
Whisk was enraged that his companion was killed while another was wounded enough to make them unable to continue fighting but his thoughts let him calm down. 'This could be better since there are less of us to split everything between.'

His companions did not know his thoughts as they jumped into the battle and confronted Blush.

The first to reach her was Spatula who kept her busy with his two sword style of fighting and Blush was forced to keep a distance from him as she manipulated her sword to block and parry each of the swords.

Whisk jumped in and slammed his heavy sword down towards her when she was kept busy but she jumped to the side where the two others were ready to strike.

The daggers came towards her then on the other side, there was the fast response of Spatula so she was trapped.

Just as everything looked to be completely hopeless, Blush did did not panic as she performed a quick diagonal slash without using any wide or forceful movements which allowed her to control her sword better.

It caused Tong and Grater to give up on their attempt to stab her as they were unable to close the distance and get close enough to reach her with their daggers.

Just as Spatula was about to slash her, a strange change took place within the battle as many of the arrows which were laying on the ground and were ignored suddenly rose up and shot towards Spatula.

He was impaled by many arrows which he did not see coming, Whisk was too slow to offer any aid as it happened too quickly. "Spatula!"

Blush let out a sigh as she stood up properly. "I think that is enough playing around. Time to end this."

The three of them that remained were shocked at the change which took place in the battle. "What.."

The surrounding arrows and weapons that were laying on the ground floated around her then accurately shot towards each of them.

Whisk used his heavy sword to block a couple and knock them away but they adapted to his style of combat and changed direction so they quickly broke past his sword.

Tong and Grater were fast enough to avoid some of them but more came from their back and sides as they became less predictable.

They were all defeated once she decided to use her magical abilities seriously.

Blush looked towards them all indifferently and said. "I was always wondering something.. you know when your morality stops you from doing something because it could harm others? What if that thing you need to do could help you progress with a technique or process which could help yourself or others? Would I be able to go as far as the likes of Dr Gero so that I can further myself? I thought not but now is a different story."

They all were bleeding out and unable to move as they struggled but their faces were very confused about what Blush was rambling on about.

"Certain techniques.. or practices… cannot be tested or used because it is morally wrong but what if it is tested on those that are going to die already or do not need to be pitied?" Blush walked towards Tong who was looking closer to death than the others. "Hello test subject one."

Her hand was placed on his head and she activated a spell which caused her mana and mental powers to slip into his head.

Lots of pieces of information and memories flashed through Blush's head as she absorbed each bit of it from Tong.

As she did so, Tong shrieked and writhed in agony until his body stopped moving. "Gu..haa.aaaaah….."

Whisk looked over and grit his teeth. "You… why? What…did you do?"

Blush took back her hand and sighed. "A success and failure. It seems that it needs a more careful and gentler approach when using this spell but I have enough test subjects to find out each of your limitations."

Grater was next as he let out cries and Blush absorbed his memories with her mind reading spell which caused him to become brain dead. "Ug.hrr.."

Blush continued until only Whisk was left after she ended each of their lives, her hand was placed on his head but he did not seem to have any pain done to him as she read everything. "While you all did not provide me much important information which will further my studies, I guess your life as a mercenary group was somewhat thrilling. Exploring, killing dangerous animals, life and death battles with your comrades, treasure hunting and many more things. The problem I found is that you all had a tendency to target anyone who was new to the group and act against them if there was anything of value. Not cool."

Blush took out her sword and watched Whisk who was struggling to hold on with vengeful eyes directed towards her. "Since coming to this place and time, I hesitated on who I could and could not kill. Simply because it could affect the original, if the original is affected then there will be problems with the flow of the story then the main characters progress would be messed up.

You probably have no idea what I am talking about right? If their development is messed up then I will get less data then there may be more problems in the future which I may have to deal with if the main characters fail in their challenges."

"Who to kill, who to save? Who can I use? Who would not have a great change on the world if they went missing?" Blush smiled mysteriously. "Then I found an answer for your group the moment that I stepped into the forest with you all. Without me helping you all, you would have died many times over so there would really be no big effects from your death.

Perhaps many that I care for within the city will die soon with the incoming events which involves Dr Gero and the person he is serving. I cannot aid them in their fight but perhaps some can escape if they choose to stick by my side."

She needed the main characters to grow and evolve past their limits, she needed the Gero family to continue onwards with their ways as they will create the androids and cell in the future, she needed events to play out as in the original for other reasons, she needed the Briefs and other families to progress as they should and she needed to have everything that she knew about to be monitored and prepared for.

Blush looked down and smiled. "Oh so he has died. Time to go then. The experiment was a success and some of my thoughts have cleared up."

She still had many questions which were still left unanswered as she tried to come up with her own conclusion but she knew that she had to move on from the city sometime soon.

Would she be able to remain in the country for long or would she have to move?

What about the other invaders of earth?

Was it safe for her to remain on earth when they arrive as it may affect future events?

Her development of her magic was through experimentation, her own efforts and her own insights but the development of the worlds discoveries into robotics, cyborgs and other technologies were something she had less of an understanding towards.

Ki and God Ki were still far away from her so she had decided to devote herself to her magic and train even harder in that area while she uncovers the secrets of the world and beyond it.

Blush coldly looked over the dead bodies and sighed. "They were just not acceptable enough to be considered as anything but experimental subjects. Sigh.. I must go before the smell attracts more animals."

She cast her telekinesis spell after she searched their bodies and packed everything into the bags which included the weapons and other things.

Blush held onto her pike as the bags floated up and their straps went around it so it looked like she was carrying them all while they were hanging from the pike.

As Blush left the forest, she turned to look at Glow who had died much earlier. 'Maybe he could have been useful but he was much too proud and selfish, keeping him around would only bring trouble.'

Blush walked back to the city while occasionally taking a break to meditate and rest but she soon found herself standing in front of the walls once again.