
As Blush journeyed through the forest with the people she had grouped up with, they came across many kinds of obstacles and split paths which would lead them towards a different place.

Although Blush was not highly skilled in navigation, she did have her magic to sense the surroundings. "We should head straight ahead, there will be danger if we go right as you have said."

Glow glared at her after hearing her words. "If we keep making detours like you have said then we will never reach our destination. We are already far off course."

Blush rolled her eyes and said. "I am pretty sure that if we kept going where you said, we would be overrun by beasts. If you want our group to be injured in battle and have to retreat after facing many battles then our journey out here would be completely pointless."

Glow still glared at her and scoffed. "But your way is just taking us around the long way and there is no guarantee that we will not face similar groups of beasts on the way there. Leader you need to make a decision."

Blush rolled her eyed and shrugged helplessly. "I tried to warn you about the dangers but if you want to take risks then take them. Just be sure to not pull me down with you once everything becomes chaotic."

Whisk looked a little annoyed and warned them both. "Keep it down or you will draw them towards us. While both of your opinions are valid, we cannot waste anymore time. Tell me, how many are nearby and do you think we can beat them?"

Blush sighed and responded. "If they have not noticed us already and we can mount an ambush then it should be possible to reduce their numbers. Nearby is a small group of four and they may be difficult to deal with if they are able to get close enough and attack together."

Whisk nodded. "Tong and Grater, it is your turn to show what you are capable of."

Tong and Grater nodded then silently prowled into the forest area where Blush had warned them not to approach.

Everyone followed behind and while Glow was keeping close to those that were following behind, Blush followed quietly as she kept her pike ready to defend herself.

She had yet to draw her sword as she did not yet see the need to but it was still kept on her body so she could reach for it at any time.

Meanwhile a little deeper where it had been pointed out that some dangerous beasts were, five wolves were gathered together and were sniffing around the area as they were searching for prey.

Two arrows flew towards the group and hit two in the side of their hind leg.

The others became aggressive right away as they found who was behind the attack, they chased after Tong and Grater who shot another arrow each to help delay the wolves.

One wolf was hit while another avoided the arrow but the wound did not seem to slow it down.

Just as the wolves were closing in on the two of them, they slid on the ground to avoid the wolves bites as they leapt up to take them both down.

Peeler and Spoon were quick to jump out as they each took a wolf to attack and keep busy, as soon as the wolves landed on their feet from their leap, they were hit with a shield charge which knocked them off balance.

One more wolf was kept busy by Spatula and Whisk while Tong and Grated recovered and took some distance.

Blush saw an opportunity the moment that a wolf was hit by the shield charge and thrust her pike forward as it pierced the body of the wolf that was knocked over.

It let out a cry as it tried to desperately try to claw and grab onto her but she pushed the pike through its body which then pierced the ground.

Peeler took the opportunity to pierce the wolfs throat with his sword which ended its struggle.

The other two wolves became enraged even more as one climbed back onto its feet and leapt towards Spoon.

Spoon raised his shield and blocked it. "I need help."

He tried to push it back but the weight of the wolf was too difficult to push off as it had held onto the shield and wished to climb over it to get to him.

Another shield came from behind as the two squashed the wolf in between the two which allowed an opening as it let go and fell down.

They quickly pressed it down with their shields and repeatedly stabbed at it.

The remaining one had several slashes on its body from Spatula who was aggressively slashing it while dodging its attacks.

Whisk swung around his large and heavy sword to cause it great damage but it was much too quick.

Two arrows landed at the same time on each hind leg and then it was unable to move.

Whisk brought down the heavy sword and killed it once it no longer could avoid being hit.

Just as that happened, two wolves that were still alive had arrived to see the scene and became enraged.

They limped and tried to attack but their speed was reduced because of their injury so they were killed quickly.

While the battle was happening, Glow stood watching with a pale face.

Meanwhile Blush looked down at the corpse of the wolf she had killed. 'This should not show of my abilities too much but it will show that I can make use of a given opportunity to assist them. I should not have exposed my strength too much, even if I have… it is not my strength they should be wary of.'

She had already found something odd about the group as they seemed to be experienced but they did not seem to have a permanent guide or anyone outside of their own group which they could bring.

Often such groups do not take care of those outside of their group or they tend to have something sinister going on behind the scenes which results in those accompanying them going missing. 'But what is it? I will have to find out later.'

Blush then spoke. "Now that we have decided to take this path, we will all have to deal with the consequences. The smell of blood will spread and attract other beasts so we need to leave this place right away. This is also a part of the reason why I said we should go around."

Glow gulped as if he could sense Blush's mocking gaze on him.

Whisk shrugged as he looked at the bloodied pike in Blush's hands. "You did well, is this your first time?"

Blush sighed. "I do a little hunting but I have only ever hunted smaller prey."

Whisk looked curiously towards the sword on her back and frowned. 'Well.. whatever. Everyone has their own secrets.'

He then remembered Blush's warning so ordered. "We need to move on. Glow and Blush, you need to find a place where there is water so we can remove the smell of blood."

Blush took out a cloth, wet it with some bottled water she carried and then wiped the blood off the pike before their eyes. "You all should be quick too and toss the cloth aside after using it."

She threw the cloth over and then looked towards Glow. "Well.. get to work. We need to leave. The cloth will help serve as a diversion but they may be able to lock onto our scent and the remaining blood on our clothes will attract them."

Glow steadied his breathing and then remembered the contents of his map so he pointed the next direction. "That way."

The cloth was tossed in the opposite direction as they followed where Glow had pointed to.

After they had left, several animals gathered as they were attracted by the scent of blood but as they saw the corpses of the wolves, many approached and started to eat them while other fought over the remains.