Chapter: 78 "Velm"

Prince Edward was pulverized by William's attack and the energy from the bracelets, the rock monsters then fell where they stood, "he did it," said Rose, and the remainder of the army which was about two thousand men dropped their weapons and bowed down before Princess Riah.

Who was in the sky sitting on Mul, " we won!" shouted Thomas, the army of Isshoni erupted with cheers, and an explosion was then heard in the distance," did you hear that?" asked Zeph, " yes, where is that coming from? asked Evan.

"Another explosion then rang out, " it's coming from the castle," said William, William opened a portal to the castle, and Rose teleported herself Evan, and Zeph to the castle they all arrived in the castle's outer courts.

Some other soldiers were attacking the castle, around two dozen of them," look, it's the Prince," said one of the guards," whoever is attacking the castle is on the outside of the castle walls," said Rose, "where is my sister?" asked William," my prince she went out to face the attackers," said the guard.

" What, why did you allow that to happen?" asked William," she gave us strict orders not to interfere she will protect us, we beg her to let us defend the castle, she insisted," said the guard, William and Rose rushed towards the gates of the castle," open the gates!" shouted William.

As the huge doors slowly opened before them, what William and Rose saw astonished them, Princess Deana and Princess Arada were the only ones left standing, all the soldiers were laying on the ground unconscious," Deana," said William," Deana was astonished," William?" asked Deana as she was slowly turning around to face him.

She saw William smiling," William!" she shouted, as she rushed over to embrace him," apart of me thought you were dead and I didn't want that part to take over my mind when I heard of the war I thought of all that you have done to bring back the city and the castle to its former glory, I couldn't stand by and watch it get destroyed again, I had to protect it," said Deana as she was crying.

"Thank you for believing in me, thank you both for protecting the people and the castle," said William, " William, Rose, it's good to see you guys again, you look different," said Arada," it's good to see you as well, how did you defeat these guys?" asked William, "that's our little secret," said Deana.

"Come on, tell me, oh, by the way, we won the war," said William," yes!" said Arada and Deana excitedly," what about the children of King Darius?" asked Deana," they won't be a problem anymore," said Zeph, word started to spread around the city and across the Central Kingdom, that the Prince was back and he along with his friends brought them victory in the war against Bellquin.

The Land Of Isshoni had become one again after four hundred years, because of one young Prince's determination, help from his friends, and his influence across the land, this unity brought them a great victory, the war was over but the real battle was about to begin.

The remaining soldiers from Bellquin, set up camp outside of the city, Princess Riah stayed with them, King Ignatius, King Naseem, Aidan, and their parties, along with Thomas, John, William, and the others were in a meeting about the outcome of the war.

" You guys were terrific out there, I really need to step up my training," said Aidan, "indeed," said King Ignatius, "what's our next step Prince William?" asked King Naseem, "we are going to return the magical items back to The Land Of Magic after we return we are heading to Bellquin to take down King Darius," said William.

"News of their defeat will soon reach his ears," said Thomas," yes and by that time, the Prince and his friends should be there," said John," Princess Riah and the rest of the army will accompany us to Bellquin," said William, there a big celebration going on outside the mass was chanting Prince William!

"We have to conclude this meeting, we should be outside celebrating with the people," said William," that's true," said Evan, they celebrated for one day on the second day William, Zeph, Rose, and Evan went back to the Land of Magic to hand over the bracelets and the other magical items to Queen Luna, she congratulated them on the outcome of the war.

" You have taken a liking to that magical item?" said Luna to Evan.

"Yeah, the god inside he spoke to me, he told me that one of my ancestors used to wield this weapon," said Evan, they were all astonished.

"Really?" asked William," yeah with all the excitement I forgot to tell you guys," said Evan," Rose and i saw you using possession too," said Zeph, "Yes it's true," said Rose, "possession? Evan you have really gotten stronger, this is fantastic news," said William," it's all thanks to you bro," said Evan.

" There is one thing I want to do before I hand over the other weapons, I made a promise to Yam, take one of the magical items and hold it along with your own," said William, Zeph and Rose took one of the axes, William held the spear," let them all touch at the same time," said William.

The weapons started to glow and resonate with each other as the energies started to engulf them, and they were all brought to a sub-conscious plane, Evan was looking around, where am I?" asked Evan.

" Welcome and thank you for bringing us back together again," said Yam," yea I'm glad I could help," said William, "who are they?" asked Evan, he saw six individuals, and he then felt this familiar energy," that's Agni," said Evan.

"This is Raijin, Gaia, and Agni, my friends," said Yam, " it's good to see you again," said Gaia," I missed you guys," said Agni," Stribog you look older," said Raijin, "cut it out, you two," said Theia," they started to laugh.

"They look like they have been friends for a very long time," said Rose, "yeah, it does look that way," said William, "so these are our old friend's descendants, they kinda look Iike them," said Raijin," yeah your right," said Gaia.

"It's thanks to them we can meet like this again, so much has happened, since those days," said Yam.

After they had done chatting with the gods they told Queen Luna of the plan to confront King Darius," I believe the four of you at your current strength can vanquish him but if that's the plan you should not delay, catch him off guard, he will not expect to see you guys there,

Sol has been to Bellquin before ill have her take you guys there quickly," said Luna, "ok thank you, we have to head back to the castle and get Princess Riah and a few others," said William, so they all went back to the Central Kingdom.

Meanwhile, in the land of Bellquin in a city called Velm, where King Darius resided, a part of the city was destroyed, a fierce fight was in full swing, between the King's Men, Shadow, and his team with casualties on both sides.

