Reflection and training

Blush spent some time in practice again going over her experiences in combat using her magic and martial arts.

Her fights against animals were not too difficult because she had a group taking the attention of them away while she could land an effective stab but when it came to fighting humans who used different tactics, Blush did struggle a little to fight them all at once.

There were a couple of times where she could have been hurt but was saved thanks to the manipulation of her magic power during combat.

It was to be expected that Blush would struggle against a group of more experienced fighters even if she had refined her techniques because she was not yet fully matured and she had not experienced life and death battles against humans.

If there was one thing which she learned then it was that she needed to be prepared for any kind of situation and have her trump cards ready to be used when she felt even the slightest bit of danger.

The medicines which she spent time making had reached completion within a week but she was still lacking in ways to test it so she was growing a little impatient.

To calm herself down, Blush spent more time training her magic and in meditation.

In her private space, there was lots of lit fires which continued to grow brighter and stronger as the heat around Blush increased but she remained unmoved.

The layer of magic power or mana skin was wrapped around her whole body and the flames continued to move around her body as they were dragged closer.

The heat reached a point where her magic power could no longer stand up to the heat and the air in the room was much less so Blush waved her arm.

As she did so, the flames started to retreat and then went back into their original places before being completely extinguished. "Hu.."

There was a lot of sweat formed on her body and clothing but there were no signs of burns so she had been able to remain intact after increasing the flames intensity.

Each time she increased her training methods, there would be a new limit to break and an increase to her magic power, its quality and her control over it.

Most of her spells were reliant on external factors and required a material or element to make use of so they were very different to healing or creation magic which did not rely on external factors.

Her fire, metal, water, earth and wood manipulation spells needed to be used in suitable spaces or environments where the elements were nearby or could be created in some way.

Blush had the best experience working with fire, wood and metal because of her time working in the medicine hall and the blacksmith but her other elements were not too far behind since she still practiced with them.

In the forest when she was fighting against the mercenaries, there was too many things which could cause a massive fire which would spread so even if there was a small fire or torch lit nearby, it was very unwise to make us of her fire manipulation.

Blush did have some poisons which could have been scattered and manipulated with her magic manipulation but the lingering poisons would only cause more problems to the forest and those living there.

The bodies would be eaten by the wild animals so those that ate them or happened to come into contact with some of the lingering poison would possibly fall ill or die.

The bodies that were left behind would not be fully eaten then would begin to rot away out in the open which would cause a spread of disease.

Unlike most fantasy worlds where people arrive and believe every one of their actions to have no consequences which leaves behind a trail of disasters, Blush still considered the potential effects of her own carelessness.

Metal and wood manipulation magic was the best choice when manipulating arrows and other weapons so that Blush could continue to catch her enemies by surprise.

A simple arrow or dagger which came flying from a blind spot was very dangerous and even more dangerous when many were coming from many other blind spots or directions.

Blush got up from her seated position and looked very energetic but her body had become dirty from the smoke and sweat. "Ugh.. so disgusting."

She walked outside by the nearby water source and then raised her hand.

Magic power gathered and the spell formed which caused the water to rise a little at a time.

Several water bubbles formed and floated in the air then came towards her body as she carefully controlled her spell.

One water bubble reached her then surrounded a part of her body, Blush took a cloth out and then started to wipe down that part of her body which had been submerged within the bubble. "Although this does not beat a hot bath, it is useful for a quick wash."

One bubble came flying over and splashed onto her body then another hovered over her then fell downwards onto her head. "Indeed magic makes everything easier. These olden times lack the modern necessities I am used to."

Blush deeply missed the modern era which she lived in during her previous life because there were many useful things she enjoyed.

There would be a huge advancement to the current world which would surpass her own world in many areas but that was not until much later.

It could take several hundred years for the major advancements to take place when the main scientists had helped society to take a step forward.

The capsule corporation and others still did not exist but the ancestors of the Briefs or other famous characters would be somewhere in the world.

Blush already knew where the ancestor of Dr Gero was so she knew that she could not remain where she was for too long.

During her period of self reflection and training, Blush had gained a couple of new insights in different areas but afterwards, she stepped out once again to hear the latest news which was being reported about the city and its surroundings.