Contract with a half demoness

Old man Arbor was too unwell to muster up the strength to talk for too long so he looked over quietly and nodded his head.

Blush saw him nod so she proceeded to touch the flask on her waist and summoned a scroll from it all of a sudden.

Old man Arbor lay there quietly but his body had stiffened and his eyes showed surprise. "…"

He had known Blush for some time already and knew that she was talented and had some secrets of her own but he had never expected her to display such a thing before him.

Blush had kept her secrets well and had took her time to train her body and magic during the time that she was maturing.

Her progress was not that much in terms of her current position within the wide universe but when it came to earth in the current timeline, she was already far ahead of those that surrounded her.

The only peers that she could consider a potential threat were a couple of humans, the stronger demons and some other more dangerous creatures or races.

If she had been given a more free way to train without needing to conceal her real form and her magical abilities, she would have progressed a lot faster and could take on more effective methods to temper her magic power or gain more experiences.

The problem was that if she chose to do so, her path would be very lonely and most of the work or research that she needed to do would be left only to herself without nobody being around to assist her.

Gaining some influence, money and talented people was a must just to get any kind of stable place in the world otherwise she would just be like her previous life where she was shut in her laboratory with poorer equipment, funds and a lack of legal backers.

Even the best of scientists at times had to resort to borrowing from or gaining funding from others and those that were giving them support may not be all that trustworthy.

There was anything that could happen due to demands for success of an experiment, demands for the payback of the money or other possible situations.

Blush was able to get by with her money earned from her previous job before she was pushed out of the scientific circles but there were some big loansharks that were awaiting her success or failure so they could come and collect once she the deadline had come.

Luckily she was smart enough to take on some profitable side projects which could earn her the money to pay them back otherwise she would have been in trouble from them.

Her continued research later into her life had worn her down and left her unwell which had increased the need for success and that had affected her judgement.

That impaired judgement lead to her rushing the testing of the serum on herself rather than having it go through a strict trial and approval process before a completely safe serum was produced.

Blush did not want the same thing to happen once again so she needed funds to purchase materials she needed, influence to be able to contact certain people to get those things she needed or to find out where they could be found then there was the need for talents to assist with the making of money to fund the continued research.

Arbor was a man that had connection to the capital of the country or island that she was currently on and was connected to the guild that was made of of herbalists and doctors so he could not die so easily.

His life had value to Blush and he was on the list of the potential people that she would intervene in history for.

Blush looked down at the old man resting on the bed and grinned. "No need to be surprised about this, if you are surprised by this then you will only be stunned much later as you find out more."

People were destined to die within the city in the future and the fate of the city would be unknown so she had to leave before things became worse.

Those that were on the edge of death and were destined to die were more likely to take to not be missed if she had snatched them up for herself.

There was one such organisation which worked in a similar way from the marvel universe movies, tv series and comics which she had an interest in during her previous life.

Due to her being a fan of such things that showed off the evolution of humanity, mutations, magic, ki and superpowers, she wished to create things which helped humanity reach such a level or to at least transcend the ordinary human life expectancy.

One such organisation which had come up within that universe was one called 'the hand' which was a secret organisation.

It had a lot of control over many parts of the world and hid in the shadows while using their resources to sway desperate people to carry out their orders in exchange for them rising up in the world or even some favoured ones would be granted the chance to overcome death and live on as someone that cannot die.

Those that had been contracted by her and had been given another chance would be living within the shadows of the world as they became the functioning parts of her future organisation that she wished to establish.

It was truly a type of plan that was suited to someone that had half of the demon bloodline within her and Blush would be sure that many demons would praise her for her how she was preying on the desperation of the humans.

Alchemi would be her central goal to get started which still needed enough funds and talents to begin.

Arbor had the money and talent while she had a couple of witches back at home that had already joined and would be using Alchemi as a front for their coven.

Things were slowly beginning to be put together piece by piece which made Blush happy with the outcome.

Blush read out the document to Arbor calmly. "Party A will disappear from the city once commanded and will fake his death once he is cured. Party A will sign over his current assets within this city to Party B. Party A will assist Party B in entering the capital in the future and will support her in her future plans. Party A cannot reveal any information about Party B to others that he has come to know unless her permission has been given to do so. Party B will save the life of Party A and ensure his safety from future threats."

It was a very demanding contract but any person who was faced with death and that was given the chance to live would consider even the worst of demands.

So many had literally or figuratively sold their souls to the highest bidder for a little money, revenge, reputation and many other petty reasons so the demands for Arbor's life may have seemed too much but it was better for him.

Mallory explained as she saw the old man hesitating. "Someone wants your life in this city and they have power. Soon there may be a struggle for power within the medicine hall and many will be waiting for your death to come so they can take that chance for the selves.

I doubt they would be happy to see you recover and those behind this would be the same. You will become a target due to you overcoming the effects of this and they will still want to eliminate you in the end once they have gotten their answers.

I am taking a risk in exposing myself just by curing you so you cannot be allowed to live on in the publics eyes. You must disappear and leave everything to me so that we can settle our affairs in this city before leaving."

It was not so easy for Arbor to give up his life's work but he found her explanation reasonable and he had already considered her as his successor long ago.

Blush did not know it but Arbor had already planned to leave most of what he had to her once he had died.

The only reason he had hesitated was due to him not being able to handle the sudden situation and the things that had been revealed by Blush. 'This really is a tempting offer when I am on my death bed… this brat was actually a witch this whole time but that explains a lot. No wonder she is able to produce things with ease and can surpass many who are far older than herself. Such a special kid just happened to show up in front of me one day and has continued to give me new surprises.'

He looked up and raised his thumb up as if to indicate he would sign in any way he could. "…"

Blush stabbed a tiny needle into his thumb and stated. "Just press it down here where party A has to sign. All that is needed is your approval, your mark and that you have performed the action yourself for this contact to be valid.

A word of warning though.. do not try to break the contract. You should be aware there will be consequences for doing so."

Blush did the same to herself and pushed her bloodied thumb down onto the location that had Party B while Arbor had done the same in the location of party A. "This should be fun!"

Old man Arbor had made a contract with a half demoness but it was already far too late for him to go back on it.