
Blush and the group soon found themselves in a cave where there were many types of shiny things, weapons and other things which seem to have been hoarded by the animals.

Certain animals tend to have a love for shiny things and collect them so it was no surprise that such a scene was in front of them all after they had made their way into the cave.

It was very difficult for each person who saw that scene to not be overcome with greed so Blush did not feel too good.

Grater brought Whisk over towards a certain part of the cave and pointed out something, "There are only a couple and they cannot be split between us all. There is also lots of other things to go around."

Meanwhile Whisk put his hand on his chin as he was deep in thought, his eyes fell onto the large eggs which would fit into an average sized shoulder bag. "We can consider all of this later. For now we should take everything we can then we can always come back later."

It was not seen by Glow or Blush but the others in the group saw the look in their leaders eyes.

They understood the meaning right away and kept their inner thoughts hidden within them as they knew that their leader had already made up his mind.

Whisk waved his hand and said. "Bring as much as we can without slowing us down too much, Glow be sure to mark this location on the map then hand it over to me for safe keeping."

Glow nodded. "Of course."

Glow followed the request without questioning it as his eyes were glued to the potential wealth he would receive upon returning. 'Perhaps I can sell another map when I get back since they may not bring me here the next time. I can take what they give me upon returning then make more from those wishing to loot this place.'

His idea was quite a good one as it helped him earn extra riches by exposing the location of the remaining treasures but it was still an act of betrayal towards the group.

He was not aware that most others had similar thoughts as they were driven by greed.

Blush was not one of them as she looked at the treasures with eyes full of indifference. 'The only thing that really interests me are the eggs. Hopefully I can get one of them. Even if they do not wish to split them among the group fairly, I can easily just purchase one. My wealth gained within the city has not been low and I only spend it on my experiments. The profits still greatly surpass my spending.'

Everyone began to gather everything they could and slowly made their way back from where they came from while only stopping to fight single or double lone animals which blocked the path back.

As they were finally much closer to leaving the forest, Whisk asked Blush. "Can you check to see if there are any animals nearby again?"

Blush cast the spell and found nothing wrong but she made it look like she was observing the surroundings as she did before to check for signs of animals being nearby like an experienced tracker. 'These people are so easy to fool but I guess that my results have proven my capabilities enough for them not to have any doubts.'

Blush smiled as she turned around holding her pike. "It should be safe, where did those two wander off to though?"

She detected Tong and Peeler slipping away as she was putting on her act while she kept her magic spell going so she found their actions strange.

Whisk revealed a strange look. "Oh so you noticed, they are just searching nearby to make sure it is completely safe. Although I trust you, we cannot be too careful."

Blush nodded. "Of course, of course."

She cast a metal telekinesis spell on the tip of the Pike and extended its range to cover a certain area around herself while looking completely oblivious to what was going on around her.

Blush could sense that the two which had disappeared were not too far away and were in hiding but she could not sense what they were up to.

It was enough for her to have doubts about their arrangements so she raised her guard.

Just as she responded to Whisk, several arrows were flying towards her and Glow which could easily take their lives since their guards were down.

Her pike moved as if pulled by some magical force then it met with each of the arrows but there was a strangeness to it.

The arrows seemed to be drawn to her pike as if both the pike and the arrows were being controlled but to ordinary eyes, the arrows were curved and were shot by a skilled archer but were skilfully blocked by Blush.

Glow was not so lucky as he had three arrows impaling his body. "W..why?"

Whisk ignored him and turned to Blush. "I thought you were hiding your abilities a little but it seems that I was still underestimating you. For a lot of people this would have worked. Not like that matters, you are outnumbered and we are still more powerful than you."

Spoon stepped forward along with the others. "I did mean it before that I was grateful so I will make this painless for you."

Blush smirked. "So this is your thanks? You speak as if you are being merciful towards me but.. I see how it is. So much for my previous thoughts of wanting to trust in you all a little."

Spoon showed a little guilt but then wiped away his previous feelings. "Sorry but this is how things are."

Whisk nodded with a smirk on his face. "Yes this is how things are. You and him are weaker than us so we can eliminate you as we please to suit our own needs. We may have considered sparing you but you know the location of the treasures so we cannot let you leave this forest. It is obvious that with smaller numbers, the loot will be split better among those that remain right?"

They all prepared to charge at her to cut her down while more arrows flew towards her, Blush wielded her pike as she changed the direction of them.

Spoon was the first to get close to her and went in for a shield bash then a stab of his sword but he was unprepared for what came next.

One of the arrows curves and stuck into the side of his arm then rather than defending herself, her spike was thrust into the shield.

It was already damaged in previous battles so it could not hold out, the pike burst through it and impaled him.

Whisk looked on as his eyes widened then scolded. "Where are you firing? How could you make such a mistake!"

Tong sounded distraught as he shouted. "I did not mean to! I swear!"

Whisk huffed and shouted. "Just hurry and end her life."

She controlled the pike and the impaled body to block the arrows flying from far away. 'That is one.'

Blush the used her free hand to pull out her sword as she readied herself for combat, she could sense that Peeler was getting closer and was about to attack her. 'It seems that they do not learn.'

Two of the arrows curved away from her and the body which shielded her then hit Peeler in the side where he was left unguarded.

Blush took the chance to come out from her place of cover and dropped the pike, her sword passed through the leg of Peeler and left a deep enough wound to make him unable to continue walking.

He fell down in pain and held onto his leg as he screamed in pain, the cut was so deep that it was a miracle it was still attached to him.

He had greatly underestimated Blush and the sharpness of her sword.

Blush had no time to pay him anymore attention so she thought to herself. 'That would be two.'

Whisk looked more on alert. "Give up on firing and just surround her completely."

He could tell right away after witnessing Blush take out two of his men that she was not going to be taken down by some arrows.

She seemed to possess more caution and environmental awareness than others he knew so she was able to avoid being harmed by projectiles but she would not survive long once surrounded and suppressed by a group.