Chapter 75: "When War Begins, Then Hell Opens Part 2"

Edward flies toward William in a mad rush, "My brothers, Bash and Tu, I will avenge my brothers after I defeat you," said Am as he glared at Evan, "now he's mad, Zeph tore through that giant like he was nothing," said Evan.

Am started to spin his ball and chain, he then threw it at Evan, he dodges it and attacks Am, he cuts him diagonally but his armor was protecting him, "hahaha your little sword is like a feather to my armor," said Am.

" I need to finish you off so can join William and Zeph," said Evan," finish me off? you say that as you could, you're weak," said Am," am I weak?" asked Evan.

Evan's sword then started to blaze, "what is this, coming from him," said Am, Evan speed stepped towards Am with his sword on fire, he swang his sword diagonally, cutting Am's armor in two, "when did he?" asked Am.

His armor started to get very hot on him, and he started to take it off," can't take the heat?" asked Evan, Am was angry, he then threw his ball and chain at Evan, he chopped the ball into two," all this brute strength and look what you're doing with it," said Evan.

Am then reached for the mace that he had on his back, "I'm going to pound you into dust," said Am, Evan then held his firey sword in front of him, and as Am rose his mace to smash Evan, he speeds stepped towards Am, " Flame Slash," said Evan.

He then appeared behind him, there was a trail of fire running from the center of Am's head down to his lower abdomen.

As Am was slowly turning around he burst into flames.

"How are you even alive?" asked Edward as the spare clashed against William's sword," dying was never an option," said William as he pushed him off," Water Boost," said William as Edwards's feet touched the ground.

Edward then vanished, evading the attack," you can't run from me, Water Slash, " said William as he appeared behind him, Edward was slashed horizontally across his back, and he fell to the ground," you got a little stronger so what? let me show you real power, "said Edward as he was being consumed by dark energy.

His short black hair had gotten longer, one of his eyes was completely black, his complexion was darker, and he had some strange writing on his face and arms.

Dark clouds started to gather over the battlefield, thunder was rolling, lightning started to crackle over the crater where Ashni lay, and lightning started to strike the ground repeatedly, Ashni then started to levitate.

Making her way out of the hole, her appearance had changed, she had one horn on the left side of her head, and her complexion was darker, "how disrespectful," said Ashni in a low tone, and she flew off into the dark clouds.

She started throwing lightning bolts at Riah and Mul, they were hit out of the sky, and they crashed to the ground, "now I have got you," said Ashni in a low tone," Mul are you ok?" asked Riah as she was dragging herself over to Mul, " Lightning, Thunder, Clap," said Ashni from the dark clouds.

By this time Riah had reached over to where Mul was, she looked up and saw Ashni's attack coming towards her and Mul, "she is going to kill everyone in this area, I won't lose another friend, not now, not ever again," said Riah.

She then stretched her left hand out to the attack.

"So that's your magic, you have the ability to transform things, from one form to another," said Sol, " yes, but it takes a lot of energy out of me," said Riah as she was breathing heavily.

"Formular ändern," (Translate: Change Form) said Riah, she turned Ashni's attack into a horde of crows, Riah then passed out, and all who saw were astonished," she saved us," said one of the soldiers' from Bellquinn."

So she has powers, too bad that's the last you will be ever using them," said Ashni as she was charging another attack, she then fired it at Riah.

Rose then appeared and said, " Repel," repelling Ashni's attack, she then began to heal Riah and Mul," you," said Ashni to Rose, "you should be focusing on me, Storm Arrow: Rage of Tempest," said Zeph the attack took Ashni by surprise.

Blowing her and the dark clouds away, further into the sky," Zeph!" shouted Evan, Azar surprised Zeph with an attack, and Zeph defended himself with his bow.

" Zeph, Flame Slash!" shouted Evan, as the attack drew closer Zeph speed stepped away from Azar as he was barely defending himself against it, "what is this? Child's play," said Azar."

" Explode," said Evan, a massive explosion rang out on the battlefield, with Azar at the center of it a raging fiery inferno, "brother! Heavy Gravity: Orb," shouted Victor, as he launched an attack at Evan.

Evan cut through Victor's attack," it seems, you have gotten stronger, I hope you die quickly because if you let me draw my weapon, your death will be very slow and painful," said Victor.

Zeph was already making his way up to Ashni, the fire around Azar was dying out," luckily I used this power else I would have sustained some serious damage, that guy, be careful Victor," said Azar as he was looking at Victor and Evan.

"Rose? is Mul ok?" asked Riah as he was regaining consciousness, "yeah he is, you did well, Sol would be proud," said Rose," thanks," said Riah with a smile," I have to go now ok," said Rose, as she was standing up.

"You look different than before, have you also gotten stronger?" asked Azar, Rose then faced Azar, " this time around, things are going to be different," said Rose with a smile as she gripped the mace.

"I see you're on par with my current strenght, I hate fighting weaklings," said Edward, "that's all you people care about, power and strength," said William, "what else is there in this world, without strenght and power you will get trampled," said Edward.

"You and your family are going about it the wrong way, making other people's life hard so you can have your own way, that's unacceptable," said William, "when you have this much potential and power the whole world should know," said Edward as their weapons clash.

They both landed on top of the water after being pushed back by the impact, "you don't get it, this world should be ruled, Magnitude Seven: Abyss," said Edward as he strikes the water with the spare, the ocean floor started to shake and break up, a large dark hole opened up under William's feet, swallowing up the water along with William.

Edward then started to close the hole.

"And those who oppose my way will be swallowed up," said Edward, the hole was then sealed shut, and covered with water.

