Talia Tribe

Coral was judged to be suitable to keep near Blush due to her more straightforward and upright personality that took on dangers for the sake of others even when she was told by them not to do so.

Rather than being suspicious about how convenient it was doe Blush to be where she was or how suspicious it was that Blush knew how to solve her tribes problem, Coral readily accepted whatever it was that Blush would ask for.

If the person Blush saved was someone that would attack first once they noticed something suspicious or were wary towards her then it would make things difficult to progress any further and there would be no point in her trying to build any kind of relationship with them.

Blush had been stepping outside of her own way of doing things or how she imagined she would handle certain situations.

She soon found a reason for doing so but she did not wish to let down her guard or make a wrong decision along the way that could cost her a lot.

The herbs that were collected and the cures made from them were not cheap or easy to make.

Using one of them on someone was not a big problem for her but an entire tribe of people was a completely different story.

Blush pointed towards Coral and said. "I want you to join me to become my armed escort and travel companion. That is the cost of me saving you and the cost for saving your tribe… I want their cooperation so that they can help me with some things in the future."

The Talia tribe had only settled down on the island to explore, restock on supplies and to welcome their next generation of children before setting out again to the sea so they would not stick around.

They would possess a lot of experiences and knowledge of other islands that are populated or unpopulated by humans.

In their future travels, it would be better to have some connection to them so that more information could be gathered or Blush could gain an expedition party to discover new lands or open up the way for her arrival.

The Talia tribe favoured their males over the females so even though Coral was among the stronger warriors of her generation, they would not be too against losing her as they would their male warriors so taking Coral away would not cause any major conflicts between Blush and the tribe.

It was an age where there was pirates active on the sea and a lot of islands were cut off from others.

Some islands were far more advanced than others while others had access to more of the supernatural parts of the world or had special types of materials around them.

The Talia tribe could prove valuable in such an age so long as they were used well enough.

They were excellent hunters, fishers, sailors, swimmers and navigators that spent a long time at sea between the islands they explored.

They faced off against pirates, sea creatures and explored beneath the sea as far as they could swim down.

On some occasions in the past, their ancestors had come across treasures, underwater caverns and underwater civilisations that had been swallowed up by the sea.

There were tales told to their children to inspire them to become courageous enough to let them hunt large sea creatures with their fellow tribesmen when they were required to protect their ships and lives or when they hunted for food.

While Coral and Blush were talking and getting to know a little more about each other, Blush started a fire and cooked some of the black panther meat to make a meat stew that would help her regain her energy and health so that they could go back towards their village.

When Coral was resting, Blush went back into her seated position and closed her eyes again to go through the knowledge and memories within her mind space or mental library as she called it. 'This creation magic seems useful but it is quite complicated to make some objects or things. The book and the knowledge of magic materialisation I gained from those of the demon realm only qualify enough to create basic tools, clothing or weapons.

The more advanced spells would be used by the likes of the supreme kais, angels and the dragon tribe of the namekians that can be used to create the dragon balls, planets and even let life begin on them.

Although there is a lot of potential in that kind of magic path, it would get in the way of my transmutation path and my psychic magic or psionic arts path. It would be best if I just focussed on developing my families techniques to allow me to train in it.'

Her path had become more clear since her visit to the demon realm and each small bit of progress would get her closer to enhancing her psychic abilities.

The technique could only be used by someone who had both dark energy and psychic power then the user would be able to use their dark energy to raise their psychic powers until they reached a similar level.

The limitations of the technique was that each demon in her family did not possess much dark energy to become a skilled and powerful evil mage while they were lacking in talent.

It made the families technique only useful to those that possessed both dark energy and psychic power but it was useless and more difficult to practice once the psychic power caught up to the levels of the psychic power.

A higher level of power, control and precision with the use of dark energy was needed to step into the higher stages of the technique that unlocked even greater power.

If Blush could find a way to make use of her magic power after modifying the technique then she would be able to do the same.

All that was left was to find a more reliable way to train her magic power to prevent her psychic powers from catching up to her magic power.

The family techniques has different psychic magics, psionic arts and some spells or techniques that used both powers to enhance the effects but increased the overall costs of energy and the strain the user had to endure once they made use of more difficult techniques.

Some psychic spells relied on having stronger mental abilities so that she could absorb and make use of the information being collected from others and her surroundings, those spells would overload a normal person with too much information and they would suffer side effects or would not be able to remember it all but Blush could.

Blush continued to try to improve upon the training method using her own knowledge and was slowly making progress.

Compared to the demons that had far less knowledge on biology, Blush was an expert in her field of biology and chemistry so it would take far less time for her to understand and modify the technique to suit herself.

Coral woke up feeling much better and could start moving around so she asked. "Can we go to the village now?"

Blush opened her eyes and stretched her body a little. "Sure."