Power Levels and Non Chapter

{Author Notes: previous chapters I have tried to accurately describe the power levels but some websites power level lists have different things with the example of Mai and Ranfan. Just to wrap up the power scalings and let you get an understanding of the current worlds powers. S and A rank has yet to appear on an individual but teams could possibly fill in a mercenary group of that rank. The highest individual within a country or the world will be around B or C rank and they would be quite rare and difficult to raise without a powerful backing, focus and talent}

1-7 child to teen, elderly or unhealthy human

8-12 healthy human

13-20 G rank

21-33 F rank

34-66 E rank

67-99 D rank

100-132 C rank

133-165 B rank

166-199 A rank

200+ S rank


S rank - a talent so rare it rarely appears in the world or otherworldly talented martial artist that can also grasp ki

A rank - a rare talent that could rarely appear that has a great backing or a skilled school or master/possibly grasped ki

B rank - highly disciplined in martial arts/special physique or ability/modified human/immortal/unique race/grasped ki/demon or underworld creature

C rank - champion or title holder or professional fighter/monster/beast

D rank - high grade fighter/professional

E rank - mid grade fighter but still trained past normal human limitations

F rank - low grade fighter can handle themselves in a fight or have higher speed or survival abilities

G rank - a little better than an average healthy adult


Power level estimates for humans -from other sources which contradict power level estimates

* Bulma: 6 (15 yr old) -12 (adult)

* Yamcha: 10 (16 yr old)

* Master Roshi: 139 (regressed)

* (Serious): 180

* MAX Power: 216

* Chi-Chi: 10

* Ox-King: 70

* Mai: 18 -20

* Krillin: 9

* Launch: 18

* Krillin (21st World Martial Arts Tournament): 112

* Yamcha (21st World Martial Arts Tournament): 75

* Bacterian: 30 -110

* Nam: 135 -100

* Ranfan: 18 -80

* Giran: 130 (Monster)

Red Ribbon Arc

* Krillin: 120

* Colonel Silver: ? -200

* General White: ? -150

* Ninja Murasaki: 

* Android 8: 165

* Buyon: 170

* General Blue: 120 -180

* Captain Dark: 

* Pirate Robot: 170

* Arale: 

* Captain Yellow: 

* Mercenary Tao: 155

* Goku (Trained by Korin): 165

* Commander Red: 5 -100

* Staff Officer Black: 25

* Battle Jacket: 180

* Yamcha: 110

* Fangs the Vampire: 80

* See-Through the Invisible Man: 80

* Bandages the Mummy: 145

* Spike the Devil Man: 155

* Grandpa Gohan: 160


Other websites references:

Inventor/healthy female Bulma 12

Good survival but reliant on technology Mai 20

Bacterian/Nam wma 110/100

Ranfan wma 80

Master Roshi regressed and retrained 139 with ki use

Master Shen possibly regressed 120 with ki use

General and colonial of rra 150-200

Better than professional fighter General silver 200

{Author Note: anyways, I am very glad to get it over with so I can stop explaining about her overall growth during this time and I can move onto the storyline and her progression in her magic and physical abilities}