Weapon Choice

A large amount of materials and more advanced books had been sold to her after some books and scrolls had been turned down due to her not needing them but thanks to the larger travelling bag that she had bought on the way from the book store, she was able to put everything inside after paying the fee.

She had gained a small alchemy cauldron and other tools needed for effectively grinding up the herbs and prepping them to be added to the cauldron.

The cauldron was specially prepared by blacksmiths so that material could be added before closing the top and there was a space to add pieces of coal or firewood to help keep the fire going or increase the heat, there was also a vent with levers or dials to help with ventilation and to better control the heat that gathered inside the cauldron so she was very happy with her purchase.

However the time had come for her to sell a small amount of her herb packets with the ground herbs within but the young man only slightly looked at them and the information on the outside stating what herbs were used. 'A kid like this could not possibly handle such a task, all they would be doing is ruining the herbs. They should have just sold the herbs as they were and then this would have been better for the store.'

He put on a look of annoyance and did not spare another glance at the packets. "I will give you the stores set amount for each herb or amount of the stated herbs. This is the best that I can do for you, next time do not bother touching the herbs and bring them as they are."

It was not that she did not have other herbs back at her home or within her backpack but they were to be used for her own practice while the grounded herbs were either her failures or what she had made too much of so she could afford to sell them so she did not care so long as she was able to cover for her expenses.

Even if she was being mistreated from the man who had not even properly looked at her workmanship and had judged her based on her age, it was better for her to concede for the time being.

The man may be careless or blind to good workmanship but others were not so blind and they would be able to notice the skill it took to make the ground herbs like they were especially with her young body and lower strength.

She could easily make the sacrifice because there would probably be someone within the store that would realise the man's mistake and may even wish to approach her out if curiosity.

She accepted the money and left the store to look around, she walked around with a long walking staff that she was familiar with using as she often used a spear to protect herself since it has a longer reach but she also had a dagger attached to her waist and a wooden stick that had its edges sharpened.

While she had practiced the basics in martial arts, she did not wish to risk her body so early against larger humans and animals so she had to rely on what she had when she went out to gather materials and hunt.

A spear was the best method to hunt with and keep her distance while daggers were easier to manipulate with her mana manipulation spell so she had trained in spear thrusts and slashes but she knew that the spear or glaive was suited to horseback while it was much longer and more difficult to carry around with her unless she used it like she had been.

The sight of her using a staff type weapon as a walking or hiking tool was fine too but eventually, her stamina and strength would no longer need that support and there would be a time when wooden sticks would be considered useless and easy to break by her opponents unless she chose to go down the metallic polearm route.

The was also the greater difficulty of mastering the polearm and other types of weapons because of the need to keep a tight defence and technique to not allow her enemy to grab the blunt part of the spear or bypass those defences and get close enough to land an attack.

After thinking about her future path, she had chosen the long sword because of its long reach and with it being the best choice for her present body type.

Although she had no teacher, she still practiced basic sword thrusts, cuts and parries according to what she had known from her previous life but she was lacking in an actual teacher and an actual weapon that was suited to herself.

A long sword user may have some weaknesses but the overall uses and advantages had greatly outweighed them and the long sword was usually the go to choice for adventurers or travelling mercenaries due to their weight not being a huge burden on them and the ease of being able to pull them out when needed.

There was also the fact that swords had been proven to be effective in combat by those using ki or magic as seen by Dabura and Trunks but also are well used in flight so she did not have to worry about learning a technique that would not be effective later.

The sight of Trunks cutting up Freiza into many pieces was also a sight which she had thought was incredibly cool.

The main issue was that the sword had to be of the highest quality to achieve that feat but she could be patient for the time being.

When she had arrived at the blacksmith, she had purchased some small and thin daggers suited for stabbing and then asked the owner. "Is it possible to watch the forging process if I make a purchase for something to be custom made?"

The man that was serving her had frowned. "Usually we do not let others watch so that we do not have our techniques stolen from us but if you pay a larger price and will only use our weapons then we may consider it. Are you interested in blacksmithing? A small kid like you would struggle to even lift the hammer, hitting metal many times will only cause your arms a lot of stress."

Blush had sighed. "I am just interested in crafting and like observing things being made. I believe that I have a keener eye than most and maybe I can be of help to you. That is if you believe me."

She took out the wooden sword and passed over the wooden staff that had a knife attachment by it that could be removed or attached at anytime. "These are what I have made for myself to suit my body. I prefer a larger reach but I believe that the length or the sword and spear is best suited to my current size and should last me until I hit my main growth stages."

The man looked her up and down before he started grabbing her hand and arm as he measured her arm length and thickness.

Her looked at her stance, her waist and upper body shape, after he had finished looking at them all, he said. "You have maintained your body well for someone your age. You must be training in some kind of martial arts, hmm.. alright let me see."

He started weighing the weight of the wooden sword and the spear while he went over the other details which made him look over in appreciation. "You do have a keen eye. Not many would be able to just make this effective of a tool and be able to make it so suited to their body type. Alright, I will let you watch. I feel as if I may have something to gain from this if I let you watch."

He had a keen intuition and his eyes were not wrong as he had inspected her very precise workmanship on the weapons or training tools she had used.

Although Blush had focussed on biology and chemistry that was more to do with genetics and serums in her past life, she still knew the basics from her foundational studies and from watching documentaries or tv shows about different professions and techniques so although she could not make her own advances in advanced physics or engineering, she could teach herself how to make an effective weapon shape or mould that did not have flaws or weaknesses through trial and error but also from her previous knowledge.

Using her mana observation spell, she was able to observe the weak points in a weapon when they made contact with something and she was able to see when her sword swings were ineffective due to the blade being the wrong length, width or shape.

With many attempts with the wooden sword, she was able to make a more efficient and deadly shape that was suited to her exact body type so she had expected the metallic version to be even better.

She had given some extra specifications on the balance and weight but also the type of guard and handle that she wanted so the blacksmith was ready to get to work.

She made a quick trip to get a couple of treats for herself before returning to watch the blacksmith at work.