
Due to some suggestions about the businesses of the herb and medicine store but also the Blacksmith, there had been an open position for Pixel to take advantage of for her training.

The first part of Roshi's daily training was to wake up early and walk, jogging and running long distances and even up mountain ranges while carrying a crate of milk.

A morning delivery job of delivering weapons and medicines around the city and to the nearby places outside the city walls was a less harsh form of training compared to Roshi's but it allowed her to work on her body daily.

She started with delivering enough that she could carry and made trips back to retrieve more so often her own hands and backpack was quite full and heavy but it was nothing compared to the heavy turtle shell Krillin and Goku had to carry with them everyday.

While the workout helped to gain strength, trekking across the lake test stamina, climbing up steep hills or mountains tests endurance and periods of runnings tests speed but finally there is balance training.

For the second round of training was the plowing training with the bare hands, the goal is to build up hand and body strength while building up a tolerance to pain so it could not be skipped.

Thanks to some arrangements made by the herb and medicine shop, she was able to work on their personally owned herb fields.

After she had finished that after hours had passed, she was allowed to have a few hours to rest and meditate to practice with her mana.

The end morning training would consist of mind training so it was also another time which could be used for study and magic practice.

Once completed, there was a nap time until lunch time and eventually the early afternoon training which was the construction work training.

To make up for the lack of construction work, she was able to find various tasks to do within the blacksmith ranging from practicing her blacksmithing and helping with other tasks within the workplaces like moving crates of ores or helping with the use of other tools to help out the other workers.

While the initial training was to help train muscle and balance, she found that her own plan had just as good effects and she was able to practice her mana skin technique so she was able to grow much more through tempering her mana with the strong heat coming from all the forges and hot metals, glass and other materials around her.

The mid afternoon training would usually be swimming for ten laps to help increase strength, speed and agility but the danger from the sharks and other predators was something that she did not wish to deal with so she found a safe place to do as many laps as her body could handle.

The afternoon training would then end with being tied by a rope to a tree and being chased around by bees or other small bugs.

The inability to run away or make bigger movements made her have to develop her reflexes and perception so that she could make smaller movements to avoid being attacked.

Her perception and mentality was already very high due to her mental abilities but her reflexes had still yet to catch up so she needed the training.

In order to protect herself from the bee stings and bug bites, she had put up a thin layer of her mana skin technique which stopped her from having swelling and puffy skin at the end of the day.

After the afternoon training is over then the time to rest comes until the next days training will begin once again early in the morning so she used that time to meditate some more before drifting off into a deep sleep.

With her ability to assess her body state and how the training would affect her bodies health, she started smaller and set herself some goals to push past before meeting the daily required schedule that must be followed according to Roshi.

There was also the fact that the weighted turtle shells would be an additional burden on her body so she could only temporarily leave it out.

On days that she was required to take a break or the stores were closed, she had to find other ways to train so she made time to swing her sword and practice what she had learned from the surrounding mercenaries and guards which were basic sword swings and fighting stances since her fundamentals in martial arts were still lacking while Krillin and Goku had been taught them from an early age.

With her medicines, she was able to mend the wounds she had on her hands and relieve any pain or fatigue in her muscles so although she had to take care of her body and prevent injury to herself from overtraining or taking things too far.

Although she was far behind others in terms of physical ability and techniques, she did not slack off and patiently trained within her set plan as a daily plan had been formed but there would occasionally be some changes depending on the situation with the land she was working on or where she had jobs.

For example, she would occasionally be tasked with accompanying the old man from the medicine store to treat patients or make some medicines, she would have to purchase ingredients and prepare her own food but also would need to make visits to buy new clothing or visit the bookstore for newly released books and scrolls.

As much as training Goku and Krillin had to endure, they often had someone to prepare a meal and go to purchase things with their earnings while they were busy or resting but Blush had to do most of that for herself as she wished to be self sufficient.

There would always be times where sales were much lower or materials were on lower supply and did not need to work or times when most of the work had been completed in the fields so she had to continue to find other places to fill in for her training or practice something else.

