Chapter: 76 " When War Begins, Then Hell Opens Part 3"

Evan grips his sword and attacks Victor again, " Gravity Up," said Victor, Evan was flung up into the sky, Victor then appeared above Evan," Heavy Gravity," said Victor, and Evan was flung to the ground under immense pressure.

He tried to stand up against Victor's attack, but he was brought to his knees, as he defended himself with his sword that was already falling apart," I have to get away from under this else ill be crushed," said Evan, his sword was engulfed with fire, he used the flames to escape from under the attack.

"You got out, unacceptable," said Victor as he was changing form, a darker complexion, a white curled horn on the right side of his head, one thin line running from the middle of his forehead and going diagonally across his eyes down to his cheeks, " you too?" asked Evan looking up at him, Victor then smiled sinisterly.

Victor then lifted his sword to the sky, "Now die Falling Gravity Orbs," said Victor, Evan started to evade the orbs as they were falling, he was making his way up towards Victor, and as he got closer he launched a Flame Slash," Victor trapped it in a Gravity Orb, Explode, said Evan.

"Fool, this won't work," said Victor, the orb then exploded, and Victor was flung to the ground by the impact of the attack.

"You got lucky, let me crush you," said Victor as he was getting up, Evan was already launching an assault, their swords clashed, and Victor had a sinister smile on his face," Heavy Gravity: Push," said Victor.

Evan tried to hold up against it, but his sword broke, he took the full impact of the attack, and he crashed into some rocks," the stupid thought that crossed your mind that you could defeat me is the same thought that's gonna cost you your life," said Victor as he made his way over to Evan.

"Burning Inferno Slash," said Azar, his attack was making its way through Rose's attack, Rose then teleports up to where he was," Flaming Dragon Fangs," said Azar as his sword hit against Rose's Mace, a massive flaming dragon's head started to appear around Azar.

He then pushes Rose back, she was pinned against the dragon's fiery fangs as it was moving across the sky with a long body of fire following it, Azar stretched his right hand out, and he started to close his fingers and so the mouth of the dragon was closing.

Rose felt the pressure bearing down on her she then started to glow, and the head of the Dragon then exploded with a bright shining light," just when I was about to crush her," said Azar.

"I think this a good place to do it," said Rose as the bright light was dimming down, Rose's appearance had changed.

She was bearing her crescent moon crown," oh what's this?" asked Azar, "you said you can't feel any pain, I am about to change that outlook you have," said Rose, " hahaha good luck with that," said Azar as he was changing his form again.

Rose took a defensive position, "here goes," said Rose and she teleported and appeared where Azar was swinging her Mace with a ball of light energy around the head of it, Azar countered it with his flaming sword," he started to intensify it.

The energy around the head of the Mace started to expand, the sword was being pushed back on him he was struggling to push it back on Rose.

The Mace then hit the sword onto his chest," Supernova," said Rose, " what the hell is this!" shouted Azar as he was being consumed by the energy from the exploding star," I guess you can feel the pain caused by an exploding star," said Rose, " you bastard!" shouted Azar as he was being carried away by the attack.

It then exploded, a bright light illuminated the sky, and the sword fell out of the huge ball of energy and fell not too far from where Evan landed.

"Azar!" shouted Victor as the bright light caught his attention," I will kill all of you! starting with you," shouted Victor as he turned his attention to Evan who was dragging himself over to the flaming sword," give up, your fight is over now, I'll kill that girl after I'm done with you," said Victor.

"Never," said Evan, as Evan placed his hand on the sword and turned over on his back," Azar, Ashni this is for you, Heavy Gravity," said Victor, who was standing a couple of steps away from Evan with his sword lifted, Evan was being pushed into the ground," Heavy Gravity, Heavy Gravity, Heavy Gravity!" shouted Victor by this time a hole fifteen feet deep was created, with Evan at the bottom of it, "Evan!" shouted Rose and Zeph.

