Frog Man

One after another, the remaining humans were turned to frogs which had some different features.

Some had the skin of a human, some had human like eyes, ears, a mouth and nose while others could breathe underwater while some could not.

Some had webbed hands while others had human shaped hands which were webbed.

Some hands were shaped like frogs with or without being webbed and they each had different types of different mixes of internal and external structure.

Two had died due to the structure failing and the body being unable to function properly but with the help of Blush's careful observation and deductions based on her findings, she was able to find the correct combinations of genetics which functioned together in harmony. "Depending on the type of frog or toad… the changes that can be made either way should be possible to alter the genetics to allow various physiological changes.

A basic frog has the possibility to improve the agility and leaping aspects of the physique if added to a human body. There is chest inflation, tongue extension, mucus generation and having webbed feet which would be useful in various situations.

The webbed feet in particular would aid a person in swimming while the inflated chest would increase the air that could be breathed in and out and help puff out the chest to help them increase the endurance a little or to cushion the fall."

She continued to go over her findings. "Other frogs or toads have many other traits which could be used to enhance climbing, borrowing, gliding, camouflage, poison generation, a stronger exoskeleton, tougher skin, temperature regulation and so on.. and then that is just the frogs and toads that have been put to use."

A man was in front of her which had just been given the serum that had triggered the change in his body, the transformation was very different because instead of changing into a smaller form, his body shape and appearance had begun to transform.

Blush continued to inspect the process and checked over his vital signs along with areas which were not functioning well enough in the current body shape. "Well.. the other way round was not exactly going to be an immediate success."

The man was still tied up and he struggled but could not free himself. "Wa..what to me? Hah.."

His tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth and then when he was struggling, it extended towards Blush before hitting the barrier she had up around herself.

The tongue retracted and his eyes rolled back as his body went into shock before dying. "Your sacrifice will be remembered.. each of you."

She walked towards the final human in the group and poured the contents of the vial into their mouth after they had been awakened while she began to lock in certain genes in the body.

An excited look appeared on the face of Blush once it had been completed and the stability had been fully inspected. "Greetings.. frog man."

A wide grin appeared on her face as she gave the person who was tied up opposite her a thumps up.

The man had groaned from the pain his body was in after he had undergone his transformation then he looked towards his body. "Ugh… what the.. noo.. this cannot be."

His body had become slightly shorter and more slender while his hands had become notably larger than before.

His appearance had become slightly more frog-like from having a wider mouth which dipped down a little in the middle like a common frog and his eyes have become more oval-shaped with large black irises.

Blush revealed more excitement and beckoned him with her hand. "Come on.. use those new abilities to get your revenge. Come at me!"

He was restrained so he could not use most of his more physical improvements but he could feel that he had a weird instinct to use certain parts of his own body like they had always been with him since birth.

Perhaps it was the animal genetics which gave him a certain animal instinct to understand his own body or it was just the new genetics wishing to be put to use but he quickly gained control over his body.

His mind raced trying to find a way to escape until he finally came up with some sort of plan which he could attempt.

His long stretched out of his mouth towards Blush but the barrier remained in tact so he resorted to using mucus but it only remained stuck onto the barrier fir a short time before it slid down.

Upon seeing that, his eyes lit up and became determined. 'This is my only chance.'

A large amount of mucus gathered and was spat out towards the barrier Blush had around her which had gotten in the way of her vision a little.

If she was an ordinary magic user then they would have been left without a single way to keep track of her opponent but her detection based spells were already activated.

There was no chance of her losing him so she waited curiously to see what he would do.

The chest area expanded as the man breathed in to his limit and had tightened and stretched out the bindings around his body a little before he had pushed out all the air at once.

In a short moment, an opening had been created where his body had been able to slip out of the bindings.

He started to run but then leapt upon realising he could clear a bigger distance.

He dared not look behind himself and continued to leap from place to place until he felt something pass through his body. "Ribbit."

He looked down and saw the tip of a sword which came out of his chest, the sword floated with his body in the air then floated towards a nearby pond where his body fell into with the sword.

Even during the final moments of his death, Blush was coldly analysing the improvements that had been made and the various abilities which had been used. "No problems on land or in water. Not bad… the main issue that has presented itself would be certain mannerisms, habits or other things which could not yet be tested."

Blush was very please with the results but that did not mean that it was perfect in any way.

There were certain aspects left to research and discover about certain areas related to how certain habits, food, mannerisms and basic disorders would be gained from changing the human body into each form.

If someone were to gain the improved physique with many abilities of others, there had to be some defects which came along with them.

An example would be the Saiyan's hunger for battle or Majin Buu's need for candy or chocolate regularly.

Some aspects could help to improve a person's survival instincts, ability to survive in space or live purely on water while others could be detrimental and cause instability.

Developing an addiction or gluttony towards candy like Majin Buu would result in a split personality or unstable emotional outbreaks which could cause a new personality to take over the body or split off into a new body would be the worst case scenario for anyone because there was a risk of them losing their power or they would lose control of their body.

There were additional problems for some transformations which resulted in excess usage or energy, bulkiness or loss of control upon entering a berserker state so similar states were not ideal to take on unless there was a way to control those people or cancel their transformation.

Each of the frogs and human bodies had been thrown into the building which was still on fire while Blush controlled the flames to surround and burn them down until nothing remained.

Her eyes turned to the two remaining demons and had several vials of blood in her hands which came from the humans before they had been turned along with the final blood sample of the last test subject which she had then safely stored away.

The blood of the humans was added to another vial while her magic surrounded it and helped with the combination. "Now for the next test. Demons.. entertain me."