Chapter 72: "The Sage"

"Best of luck to you on the rest of the journey," said the fairies in a chorus as they flew off back to the castle," oh ok guys lets go, we just need to get to the top of this mountain," said William, as they stared up the mountain in front of them," easier said than done," said Zeph.

They began to climb the steep terrain, with the heavy garments making it twice as hard, they persevered, stopped, and fell back a couple of times but managed to make it halfway up the mountain.

"Look guys there are some steps," said Rose as she pointed at them, "that will make climbing up a little easier," said William, "normally I would just fly up but I need to get stronger to beat the crap out of that loudmouth brat Ashni," said Zeph.

"My ear is ringing, someone must be talking about me," said Ashni as she looked around.

" It took them roughly four hours to climb the mountain, "finally the top," said an exhausted William," yes!" shouted Zeph with the energy he had left," Welcome, you three, I see you have finally made it to the top," said an old man.

He was sitting in a meditative position and his back was turned to them, he had strange drawings on his skin, his head was bald and he was sitting there in a white robe," you must be Aariyeh, I'm William," said William, "I am Rose," said Rose, "and I am Zeph," said Zeph, it's nice to meet you, welcome to my home," said Aariyeh as he was standing up.

"There is this herb I like to drink after a session of meditation but the little I had here is finished, it grows at the foot of the mountain, it's an evergreen vine with a small yellow fruit on it, could you run down and get some for me," asked Aariyeh.

"They all stared at him in mute silence and then looked down the mountain, "down there?" asked Zeph, Aariyeh smiled and nodded his head, "ok guys let's go," said William.

" Before you go, leave your weapons here," said Aariyeh, they were hesitant at first but William placed his down first and the others followed, then they turned away and started down the mountain.

"So he's the leader, she's in love with him and the other one sees them as his siblings, they do remind me of their ancestors," said Aariyeh to himself, he then made his way to the weapons, he could feel the power of the gods emitting from them, he bowed in reverence said," we meet again.

"They haven't acknowledged the gods they possess, they need to embrace them becoming one with them, this is one of the main things they need to become stronger, the gods have already chosen them, so they need to return the favor.

After William, Rose and Zeph found the herb the sage needed they made their way slowly back up the mountain, "I can't feel my leg I'm just walking on numbness," said Zeph, "same here," said Rose, "just a little further," said William.

After they made it back up the mountain they were extremely exhausted, the sage had something prepared for them to consume to restore their energy.

"Thanks for the herbs, building your physical strength is one of the three keys to unlocking your full potential, the second key is meditation, establishing a stronger connection with yourself and the god that resides in your weapon, the third key is teamwork, Building a stronger bond with the ones around you, tomorrow's first lesson will be meditation," said Aariyeh.

The next morning when they woke up and went outside they saw Aariyeh talking to someone, the person was laying down on the ground," wait, that whining sounds familiar is that Evan?" asked William," it is him!" said Zeph excitedly.

They all rushed over to Evan and embraced him, "hey guys these clothes, this mountain," said Evan, and they started to laugh, "we know, you should have been here yesterday," said William.

Their meditation training was about to start, after they had finished catching up, Aariyeh started to explain to them how to sit to make the meditation work, they followed his example," place your weapons across your lap and rest your hands on them, now clear your mind of everything, with your breathing, inhale clarity and exhale cloudiness," said Aariyeh.

After meditating they had physical training, the mountain was an important part of that training, they were sent to search for another herb, and they kept on doing this until the mountain was getting a bit easier to climb no matter how exhausted they were, on the third day of meditation something special happened.

They all had a connection with the gods inside their weapons, each of them was brought to a subconscious plane, William was standing in the middle of the ocean, and Yam was standing afar with his back turned.

Rose was in a bright place and Theia was facing her smiling.

Zeph was in the sky and Stribog was above looking down at him.

"You made it," said Yam, "yes, I want to become stronger, I want to protect them all," said William as he bowed down, "to wield the true power of a god isn't something any mere mortal can do, you have to be strong in mind, body and soul are you strong?" asked Yam.

" Yes I am," said William, then stand up and show me," said Yam.

"The Goddess Theia," said Rose as she bowed her head," Hi Rose, I think this is the second time we are ever meeting like this," said Theia.

"Boy, why are you here?" asked Stribog, "more power," said Zeph, "and your sure you can handle this?" asked Stribog, "yes!" said Zeph, "then prove it," said Stribog.

Zeph, Rose, and William, now have to prove to the gods that they are worthy to wield their true power.

William went on to attack Yam, but he was defeated in an instant, he opened his eyes, and thought to himself," fighting a god isn't an easy thing to do but I have to defeat him," Zeph did the same and was defeated by Stribog in no time.

Rose knew she wasn't any match for Theia, "you have been in the presence of the gods I can tell, so how did it go? asked Aariyeh, "not so well," said William, Zeph didn't answer, Rose said, "I think we need to increase our physical training."

"That's one part but they still haven't figured out yet," thought Aariyeh.

For the next four days, they went into some serious physical training and sparring with each other, as the days went by they were growing stronger, on this particular day everything was about to change again, while they were making their way down the rugged terrain of the mountain, there heard a strange sound.

"What's making that sound asked Rose, they all stopped and listen closely, it was coming from Evan, they all turned and looked at him, "Evan, what's that?" asked William, he was clueless as well until it struck him, ooh, its the communication device Rose made, I accidentally left the castle with it, it got damaged I think on Key island when I was fighting Victor I was suppose to show it to Rose but I forgot," said Evan as he was taking it out of his pocket.

He then handed it to Rose, "you're right it got damaged but it still working it just wants to be charged up a bit," said Rose as she was using her light magic to charge it, " someone is trying to communicate with us right now," said Rose," it could be either John or Beatrice, answer it," said William.

" Rose? Prince William? is anyone there," asked Beatrice, "yes Beatrice," said Rose," thank the gods, I know you weren't dead like they said, where is the Prince and the others?" asked Beatrice with an exhilarated tone," I am here Beatrice, we are all here," said William, Beatrice was crying she was very happy to hear from them, the Princess is devastated, everyone thinks you guys are dead, the entire kingdom is in mourning.

They will be happy when they hear that you are alive, that will give them hope and strength to fight in the war," said Beatrice.

" The war? who told the people about the war?" asked William, Bellquin declared war upon us, John gave us a heads up about four days ago of the coming war but I haven't heard from him since it seems like he has been found out because the transmission ended abruptly," said Beatrice.

" What!" said William in a stern tone," yes my Prince the war is in two weeks, our armies are ready," said Beatrice," oh ok Beatrice, listen to me carefully, tell no one you have spoken to us we have to use the element of surprise, we will make it back before the war starts," said William.

"Oh ok Prince William I trust your judgment, you have my word, your people need you more than ever, so I know you'll come in time," said Beatrice, "thank you, Beatrice, then the transmission ended.

There was a moment of silence, they have never experienced war before, and they didn't know what to expect, they then started to look at each other.

"Guys, this is it, we spoke of it but saying something and doing it are two different things," said William," yeah, anything can happen with this war," said Zeph," we have to do everything in our power to make this war go our way," said Rose.

" Time is against us, two weeks from now, we will be fighting a war," said Evan," we aren't where we want to be in strength or power, let's go see Luna, maybe she can offer a solution," said William.