"Hmm another descendant, he is tough, he should be dead after taking hits like that, let me wake him up," said Agni, "what is this feeling, it's so warm and relaxing," said Evan, Evan opened his eyes and found himself at the bottom of the hole, "I'm still alive, who was that just now?" thought Evan.

"I am Agni the god of fire that resides in the flaming sword," said Agni, Evan started to freak out," what! I didn't think it was possible to talk to you, I just wanted the sword to defend myself and defeat that guy up there," said Evan.

" I understand but you are tied to this sword, your ancestor used to wield this weapon so your energies are similar," said Agni," Evan was astonished, you can use my powers," said Agni, "my ancestor..." said Evan as he gripped the sword.

He felt the power surging throughout his body, "this is on another level, so this is what the others are feeling," said Evan, a fire started to well up around Evan, as he stood to his feet," it's like the fire is mending my broken bones, I feel so energetic," said Evan.

His eyes were on fire, and the fire started to fill the hole.

Rose was making her way over to Evan, Zeph was heading to face off with Victor, and the fire started to shoot out of the hole, Victor, Rose, and Zeph were astonished, "what is this?" asked Victor.

Evan then crouches down and jumps, he was being propelled by the flames into the sky," Victor then took a defensive position, and Evan was covered by the flames, "Evan," said Rose with a smile, "he's mine!" shouted Evan while he was coming down towards Victor.

He had his sword in the air his lower body was covered in fire," you can't stay dead, ok let me rip you to pieces then," said Victor, "lightning started to flash around Evan's sword, and he then started to make his way down towards Victor," come and meet your dead, Heavy Gravity Up!" shouted Victor.

He swings his sword upwards, and the ground before him started to rise and disintegrate, Evan grips the sword tighter as he was still coming down fast and the gravity was pushing up," he is still coming," said Victor as he intensified the attack.

" This can't stop me," said Evan as he was pushing down closer the Victor, Evan then shouted," Scorching Earth: Hellfire!" Victor tried to defend himself against it but Evan broke his sword, and Victor was slammed to the ground.

A massive crack was created from the impact of Evan's attack, and a raging fire then started to rise out of the crack, Evan was breathing heavily with a smile on his face," is Evan using possession?" asked Zeph," yes he is," said Rose.

"Air Cutter: Cross Cut," said William, Edward took the full impact, the raging fire caught Edward's attention, he was scanning the area for Victor and Azar, but all he saw were Rose, Zeph, and Evan, " your friends have done a very bad thing, cutting down my siblings they will pay for that, filthy peasants," said Edward.

He then flew up into the sky, he lifted the spare up over his head and then threw it into the ocean," come to me," said Edward, the ground then started to shake, "what is this?" asked William, a huge rock monster started to rise up out of the ocean, it measured about one hundred and ten meters tall.

It had seaweed all over it, its roar echoed across the ocean and battlefield," this doesn't look good, the Prince is gonna kill us along with the enemy," said the commander of Bellquin's army.

The spare then came back to Edward, the monster then smashed the ocean floor creating a tsunami that was heading towards William and the armies, William then stretched his hand out and the tsunami stopped and was reduced to nothing but a gentle wave.

The monster then lifted its arms and then started to spin them, huge chunks of rocks were being hurled at Zeph, Evan, and Rose," take this you monster," said Rose as she was hitting back one of the massive rocks back at the monster.

Zeph hit a couple of them with Air Arrows turning them to dust, Evan Flame Slashed some, and they exploded, " Murex, give them hell," said Edward, and the monster started to run towards them, "William then kneeled down and placed his hand on the surface of the ocean, water started to wrap itself around the monster as it was passing him.

A long sea serpent made of water then appeared, restricting the movements of the rock monster, it tried to break free," you have changed, the power of that god should be mine, imagine what I could accomplish with power like that, said Edward.

" Your way of thinking is inferior and selfish, enough of you now," said William as he was creating another sea serpent, it came up under Edward's feet he tried to defend himself against it but he was swallowed up by it, he could be seen inside of the serpent as it was making it's way up to the sky, the spare of earth fell from his hands and into the ocean.

