Evil Witch

A beautiful pink feathered bird with a green cowlick sticking on top of its head flew across the night sky and followed the path which had been laid out on the map.

From above, Blush was able to get a bird's eye view and was able to find her way there without being delayed or taking a wrong turn.

An old building which was surrounded by trees within a dark and swampy forest had been within her view so Blush increased her speed.

When her feet almost touched the ground, she transformed into her original form.

The moment that she touched down, a large figure rushed in to attack without warning. "Groar!"

Its paw hit the air around her and stopped as if there was something blocking it.

Blush had already activated a barrier spell which surrounded her body then pointed out her finger.

Air seemed to gather then it shot out like a bullet being fired.

Upon the bear backing off from the failed attack and the unexpected obstruction, a sharp piercing pain hit its throat. "Uuooaaa."

Blush revealed a smile upon seeing the spell work successfully. 'While wind has not been one of my most mastered magic spells.. it is useful for invisible and silent attacks like this.'

It was a type of spell which was difficult to detect coming even when fired before the opponents eyes unless they found something strange in Blush's actions or could detect the fluctuating energy gathering.

Several air bullets pierced small holes in the throat of the bear which caused it to cry out weakly in pain on the ground.

In an attempt to preserve its own life, it held up its arms to protect its neck but most of the damage had already been done.

The bear was destined to bleed out and die, just as Blush pointed towards the exposed eye, a old woman opened the door and wielded a staff. "How dare you!"

Magic power activated around the old witch and her staff then it seemed to send out some sort of signal to the surroundings.

Many animal calls followed one after another then there were heavy and quickly approaching footsteps along with the fluttering of wings.

The old witch had a sinister and cold gaze as she looked towards Blush. "I did not expect the demons to visit my home at this time. It seems that you no longer have a use for me so I can only defend myself here."

She was determined to kill Blush because Blush had harmed the animal which acted as a protector for her and that Blush was of the demon kind which she recognised.

According to the information that Blush collected, the old witch had signed a contract with the demons to gain greater power and she caused many problems over the years with her spells that manipulated the surrounding animals.

The witch did not like humans or demons even though she relied on humans for certain supplies and the demons who had allowed her power to grow.

The reason why she was so eager to kill Blush was because she feared that one day the demons would come to her to take back what was given or to kill her for disobeying their orders.

She had carried out the needed amount as stated in the contract but there were still many tasks given later so she could not escape their grasp no matter how she struggled.

Her only option was to run away or fight once they showed up at her doorstep. "Young girl. Why would they send someone like you? Are they looking down on me now?!"

The old witch felt insulted that a young demon had been sent to deal with her alone as if the demons had greatly underestimated the power which had been granted to her and how she had grown over the years.

Her hand stretched towards the bear and a strange force gathered, a black energy travelled to the old witch as the witch seemed to become a little more vigorous. "Die."

The many animals in the surrounding area had approached and then ran towards Blush all at once.

Blush raised her hand and a powder rested upon it then turned her body in a full circle while blowing onto the powder which scattered all around her.

The animals fell down one after another and even the more vigorous animals had struggled to stay on their feet before falling asleep.

The witches eyes widened in disbelief but she did not have long to say anything more as the powder scattered around her.

The witch raised her barrier to protect herself quickly while Blush revealed a smile of amusement as she raised her hand.

The daggers and sword came out of their sheathes then flew into the barrier with a large amount of force as Blush manipulated them with her metal manipulation spell. "I am not with the demons as you are thinking but someone like you will only cause problems later if you continue to live. So you cannot be allowed to live and a chance will not be given to you. Your magic is already corrupted and is no longer pure so I have no regrets with my decision. Perhaps if we met sooner then things might have been different."

Several other powders were in her hand which looked like gunpowder which flew towards the barrier.

The friction created by the swords and daggers clashing against the barrier caused a small spark which was enough to ignite the gunpowder and destroy the barrier.

The witch was blown back and was slightly burnt. "Argh."

Before she could cry out anymore, the powdery mist surrounded her which caused her to pass out.

One of the daggers had been destroyed by the explosion while the sword and others had returned to her waist before the explosion had been set off.

A palm was placed on the forehead of the witch which belonged to Blush as she read through the witches memories and knowledge.

The sword at her waist was then removed which fell down onto the neck of the witch. "It seems that my judgement was correct. You cannot be allowed to live on."

The witch was a menace to others even before she had gained the contract with the demons so she was not free from fault.

After the contract, she had committed all kinds of evil by sending animals to attack villages and towns as a large group which claimed many lives each time.

Before the contract, she had done similar things on a smaller scale which helped her gain the attention of the demons and what made them favour her enough to sign a contract with them.

Although she resisted later on, she still committed evil acts and killed many for her own selfish reasons and did not trust others or honour agreements made.

If Blush had chosen to save her from the witch hunt and took her in then there would always be a chance that the witch could one day betray her.

Although there was an opportunity to kill the witch after the information she gained from the city lord, Blush still created an opportunity to pry into the mind of the witch to find out the truth and judge it for herself but she was very disappointed to learn the truth.

As the witch died, the black miasma dispersed from her body and the surrounding animals which were in a deep sleep as if their connection had been cut off.

Blush entered the home of the witch then looked around the room with familiarity after she gained the memories of the owner.

Many of the important books and tools were gathered together then were placed into a large backpack on her back which suddenly changed its size once a spell was applied.

Everything on her body shrunk in size as Blush manipulated the corpse to fly into the house leaving several items in the room smashed and the door open wide.

It looked like there had been a sudden intruder which killed the witch and her familiar which was outside then went on to rob and destroy within the home of the witch before leaving.

Blush had transformed into a bird once again then flew back home to unload her bag full of all kinds of spells and special tools or ingredients which she found insides the witches home whether they had been found out in the open or hidden within a secret location by the witch. 'Indeed the magic fluctuations of the witch were very sinister and matched with the demon world's miasma. It seems that not only normal witches are being targeted but also some loose ends of the demons. Humans sure are diligent in how they do the dirty work of others without even knowing it.. I guess I can be considered in that too though since I am half human but still.. haha'

Blush started reading through the books quickly before placing them aside with a look of confidence in her eyes. "Time to set out once more."