"And what about those who can't be swallowed up?" asked William, Edward was astonished as he turned around to see William standing behind him, "how did you get out?" asked Edward, "if you can keep up I'll show you, Multiple Water Boost," said William.

Edward was been hit into the sky, William then started to make his way up to him, Edward said "Rising Earth," large chunks of the earth started to float up towards Edward, William then drew some of the water to his sword," Wave Length!" shouted William, shattering some of the earth that was coming upon him, the rest of it then formed a ball around him.

Ashni raises her hands with the axes and says, "Lightning Tigress," a large tigress made of lightning appeared, its roar was the sound of thunder, and it then pranced at Zeph.

He made his eagle larger as it defended him, with its paws clutching onto both its wings, they wrestled, the tigress tries to bite the neck of the eagle, and the eagle sinks its claws into its stomach.

Another eagle was above them circling and making a series of high pitch whistling, Ashni started to attack Zeph head-on, the axes covered in lightning clashed against the blades of air.

" Electric Wave," said Ashni as she tried to electrocute Zeph, he vanishes and reappears further away from her," if you don't stay still ill have to just electrocute everything here," said Ashni.

"I have to defeat her here and now, this has gone on for far too long," said Zeph as he was tapping into possession, the air pressure started to change, "now you're getting serious, ill do the same as well," said Ashni as she started to change her form again.

"I have only used this form once before, all this power surging through my body, it's exciting!" shouted Ashni, she started to move fast like lightning, launching multiple attacks at Zeph but he was dodging and deflecting them, my dense air shield came in handy.

She backed off and went a bit further into the sky, she raised the axes to the sky, a heap of darker clouds started to gather, the thunder was louder than before, it was frightening, lightning was decorating the sky," this doesn't look good," said Zeph.

"I'll kill everything! let me see you dodge this! A Thousand Years Of Lightning!" shouted Ashni.

The entire sky was lit up with the ultimate lightning storm, and the entire army's attention was on the lightning storm that was coming at them, "what the hell," said Evan," now he's gonna get it, Ashni went crazy, this is exciting, I'm motivated," said Victor.

"So much lightning, Stribog are you seeing this?" asked Zeph, " yes I see it, show her your new strength," said Stribog.

"Zeph then took aim, with his cape gently blowing in the wind, a compass then appeared bearing the four cardinal points, he lifted his right hand into the sky while using his left hand to aim the bow, air from the north, east, west and south started to pull into his right palm.

He then pulled back his hand as if he was pulling on a string and said," the wind that blows away the chaff, Winds Of Eight Directions: North, East, West, and South," a massive arrow made of air was shot at Ashni, she then launched her attack.

The attacks clashed, a power struggle started, Zeph's attack started to push Ashni's back, and the sky was overwhelmed with lightning, Ashni started to push back with all her might but it was futile, the arrow went through her attack.

Hitting her head on, she was shot further into the atmosphere until she was no more, the sky was clear and blue, all the dark clouds had vanished, it was like a storm had passed through.

Zeph saw the axes falling from the sky, Zeph speed stepped towards them and grabbed them.

" Sister?" asked an astonished Victor, "Ashni!" your friend will pay for that after I kill you," said Azar to Rose," he defeated her, Ashni, sigh," said Edward," focus on our fight, we didn't come here to lose," said William.

"Light Blast," said Rose, Azar blocks it with the sword, he scoffs and then deflects it, he rushes over to Rose to cut her, she blocks the sword with her Mace, "LightWave," said Rose, her attack pushed him away, Azar was very angry he then started to transform.

"My little sister is gone now I will definitely avenge her," said Azar with his body covered in fire and his eyes blazing with anger and revenge, Rose fired a Piercing Light at Azar he took it like it was nothing.

Rose was astonished, "I can't feel any pain in this state, your attacks are nothing," said Azar as he was about to attack Rose head-on, Rose defended herself, and as their weapons clashed, they started to move so fast those who were watching them couldn't keep up with their movements.

Rose then appeared, Azar tried to slash her, she slips his attack and hits him with her Mace.

He was slammed to the ground, and he got up like it was nothing," this guy isn't human anymore," said Rose.

"I won't stop coming at you, there is no stopping me," said Azar.

Rose then cast a spell, "Liquida Terra," the ground around him turned into sinking sand," is this the best you can do?" asked Azar as he was heating up the ground around him, and he shot out of the sinking sand and up towards Rose.

"No that's not my best," said Rose as she stretched out the Mace to touch him, she teleported him further into the sky, she turned towards him pointing the Mace and tapped into possession," I have to get him far away from everyone cause this will definitely burn everything around it, Light Blast," said Rose.

"You are holding your own against me, ill be the one to take you down, for Ashni," said Victor as he began to draw his sword," he uses those gloves like Shadow to launch his attacks, now he is going to use his sword," said Evan as he took a defensive position.

Victor and Evan rush towards each other, and their swords clash, Evan's sword was losing its composure," Heavy Gravity," said Victor, Evan was still able to move," those heavy clothing I use to wear are finally paying off," thought Evan.

A fire started to engulf his sword, "Gravity Push," said Victor, Evan was pushed away, he caught himself and speed stepped towards Victor swinging his sword, "Flame Slash: Blaze," said Evan.

Victor countered it by swinging his sword upwards, "Gravity Up," said Victor, Evan's attack was sent into the air, "what was that?" asked Evan, "it will take much more than that to hit me," said Victor.

"That's the attack he used to throw William's attack into the air that time on Key Island," said Evan.