Magic and Miasma

Perhaps it was due to the power of the old woman or it was the sensitivity of her own mental powers or perception but Blush was able to sense the waves of magical power that came off from the old ladies body. 'Waiting had paid off in a way so I guess this is his attempt to provide me with a solution to my problem. If medicine and science cannot work or is not advanced enough yet then it would be best to try an alternative method like magic.'

She had obediently entered the small hut and there were many things within that had ranged from different types of herbs and potions but there was also a crystal ball and books within the room.

The old lady kindly spoke to her as she led her further inside. "You can take your time to get settled down and let me know if you need anything."

Blush had felt a little strange the moment that the old lady had placed her hand on her body. 'Is she trying to test me?'

Usually a witch or wizard would have to touch someone to get a better feeling if someone possessed magic or not within their body or at least it was how most magical talents would be discovered in some other stories and comics Blush had read in her previous life.

Instinctively Blush had suppressed her magical power and the miasma so that it would not be so easily discovered but due to her having to suppress the miasma, some traces of her mana was detected.

She knew that Dr Gero did not like talking to people all that much so he would not go into the greater details about her condition so she felt that the old lady did not know about the miasma within her body.

However when living in the home of a witch, it was actually somewhat beneficial to be known to have talent in magic so she could not so easily let go of the opportunity.

She still had to remain cautious towards the old lady so did not show her current magical power and she followed her along obediently like an obedient doll.

In Dragon Ball, many hybrids or other intelligent creatures that were not human would receive troubles due to their appearance so if they had possessed magical talents, they would be sent to a shapeshifting school or somewhere else to learn other magical skills like fortunetelling or divination.

In the current area that she was living, Dr Gero must have found somewhere that would seem suitable and he had chosen to send her to an old witch who was not so close to humans while she lived in a secluded place.

Witches or wizards in anytime would receive scepticism and hate from those around them unless the times had become more advanced and accepting so they would usually live away from other human communities.

They would usually take in those with magical talents so they could pass on their abilities to the next generation or would be part of a coven or circle of their own kind like the shapeshifting school.

In the original timeline, Fortuneteller Baba who is Master Roshi's sister had gained a large influence thanks to her abilities and gained a position that let her interact with the dead and those that governed the dead souls so it proves that there can be many types of witches that live differently from the normal stereotypes.

While demons have their evil or dark magic, there would be humans and other races with other types of offensive or defensive types of magic to suit their mana but there would be some that would find a way to create evil techniques even with the magic power they possessed like Bibidi and Moro.

The day was coming to a close after a meal had been shared between the two of them and then Blush had been sent to bed within a very small room.

As she was slipping off into a deep sleep, her mental perception that was extra sensitive had picked up on movement within the room and she had woken up after a little struggling to get from her state of sleep and was late to find that her arms and legs had been tied to the bed.

An old woman was stood within the room and had a greedy look in her eyes as she coldly said. "You should have stayed asleep then you could have gone peacefully."

She walked forward and reached out her hand to hold onto the body of Blush who was restrained.

Blush could feel a gradual increase in a small suction force which was acting to siphon the magical power from her body.

Although the force was not strong at the beginning, it had started to be more difficult to resist as she had send out her mental power to analyse the spell and find a point of weakness. 'Hmm this seems like some kind of mana or magic power drain spell. I guess that I can only do that!"

She kept resisting as she grit her teeth, the magical power within her body had started to put up more of a resistance and her face had shown her pain and distress which only made the old lady look more pleased. "I admit that you have some talent to resist me at such a young age but it is all useless!"

During a moment where the suction was at its greatest and the old lady had been slightly distracted by her own arrogance, the surrounding magical power within Blush's body that had held and concealed the miasma within her body had broken apart and then formed a pushing force to push it all towards the suction force.

The black and grey evil looking mana that was within her body had suddenly been absorbed completely in that moment by the old lady and she let out a shriek of terror. "Gyaaaaah! Wha.. no.. how!?"

Normally humans or mages exposed to the miasma would quickly grow sick or die unless they were very powerful and even a powerful mage would have trouble when they had absorbed it and made it part of their own power.

The only way that a mage would be able to use the evil miasma or become a dark mage would be to be a demon or be contracted with a demon and she was neither so she had to deal with the evil energy that was now mixed with her own power.

The two incompatible energies that collided and failed to join together causing her a lot of pain as the magic spell was being disrupted which had released Blush from her bindings.

Blush had been able to live so long because the miasma was in her body but it was not part of her magic power.

She had been able to use her strong mental power to help suppress it while keeping it at an acceptable level for her body to remain living but the old lady had never been exposed to the miasma before whereas Blush had been exposed to it since her birth and had gained some resistance to it.