Dark Demon Blood Samples

Blush returned to her original form and had appeared standing over the unconscious body then placed her hand on the gourd.

A wooden box had appeared in her hand after it had been removed from the gourd, once it had been opened there was a syringe that had a long and thin needle.

She placed the opened box by the side of the body and continued to chew on the leaf, there was a strange coloured fog that had lingered in the air around her but she seemed unaffected.

Blush reached over and picked up the cause of the fog which was a small metallic incense burner magical tool.

One of many types of magical tools was the incense burner which could be used to burn various herbal mixtures and to gain control over what had been released.

Once her hand had touched it, the fog had gathered around her before being sucked back inside of the incense burner. 'It worked!'

Blush put it back into the gourd then looked down towards the unconscious body. "Hmm.. how unexpected? No.. I guess this is to be expected."

A strange rope had come out of the gourd and wrapped itself around the body that lay there.

Her hand reached towards the head and began with her mind reading spell then took back her hand. "No real useful information but they had intended to rob and kill me so I cannot be merciful. Good thing I prepared this."

The unconscious body was been faintly revealed in the dark and secluded area to reveal an average built adult body that had pale blue skin and a pair of horns.

The body belonged to an ogre race member and Blush had rolled over the body before injecting the needle into their spinal area.

It had not taken her long to extract what she needed from them and sealed up the syringe inside the box before being placed back inside of the gourd.

She continued to pull out more tools and completed similar processes on the body before packing everything she had gained back inside of the gourd.

One final spell was used on the ogre to inspect the body with magic to collect some additional knowledge to go with the samples she would study further.

The rope had then left the body and returned to the gourd before Blush had left.

The previous fog that had been used had powerful effects that could knock out even the toughest of people who may have had a chance to resist it and reduced the feeling of pain that they would feel during their sleep so the needle entering their body had failed to wake them up.

The ogre was just one among many troublemakers in the Demon Realm that were willing to rob and kill.

They did not have a strong physique but they knew their own limits and only targeted on the young or weak.

They had seen an opportunity once Blush was pulling out things from her gourd and had greatly underestimated her which lead to their present state where they lay abandoned.

They would wake up some time later and once the pain reduction effects had worn off, they would be in a lot of pain after having their bone marrow extracted.

Among the magical tools or basic medical equipment that Blush could made use of, there had to be a certain variety of them for different purposes and they had to be able to be used on all kinds of bodies that were difficult to pierce due to their strong endurance.

Ordinary needles and other tools would be unable to last once they had been tried out on those with a stronger physique so there was a need for magical tool versions of them.

Blush had gained bone marrow samples, ordinary blood samples, hair samples, saliva samples and tissue samples of the ogre which contained the genetic data she had wished for.

Having no more use for them, Blush had discarded them where they lay and continued to move around the Demon Realm.

There was an occasional meeting where she had encountered similar threats and had dealt with them in a similar way so that she could gain more samples while reducing the magic power usage as much as possible.

The use or her magic items helped to reduce the amount of magic power used and helped her focus on gaining more information about the Demon Realm, gaining more knowledge on the demon, devil and ogre physiques then she had to keep up her mana skin spell.

Blush could feel that her magic power would still last her enough time to move onto the next stage of the plan and after gaining enough information, she had left the place she had visited and walked towards the next destination but not before taking a little time to look over what she had gained from the stall.

One of the books was old and was written in a strange and foreign language while the other had been written in the language of the Demon World.

The first book seemed as if it would be difficult to decipher or the language was exclusive only to certain individuals while the other was what was considered as the common language and texts of the Demon Realm.

She read the book that was in the common language since she had learned the language very quickly after reading the memories of other demons.

Most of the magical spells and theories within the book were to do with mostly creation and transmuting spells used to create weapons out of nothing along with some other things like creating other inanimate objects like clothes.

What had caught her interest the most was the strange flame that was contained within the lantern.

Upon closer inspection, Blush had seen a very small spherical shaped blackish red orb that was in the middle of the flames. "How beautiful.. perhaps I can find a way to nurture this flame and use it in some way. My cauldron is really lacking a good flame and there will be tougher materials that cannot be melted down by an ordinary flame. Perhaps this strange flame is what will allow greater magical weapons to be created in the future but first I need to figure out how to nurture it."

She put away her things after studying the book of magic then headed towards a very secluded castle that was in one corner of the Demon Realm.

Her eyes were very cold as she gazed upon the castle from far away. "Finally here.."