"You will bring no harm to our beloved King you traitors," said Ben the leader of the King's Men," I took one down so I'm leading in the bounty collection," said Ellis," you bastard you will pay for that," said Jett, Blaine was seriously injured.

"I'll take you down next, traitor, who would have thought that you'd betray our majestic king, you should have been obedient like your master," said Wes to Hex, "Rigel, my friend, your death will not go in vain, neither will all who have died by the hands of your wicked King, I will avenge you all," said Shadow, the air started to get colder.

"It was snowing harder, now he's mad," said Ben.

By this time William, Rose, Zeph, Evan, Sol, Riah, Mul, John, and Thomas arrived in the city of Velm, " so this is Bellquin, I didn't know it snowed here," said Zeph, " no it doesn't, something is wrong, there is smoke coming from that side of the city," said Riah, then an explosion rang out.

"That explains why there isn't anyone here, what's this sudden chill coming from there?" asked Rose," Shadow," said William and Evan, " what do we do now?" asked Evan.

"Evan, Riah, Mul, and Thomas go and assist Shadow. Rose, Zeph, and I will go on ahead to find King Darius with John as our guide, Sol as soon as we find him take John back to the Central Kingdom," said William.

Riah then changed Mul, Evan was welling fire around his feet as he crouched down, "ride on Mul with me," said Riah to Thomas.

"Let's go," said William, Evan flew off into the sky, Mul followed," William and the others started making their way to the castle, these guard cloaks can get us far enough, this way," said John, as they ran off towards the castle," yeah it's a pretty good idea you had and to get them made," said Willliam.

" What is that?" asked Ellis, he saw a ball of fire and something flying towards them, Ben launched an attack at them, Mul flapped his wings and countered it," wait, it's Princess Riah, Evan, Captain Thomas, and is that a dragon?" said Jett.

" That means Prince William and the others are here, I hope he doesn't think I'm selfish for coming here without them," said Shadow, "the cavalry has arrived," said Hex with a smile," did we lose the war?" asked Wes," our soldiers should be returning any day now," said Ben.

As Evan landed Ellis hits Jett away and rushed over to him, he throw a punch at Evan," another muscle head with brute strength," said Evan as he blocked his fist with his sword," this one is much stronger than that weakling," said Ellis.

"Stop!" shouted Riah," the Princess, you have changed, you should have died along with those rebels," said Ben," the war is over, Bellquin lost the war against the land of Isshoni, and the King's children are no more, stop this senseless fighting," said Riah.

Her words excited Shadow and his team and pierced the hearts of the King's Men," they did it," thought Shadow, " we lost?" asked Ben," his children are dead?" asked Wes," this is unacceptable," said Ellis," the Princess said stop.

You can't win against me," said Evan to Ellis.

"We don't take orders from her, only our blessed King, I don't understand how we could have lost, we have one of the greatest armies on earth," said Ben," what your King did was wrong, why would you go around and pick a fight with a nation that did nothing to offend you, that's madness," said Riah.

"You speak treason against the King, you should be punished," said Ben, "and she will be, all of you will be made an example off," said Wes, "don't waste your time trying to get through to them, it's pointless," said Hex as she was healing Jett and Blaine.

" Our King is all-knowing, his actions shouldn't be questioned," said Ellis," muscle head shut it," said Evan.

" We won't go down without a fight," said Wes, "I never expected you too," said Shadow, "we will never bow, for King Darius! for the land of Bellquin!" they shouted," have it your way then," said Evan.

Wes then started to chant a spell and waved his wand around, Ben was emitting a strong aura as he gripped his sword," another punch, and I'll break your sword," said Ellis to Evan.

The sword started to blaze, "let me see you try," said Evan, the fierce fight that had paused was now back on track.

Many miles away out at sea, the Commander of the Army of Bellquin and his soldiers were on their way back home, what Princess Riah said to him kept resounding in his mind.

"There is truth in what the Princess said to me it's sad that he had us all fooled, we lost some good men, and for what? the King isn't even the King, this is a lot to process but I feel no bad intentions coming from her, she could have had us all killed,

we invaded their country but instead, they took care of us and gave us ships to journey back home, that Prince William is something else," thought the Commander.

As William, Zeph, John, Sol, and Rose enter the castle courts," what are you guards doing here?" asked the guard at the door of the throne room," we are here to see the king, we believe someone is here to attack him, so we were sent to protect him while his men deal with the traitors in the city," said John.

"Oh you must be the guards that trained under the King's Men," said the guard," yes that's us," said William," we have to keep him safe," said John, " that's true, let me notify the king," said the guard as he turned his back to open the door, as the huge doors opened, the King could be seen seated on his throne, unbothered and carefree.

Rose then stretched out her mace and teleported the guard outside of the castle, "Who are you people, where are my men?" asked King Darius," come on Darius, is that the way to welcome an old friend,

your men and Princess Riah are facing off as we speak," said John," that voice, John! how are you alive?" asked King Darius," let's just say fate was on my side, in the form of my Prince," said John.

Darius looked at the other persons in the room with John, he was astonished.

" Prince William? and his friends, even Riah is here, I guess dying isn't one of your strong points, my children assured me that you were all dead but in my mind, there was a speck of doubt, now that doubt has overshadowed my mind, they made the mistake of underestimating you,

so if you're here that means we lost the war, and what of my children?" asked Darius.

"Your children went on the wrong path and that path came to an end, Sol can you take him back for me now?" asked William.

Sol then opened a portal and took John back to the Central Kingdom.

"I see, that's unfortunate, Edward, Victor, Azar, and Ashni, my wonderful children, I guess if you want something done you have to do it yourself," said King Darius as he turned on his throne.