Need for ingredients

At around the age of ten or eleven, Goku had undergone training under his grandfather to make his body strong like steel and be able to endure bullets shot at his body.

After searching for the dragon balls, he had undergone many chances to gain a boost in strength from his races ability to grow after being wounded but at the beginning, he was at around ten power level.

Even Krillin had been trained from a young age and could perform feats that normal people could not as he could jump long distances and run at speeds that would qualify for the olympics which showed the talent he possessed.

Normally the average human is estimated to be around five power level but those that lived healthier lifestyles, endured harsher training or possessed a special ability would be higher.

The estimated human potential would be somewhere between one and two hundred and would not be able to show anything beyond that unless some special existences on earth were counted like animal or monster type humans and those that had learned how to use ki or magic like Roshi, Crane and their master.

Although Blush had an excellent sense for the details, she had been unable to comprehend ki or detect it but that may be due to her own weaker body and lower ki.

Her age was one year behind Goku, she had years of enduring her weakness and the years of recovering so she could not possibly grow up to a super human level of power and speed once she had started training to the present.

Blacksmithing, running and other tasks like training with her sword was enough for her current body since the sword was an appropriate weight for her to handle and carry around with her.

She was not at the stage of breaking rocks or wood with her fists but she could use her strength to pick up or move smaller or less heavy ones.

Her current state was one that showed she was healthy and had kept herself in shape but there was not a noticeable amount of muscle on her body so her current strength matched what most kids her age would have or be a little better than average.

If she had not carefully cared for her body and trained it within what her current body could handle then she may not even be able to reach what she had without hurting herself.

Her ability to learn things quickly and her magic were her talents but she knew that her body was not as talented in ki and martial arts than most to be able to make huge leaps in strength.

Even if she trained seriously for a very long time between the time that the present to the time that King Piccolo arrives, she was unsure if she could even be of help even if she wished to participate in changing events of the timeline.

After hundreds of years as the main story begins, Roshi would grow older and his power would be greatly reduced so although he is a martial arts master that was one the the best and surviving disciples of the war with King Piccolo, he had wasted his potential by slacking in the later years in his life.

It is shown later that Roshi had to begin training again so that he could stand above his students in power and he had continued with his training even when he became irrelevant to the stories plot until he got his time to shine in the tournament of power.

Some humans struggled to break past a certain point unless they constantly trained and pushed past their boundaries but there were some that had been able to gain more power from potential unlocking which had boosted their power much higher and helped with their continued growth.

Yamcha had continued to fall further behind because he did not have the same chances as Krillin, Tien was able to continue with his training so that he could grow stronger to provide help at critical times which was partly due to his three eyed races advantages and that he had not given up in strengthening himself.

Even the human women within the original timeline were rarely shown to have a power level above one hundred unless they had high potential and excellent equipment or resources available to them like Colonel Violet of the Red Ribbon Army, Chichi who had the Ox King as her father and Ranfan who was below that with an eighty power level as she participated in the World Martial Arts Championship so Blush did not see a high amount of future potential within herself when it came to increasing her body strength and ki when her bodies talent towards training martial arts was considered.

Blush did not see herself rushing past the two hundred power level mark anytime soon but she wished to strengthen herself enough to provide an extra layer of self protection besides her magic.

Carrying around a metal sword on her back or a bag full of things during her travels was what she considered to be good training for herself during or in between her daily activities but most of her efforts were spent on expanding her mastery over magic and her knowledge.

Through testing small amounts of her herbal mixtures, she was able to determine the effects they had on her body through using her magic to monitor the changes in her body before removing anything that may be harmful.

It helped her gain confirmation on the effects of her creations and experiments instead of finding test subjects or patients to test upon but also helped her find the flaws in some recipes as she was soon able to find herbs that could perfect the recipes which others may not be able to discover until much later or may accidentally stumble across during a mistake in the making process.

Blush had continued to use her observation based magic on different locations as she collected all kinds of techniques in different areas like tailoring, jewellery crafting, cooking and some from the armed guards that were within the training grounds of the city.

There was no place for learning martial arts but there were some guards and mercenaries that were around so she had started to monitor their movements within the city and compile the things within her mind.

After a short month, her funds were becoming stable but she also needed new supplies and it would take a lot out of her wages so she had arrived at the herb and medicine building once again.

Blush had brought many packets of different mixtures of herbs along with the effects once consumed but she had also brought a couple of her lower quality pills that she considered failures.

The best option was to buy herbs and experiment with them but the results would help to earn back money or even earn herself more than what she had paid.

Last time, she had received a low price for her grounded herbs but she had brought more this time to avoid running low on funds.

As the several packets and vials had been placed on the counter, they were studies and the person had also took out a needle shaped tool as they dipped it into each one and put it near their nose to detect the scent and then out a small amount on their tongue to determine what it is.

His eyes lit up as he had finished looking over the first couple of them until he picked up a pill.

He carefully rubbed off a small piece of the pill and sampled it but he was left in awe. "Such.. this is way beyond my skills. May I ask which master made these?"

Blush seriously answered with her arms crossed over her chest. "I did, is there a problem?"

The man froze and looked her up and down before answering. "No. Not at all! Wait here!"

He dashed towards the back room where the workers were busy in their own tasks but ignored them.

"Hey.. what is up with him?"

"Something big must have happened."

"Stop slacking and get back to work!"

"Do not let down masters expectations of you all."

An old man was sitting within a filled with smoke as a strange incense candle had caused the smell to spread out but he looked very peaceful within the room.

He breathed in and out calmly as he recalled his previous attempt to track down that mysterious person a month ago but he was unable to find any major clue.

His disciple in training was arrogant and impatient which had lead to some bad behaviours which had disappointed the old man but the final straw was the fact that he had treated a person of high talent with scorn.

He wished for to contact Blush and see her potential for himself but his student had ruined that opportunity so he had cancelled the teacher and student relationship as a result of his student not learning from his teachings. 'Is this it? Is this the limit to the potential of this city? If this continues then we may be swallowed up or destroyed. I may have to leave this city after all.'

Someone burst in suddenly. "Boss! We may have found that person you were looking for but you will be surprised if it is really them. What they brought with them this time is too high quality and pure that I cannot judge it. It is as if it has been carefully crafted by a master."

The old man had looked over and his eyes sparkled. "Show me the way!"