Chapter 65"An Uneasy Crowd"

William turned on the device and spoke into it, Zeph, Evan and Rose could hear him loud and clear, Zeph and Evan were astonished, "this is a cool invention, Beatrice and Rose outdid themselves this time," said Evan.

"So this is how John was able to communicate with Beatrice, incredible," said William.

Later that day William called a meeting, Zeph, Rose, Evan, Deana, Thomas, Joy, and Beatrice were present, he told them about all the things that were happening, how they saved the king of the West and East Kingdoms, and about their common enemy and that the Kings were coming to visit, to discuss a plan to stop King Darius.

The next day word started to spread that the kings of the West and East Kingdoms were coming to the Central Kingdom, the people were fearful, even though ten years had passed it was still fresh in some of the peoples' minds what took place.

The people started to gather outside of the castle's gate, "what's that sound?" Asked Zeph, they all stood up and made their way to where the sound was coming from, Thomas came into the dining room and said, "Prince William the people in the city and the surrounding villages have gathered at the castle's entrance."

"Why? Did something bad happen?" Asked William," they heard that the King of the East and West Kingdoms are coming here, so they are uneasy because of what happened ten years ago," said Thomas.

"News travels fast," said William, "You need to talk to them William," said Evan, "Your people need you," said Rose, "I understand how they feel, let's go," said William to them, as they made their way to the entrance of the castle the murmuring grow louder, the crowd was restless.

"Open the gates, here comes the Prince," said one of the guards, "no, don't open it the crowd sounds large so I need to address them from a high point," said William.

Deana, come here, as she made her way, he took her by the hand and held her close, he then drew his sword and touched the ground with the tip and said, "Water Boost," propelling them into the air and onto the wall of the castle.

The guards who saw this were fascinated, the crowd on the opposite side of the wall saw the Prince and the Princess and the crowd started to get quiet as the people bowed down.

Voices could be heard throughout the crowd saying, "look it's the prince and the princess," his majesty," when did they get up there?"

"Rise, I see the recent news as gathered you all here, Many of you may be doubtful about the news you heard but the rumors are true," said William, the crowd started to murmur again.

William then raised his hand, and the crowd went hush, "what happened here over ten years ago isn't something someone just gets over just like that, I know many of you were affected, physically, mentally, and emotionally,

so hearing that those who brought you that pain and suffering are coming back again would be a cause for concern, I'm here to reassure you that their visit will not end in another invasion or anything of that sort, King Ignatius, King Naseem, and I have an understanding,

They are truly sorry for what had taken place, many of you might not take that apology as it is but trust my words, things have changed for the better, the events of the past also had a major impact on our lives, so I understand what you are all going through,

and even if there should be a recurrence, the army will be placed on standby but even before the army is called upon just know that I am here now and I will protect all of you," said William as he gripped his sword tighter.

The water in the moat, that surrounded the castle started to rise, and the people started to look around at the water, "even if it kills me cause every one of you means something to me, without you there wouldn't be the Central Kingdom we are one family," said William," and he isn't alone," said Zeph as he was flying to the left of William, suddenly Rose and Evan appeared on his right," his family is my family," said Rose, "mine too," said Evan.

The crowd found comfort in the words of the Prince, they were also amazed by his entrance and his companions," it seems like you have subdued the crowd," said Zeph.

The water in the moat started to return to its normal level after the crowd calmed down they all departed to their villages, and homes, William's words touched the people, and a gleam of hope now shines within their hearts with the young Prince at the center of it.

"Well done my Prince, that was something else!" shouted Thomas, "you did well brother, can you take me back down now I hate heights, mom and dad would be so proud, there is something I want to show you later on," said Deana.

After they were back on the ground Zeph said, " guys I have something that I have to take care of I'll be back in two days," "and the Kings will be here in three days, are you sure you don't want any company?" asked William.

"No, I'm ok plus I'm flying so you guys will only slow me down," said Zeph as he was tapping into possession, "show off," said Evan, Zeph then flew away in a westward direction, William and Rose knew exactly where he was going, "in time he will take us," said William as he watched Zeph disappearing into the sky.

"Ok start making the necessary preparations we have two days, suddenly Beatrice came rushing to them, "Prince William, come quickly, John wants to talk to you," shouted Beatrice, "John!" said William as he rushed over to Beatrice, he took the device and said, "John, are you ok? asked William.

"my Prince it's good to hear your voice again, I am doing ok, I can't stay long, word has reached here about the defeat of Gavel and King Ignatius, the King is furious but he is also planning something big I haven't figured out what it is as yet but when I do I'll tell you, I heard there is a new team under the king that's planning an invasion in one week from today but I have no idea where they are going or who the team members are as yet," said John.

"Thank you, John, please be safe your job is so dangerous, hold tight, this will be all over soon, I saw Francis and he is doing well," said William, "ok my Prince thank you, give him my love, I have to go now," said John.

"That look on your face," said Rose, "King Darius is planning something big, you know nothing good can come from that, it must be the war," said William," we have to start preparing for what's to come," said Rose, "yeah I'm ready whenever you guys are ready," said Evan.

Later on that day in the cool of the evening, on the west balcony of the castle, William found his sister," Hey sis, you said you had something to show me," said William, "oh yes, come with me," she said as she made her way off the balcony, downstairs and out of the castle," oh yes, with all that's been going on, I have been working on something," said Deana.

"Oh ok, what is it?" asked William," after the invasion ten years ago the people that survived found the remains of the mom and dad and buried them, that's where we are going it's outside of the castle walls," William stopped walking.

" I didn't want to break you down at a time like this when you are so busy with making things better," said Deana, "it's ok, I never thought about what happened to them after the invasion," said William as he started to walk again.

" I got some workmen to build a tomb around the area, William saw a dome-shaped caved, its stairs were covered in gold, the doors were made of cedarwood and gold, when he opened the door it was well lit with torches and spacious, the family crest was present at the highest point of the dome.

"Mom, dad," whispered William as he slowly made his way to their graves, they were buried side by side, he looked at both of them, "William started to cry," Deana held him as they both wept, it hasn't been easy without you guys here, I'm trying to keep everyone safe as possible while restoring the kingdom to its former glory," said William to the graves of his parents.

"They know William and they are proud of you, I am proud of you," said Deana, "it's good to know that you are here so I know where to come when I need to talk to you guys, thank you, Deana, for doing this," said William.

"Your welcome little brother, they spent a few more hours there, then they returned to the castle.