Even the swimming training could be altered at times to allow time for underwater training to help increase her bodies lung capacity and to practice under the weight of the water with her mana skin and basic movements.

There was also the need for her to keep practicing her yoga so that her bodies flexibility did not drop and her muscles would not become overly bulky so she had kept at it regularly but most of her free time was spent on her studies, research and magic training.

Goku and Krillin trained everyday for a long time until they entered the World Martial Arts Tournament but Blush needed a day or two a week so that she could rest and focus on her main area of expertise so she had arranged it to work through the weekdays and do heavier training then while doing very light training on the weekends within her home to keep her body active in between her breaks.

The main differences in the training methods was that Blush had been looking for ways to practice her magic ability while increasing her physical ability and other aspects to ensure her survival while Roshi's training was heavily focussed on surpassing human limitations and building up the skills needed as a martial artist.

His methods would only cause her body to suffer since her body was not prepared for that kind of stress but her plan was very useful for building a routine that helps work on many things that are needed but also to earn money for herself.

The old man of the herb and medicine store but also the blacksmiths had also let her take on personal requests and sell her higher quality goods so she never had money troubles as many of her goods were sold at auctions or to the noble or rich families in the area.

In order to protect her from danger and recruitment from other forces, she had to put her goods to be sold under an alias but that was something that she did not mind too.

She did not wish for fame and glory but she also did not wish for her name to be spread far and wide as she may catch the eye of the lord and Dr Gero.

As the years had passed and she had gradually increased her training by adding a sword strapped to her back during her training and gradually replacing it with a heavier one, she had grown up very well but she had still noticed the changes in the surroundings as the city had become more gloomy.

The ominous atmosphere had continued to worsen as more people had gone missing, trade routes had been disrupted and a lot of stores had lost many of their talents which resulted in many businesses falling into debt over time.

Even mercenaries had taken up tasks outside the city and had not returned which had been happening more more than usual so the city was becoming much less safe.

In the city outside of a small home, there was a fire that surrounded someone in a circle.

The floor had a layer of stone slabs inside and outside of the circle to prevent burning and fires while the circle itself had a small line area that circled around was slightly elevated and had a part that was curved downwards to put things within.

The circular line had pieces of wood within that kept the fire burning and continued to rise and flicker around as sparks had fallen to the ground nearby but a fourteen year old girl sat at the centre of it with her eyes closed and her legs crossed.

Even the stone slabs underneath her had been slightly affected from the heat as underneath her was gradually becoming hotter over time.

Nobody would notice since they could not detect mana but those that could would be able to faintly detect the thin layer of mana skin around her body as she sat training and in meditation.

The girl extended her hand calmly as the fire had started to rise along with the contained fuel for it and then the range of the fire was brought closer to her. 'Although this could be called Pyrokinesis.. I guess this could just be thanks to my mana manipulation and mental abilities. Although I do not know flame magic, I can still manipulate the nearby elements and other materials or tools. This has some similarities to life magic in the way fire and even the earth can be manipulated.'

She could feel the heat increasing as she helped the flames consume the fuel it needed to grow hotter and she had compressed the circle in a closer and more confined space than before so she had to endure the heat even further with her own mana until eventually, her mana skin was reaching its limits and her mana was running low even in her meditative state.

Through lots of practice with manipulating the fire within the cauldron during her time making pills, she had gained a better understanding of mana and how to use it to manipulate other things more efficiently until she had eventually made it into a spell of her own.

After a long period of training, she then sent the flames back to the original place and they were each extinguished after a little while. 'I think that I could safely say that my level as a mage should now be higher than most other witches and wizards. Last time when the old lady had been killed by me, I had to catch her by surprise and it was difficult to say if I could have survived if I didn't do that. Now at least, I am confident in my abilities to beat her in magic. As for the likes of demons and master martial artists.. it is still unknown but I should be able to survive most of the present weapons of this age unless they are of a much larger scale like a siege or wall defence weapon.'

Over the years, Blush had gained money to hire a carriage so that she could move her things from her previous home to her present one as she continued to purchase different types of things to be built for her own experiments or she made them herself so her research had started to show promising results too along with her magic.