Hex smiled and said, "thank you Shadow, Transformo," the ice turned into white butterflies, and after spending some time together.

They made their way back to the hideout, "Shadow!" shouted Jett," he is back!" Shouted Blaine, and they both ran out to meet them." Jett, Blaine, it's good to see you guys again," said Shadow, the next day Shadow explained to them that things were going to be different from now on.

"We have been going about this the wrong way, we won't hurt good people anymore we will hunt the bad ones but we need to train so we can get stronger, after that, we are going to the Central Kingdom to assist the Prince.

Back at the castle, After they all left at William's request.

"Prince William, the young man who changed my life, after our last encounter, I was unconscious for a couple of days, I was fighting a battle on the inside, my true self verse the person that I had become because of King Darius,

all he took from me, the burden he placed on my comrades, I took it all, All the bad things I had done came back to me, I started to question myself, what if I had done things differently from the path I was currently on,

how did I lose sight of what was important, I let King Darius get the best of me but never again because now we have you and your friends a force that stands against him," Said Shadow.

William and the others couldn't believe what they were hearing, "Rose check this out," said Hex, she then began to levitate, "you have accessed your powers, said Rose with a smile, "yeah with Shadow's help," said Hex.

Zeph and Evan didn't trust him, Zeph said to William, "do you believe this guy?" "He does seem different from the first time I met him and if he wanted to do any harm he would have done so while we were away so I'll take his word for it," said William.

"I still haven't forgiven him for what he did to my village," Said Evan, "we will keep a close eye on him said Zeph to William.

"I'm glad you had a change of heart, the battle ahead of us is great and we can use all the help we can get, we want to put an end to that madman's reign cause if we don't a lot more people will continue to suffer at his hands," said William.

"Yes we have to," said Shadow, "how do you plan on stopping him?" asked Shadow, "I have a plan but it's in its early stages, come and see me five days from now so we discuss this plan."

After they had chatted some more, oh ok, we will stick around until then, see you in five days," said Shadow.

Shadows and his friends took their leave, "I wonder how far Beatrice went," said William.

"Let's check her quarters," said Rose, they all made their way to her quarters, and they could smell herbs boiling," she's here," said Evan, "Beatrice we're back," said Rose," welcome back!" said Beatrice.

A brief moment of silence filled the room, a cloud of gloominess came over William, he had a disappointed look on his face, Beatrice could feel that things didn't go as planned, "I couldn't save him!" said William.

He sighed, I tried my best to bring him back but I failed, he gave me a message to give you before he left, he said that he was sorry," she looked at them and then smiled, "you didn't fail William, you got through to him, thank you," said Beatrice.

William had a confused look on his face," the few times he came to see, he said he would never apologize to me for the things he had done, well I guess you did something to him," said Beatrice, "Rose, give her the orb," said William.

Rose came forward and handed the orb to Beatrice, "this was the last place I saw your son, he is trapped inside this orb," said William," It was shrouded in darkness I had to use my light magic to make it clear, Beatrice's face lit up.

Her eyes were glossy while she smiled, "thank you for this," said Beatrice, she looks happy thought, William, "oh I received a message from John," said Beatrice," from John, how? did he come back?" asked William, "no I made some communication devices with some help Rose, and I gave him one before he left, the last time he was here," said Beatrice.

"Devices?" asked Evan, "yes, here take a look," said Beatrice, Rose can you do the honors, Rose stretched out her Mace over them and charged them using her light magic," they run on magic," said Beatrice.

After they were charged up, she then handed them out, "how do they work?" asked Evan as he was exploring it, "ok everyone go into a different room," said Beatrice, they all split up and went to various parts of the castle.