William then brought it to himself on a gentle wave," Rose, come and get this one," said William," we finally got our hands on all the lost magical items, finally," said Evan.

"Yes, that one seems to have taken a liking to you Evan," said Zeph," yeah," said Evan with a smile, "are you ok William?" asked Rose," yes I am, it's good to see that you ok," said William to Rose, an ominous feeling then came over them.

"They all turned their attention to where it was coming from, Edward was standing on the ocean not too far off, breathless and very angry, he had two bracelets on each of his hands, "those are giving off incredible god-like power, could they be?" asked Rose.

"Magical items," said William," she's right William, that power belongs to a god," said Yam, "this guy is a pain in the ass," said Zeph," I admire his determination," said Evan, Rose then teleported with the spare and then reappeared without it.

They then took a defensive position, "you thought I was gonna go down that easily, with these bracelets, ill break this world in two if I have to," said Edward, the rock monster then broke free from William's restrains and started to roar, "Rose, look out!" shouted William as the monster swung his arm to him them away.

Zeph fired an Air Arrow and severed the arm of the monster, the attack made its way to Edward, he stretched out his hand and stopped it, he then shattered it, the monster went on to attack Zeph and Evan as its arm was forming back," William was tapping into possession and so was Rose, they sped off toward Edward," come at me you," said another rock monster then rose up between them.

"Reef Breaker: High Tide, Light Blast," said William and Rose, the rock monster was shattered but it started to come back together," it won't go away unless you take Edward down, ill keep fighting this monster, go," said Rose.

William then went past the monster and towards Edward, he rested the bracelets on each other, making an x with his arms, something dark was forming, as William drew closer to cut him down, he grabbed the darkness and a black slim, double-edged sword made from rocks and dark energy appeared.

William's sword crashed against it, "not so fast," said Edward, he then raises his left hand and let both bracelets touch," Diabase Spikes," said Edward, numerous dark spikes pushed from the sword and impaled William.

Both shoulders, left and right abdomen, "William was astonished, "haha, gotcha," said Edward, he then pushed William back, he landed on his feet, water started to wrap around his body, healing his wounds, "I need to do more damage, something you can heal from," said Edward.

"That sword is different from any I have come across," said William, Edward then appeared before him, swinging his sword, William defended and a fierce sword fight broke out, all you could hear were the swords clashing here and there as they were moving across the ocean at incredible speeds.

" At his current strength he can keep up with me at thirty percent, let's see how he holds out at forty percent," thought William.

As they stand across from each other," are you having a hard time keeping up Prince William?" asked Edward as he points his sword at William," the others are depending on me to defeat this guy, else those monsters won't go away when I tap into forty I have to give it my all," said William.

Edward then runs off towards William with his sword pointing down behind him, William then ran off to meet him with his sword elevated behind him, rocks started to rise up as Edward's sword was coming up, water was wrapping around William's sword, and trailing it as they came closer to each other the rock came up and the water came down and their swords in the middle.

Edward's sword was shattered," impossible," said an astonished Edward, Williams then sent him flying with a Water Boost," I have to make another one," said Edward, he crossed his hands again, this time more power was being harnessed from the bracelets.

William then opened a dimension under his feet, he fell in and then he opened one in the sky little above where Edward was heading," he started to look for William while he was creating another sword," where did he go? asked Edward, he looked up and saw William falling through an opening in the sky, Edward was shocked," so that's how he did it," said Edward.

"This is where it ends for you," said William with his sword above his head, water was being drawn to it through the dimension, "the water that washes away all impurities, Wave Lenght: Heavenly Cresent," said William as he was bringing down his sword, the attack hits Edward and the dark energy that he was using to create another sword.

It was washed away, then the sword came down on the bracelets, the power from the bracelets started to intensify to combat William's attack, Edward's body was being placed under immense pressure from the fluctuating power, the power from the bracelets then exploded.