Chapter 70: "Life or Death"

Four days ago.

A very bright light lit up a section of the island, that drew the attention of all those who saw it, the fairies got there first, "alert Queen Luna, tell her to come quickly," said one of the fairies, Luna saw the light as well and was making her way towards it,.

The fairy that was sent to call her, ran into her, "my Queen they don't look to be in good shape at all," said the fairy, "who?" asked Luna," the kids who protected us," said the fairy, she saw William, Zeph, Rose, Evan, and Riah tattered and bleeding, she didn't hesitate, "I couldn't even feel there arrival, take them to the Tree of Life, quickly," said Luna.

Rose's mother had just arrived, just seeing her daughter in that condition made her knees weak and her eyes watery, "Rose! what happened to her? my poor baby," cried Kalina, "I'm not sure but we have to get them to the tree," said Luna.

They were taken to the center of the forest by the creatures that lived on the island, a huge glowing tree that sat above the ground on three main roots, with about six branches on its trunk and its leaves were small and glowing, the warm glowing light emitting from this tree had healing properties as well.

"Place them under the tree," said Luna, the three main roots started to push out other roots that began to cover William and the others," they are on the brink of death, now it's time to choose life," said Luna.

"This will take some time," said Luna as she and the creatures turned away, Kalina stood there still, "I'm not leaving, I want to make sure my baby girl is alright," said Kalina," she will be ok, your daughter is very strong, she will pull through, she just needs time to heal," said Luna.

"Your right she is strong, I wonder who could have done this to them?" asked Kalina," that's what I want to know as well when Sol comes back from her mission I'll send her to the Central Kingdom to find out what happened," said Luna.

Four days later.

Inside of the glowing roots, they were regaining consciousness, except Evan, the three main roots started to pull in the other roots that were around them, Kalina heard the sound and woke up to see what was happening, "they are awake, Rose, finally," she said in a festive tone.

"Where am I?" asked William, he looked around and saw Kalina, "Mother is that you?" asked Rose," she ran and hugged Rose, "yes it's me!" said Kalina, "how did we end up here?" asked Zeph," I brought us here, just before I lost consciousness," said Rose.

"You did? thank you, Rose, you saved us, where is Evan?" asked William," he is still healing, inside of the roots," said Luna," it's good to see you in good health Prince William, Rose, and Zeph," said Luna, Queen Luna, thank you for helping us," said William with his head bowed," it's the least I could do, who is that?" asked Luna, "oh pardon me, this is Princess Riah, of Bellquin," said William.

"Bellquin?" said Luna in a solemn tone," ill explain everything, so William began to explain everything that happened up to the point where they were beaten on Key Island," and that's how we ended up here.

"So King Darius's children now bare the other three magical items plus they are all possessed, this is troublesome, they sound quite powerful," said Luna, Princess Riah started to cry, she then said "Orly, everyone on the island are all dead because of me.

William, Zeph, and Rose started to feel sad," hey Princess, feeling sad about them won't make things better, bring their hopes and dreams to life, the world they envision with you has their hope, make it a reality," said William.

Princess Riah stopped crying, her spirit was lifted, and William's words touched her," I will," said Princess Riah as she wipes the tears from her face, "how long will it take for Evan to wake up?" asked William.

" I'm unsure, his body is still healing," said Luna, Everyone back home must be worried out of their minds about us," said Rose, "that's true, we were expected back days ago," said Zeph, "I'm still recovering," said Rose.

"And Sol isn't here to take you guys back," said Luna," no its better this way, it will give us the upper hand, let the enemy think we are dead, furthermore we were supposed to come back here to get stronger now here we are," said William.

"With that said there is someone here that I want you to meet, he will be teaching you guys something very special after you have learned this, Rose I will be your teacher thereafter, the others will continue with him, come with me and don't worry too much about Evan he will be ok, the fairies are watching over him," said Luna.

" Brother, we will be waiting for you," said William to Evan, "ok let's go," said William, and they all went with Luna to her castle, " first of all you guys need a change of clothes those are damaged," yea I guess your right," said William, a set of golems came with new clothing for all of them, they went and took a bath and changed into their new outfits.

"Is it me or do these clothes feel heavy?" asked Zeph, " you're right and it's like the more I move the heavier they get," said William, even the shoes feel that way too," said Zeph, "I like this!" said William excitedly, they met up with Rose in the hallway, "yours too?" asked Zeph, "yeah," said Rose.

"Mines aren't," said Riah, as they were making their way back to the Queen's throne room," those look wonderful on you, do you like them?" asked Luna, "I do, how did you make these? " asked William."

"It's magic," said Luna she then chuckled, "join me for dinner, said Luna as she got up and made her way to the dining hall, a twelve-foot table well set with different varieties of food, "wow, this looks delicious," said William, "I have never seen some of these dishes in my entire life," said Zeph.

"Eat up, you will need your energy for what comes next," said Luna, they all ate there full," that was a splendid meal, thank you," said William," when will we meet the person that's going to train us?" asked Zeph, "eager I see, first thing in the morning," said Luna.

"May I be pardoned?" asked William," yes," said Luna, William wasn't feeling too good knowing that Evan wasn't with them, so he went to the Tree of Life to check on him.

" You're still in their brother, I hope you can come to us soon, it's not the same not having you around."

"Yes, that's true," said Zeph.

" He is a part of the family," said Rose.

" William was surprised by their presence, " guys, how did you know I was here?" asked William.

"Where else would you go?" asked Zeph.

The next morning they were woken by the golems, " the Queen requests your presence," they said.

"They all made their way to the Queen's throne room," it's time, Aariyeh is expecting you, the fairies will show you the way but before you go have some breakfast," said Luna, after they had finished eating they set out on their journey to Aariyeh's place.

"I wonder what he's like?" asked Rose," he's very old and stays by himself," said one of the fairies," but he is a cool guy," said another one, they walked for about five kilometers, "we are here he lives up that mountain.

"That's a steep mountain," said William.