Demons and Dr Gero

Within the demon realm on the other side of the gate, there had been a long discussion and negotiation between the various factions once some details of the identity of Blush had been confirmed.

There were no names or exact appearances gained but she had the same pink skin, green hair and red eyes as those from her demon side.

Her birth place and the details surrounding her adoptive father had been found but they quickly ran into an obstruction to their investigation.

Another demon group was protecting De Gero and would not allow other demons outside of their group near him.

His role was much too important and so was his genius mind that would be one of the few to understand his own research.

He could not be harmed or killed for the sake of another families pursuits and goals.

Once it had been discussed, it was decided that Dr Gero would have his memories looked over for traces of Blush but only the memories of Blush.

Anything else was restricted and no harm could be done to Dr Gero so a contract was established between the demons.

Dr Gero had been exposed to mind reading by Blush and she had already found that he had an heir somewhere in the world, even if he did get caught up in her troubles and died then his bloodline would still go on.

He had taken measures to send his son away from his sight and would let him develop on his own.

He would never be able to know the details of his sons life or his location but that way his son would be safe from himself, his enemies and those that were working with him.

Blush could have killed him once she found out those details to stop many events from unfolding but she did not wish to offend so many demons when her powers had not grown powerful enough to combat them without using some other methods to weaken them.

She had collected some samples of him so his intellect could possibly be given to others but it still may not lead to the same results for those that inherited his genius.

His and his families more ruthless methods of pursuing their research would allow them to make more progress in some areas through the sacrifices of others and the experimentation that aided their discoveries.

There was a certain hydra saying from Blush's previous world's marvel tv series and it was said by Dr Whitehall which was 'Discovery Requires Experimentation' and it was his way of pursuing his own research and beliefs that lead him to returning to his youth.

In order to do so, he cut apart and experimented on a certain type of inhuman that had lived a very long life and could rejuvenate her body to heal and become youthful once again.

The organs and other parts that were harvested from her body was transplanted into his own to allow him to continue living a long life.

Normal scientists with solid beliefs and righteousness in their hearts would not break their own vows to not harm innocents or to do evil in the name of the greater good and for selfish reasons.

In a webcomic callee Noblesse, there was an adaption of Frankenstein that had developed his own power by experimenting on himself before choosing to test untested research on others.

The Brief family were among the good scientists of the Dragon Ball world while there existed more radical scientists like the Gero family that pursued their research without caring about the harm they inflicted upon others.

Blush was not exactly a saint in her previous life but she stuck to a lot of the core values and once she arrived in the Dragon Ball world, she soon realised her powerlessness and saw how most of her research had hit a wall which was why she made use of people that attacked or tried to kill her.

Blush could not use untested research on herself and would not use any of it to change or enhance herself unless it met her standards.

One miscalculation could lead to her being unable to reach the stage of perfection that she desired to reach.

Once the old demon was within the same room as Dr Gero, the memories were searched through for traces of Blush. 'She really was a failure but has been able to survive being exposed to the dark energy. Perhaps she has found a way to build up resistance against it or has a way to protect herself.'

He no longer trusted his son to handle things and chose to do everything himself so that everything could be retrieved.

He was able to learn about the name she was given and what she looked like as a child then where she was dropped off which could aid him in finding her location.

Once he got what he needed, he walked out and made eye contact with a burly looking person that had a human appearance. "Thank you."

The person that looked human was one of the leaders of the group that were making use of Dr Gero and he did not seem intimidated when he faced the gaze of the old demon that was in disguise too. "You are welcome. Now our deal is done."

The old demon gave him a cold look and walked out. "You will get what was promised to you. Just give me a little time."

He was full of confidence that he could pay them and uphold his end of the contract that had been promised.

If he failed to do so then he would have to bare the consequences so it made him more determined to track Blush down. 'First I will check the place she was dropped off at then I will check for traces of demon sightings.

If she can disguise herself like us then all I have to find her would be her name. I should check for people with the name Blush within the area so sending a team to the human cities, towns or villages nearby would be best.'

Blush had left behind traces of her existence so she could be tracked down if a little effort was used to find those traces.

If she had made any effort to change her name or to move further away sooner then she may have been able to avoid being tracked down.

An old demon and many other demons were slowly tracking her down then would get closer to her whereabouts.

In another place, Blush was finishing her discussion with the Talia tribe leader and she got him so sign the contract.

It took a little convincing to make him believe her and to get the cooperation of the others to sign the contract.

The details of the contract stated that Blush would save them in exchange for the sharing of information, reporting back on their findings on their travels and not being able to disclose any information about her or betraying her.

There was an additional part that was for them to collect various sea materials they come across and other samples of sea life they encountered so they could be traded with Blush once they encountered her again.

She collected the contract with a smile on her face then went from person to person to cure them.

She started to treat each of the people of the tribe then went around gathering information from their minds during the treatment process then cast a tracking spell that had been derived from the spells found from her demon family and the items she had removed a tracking spell from.

The tracking spell was placed on the tribes most valuable trinkets and valuables they treasured so she could find them when she needed to do so.

Once Blush had done a little aftercare, she had one more meeting with the tribe leader to discuss how things would progress. "You need to leave this place before anyone arrives here. Those behind this will most likely be back to check on the results of their attack on you so you need to be ready to set sail as soon as possible."

The tribe leader frowned. "It seems that I have little time left to be with my daughter. Please look out for her when she is with you just as she will be doing for you."

There would be times that Coral would be acting as a bodyguard for Blush but Blush could still do a lot for Coral to help her learn many things and could use her knowledge to protect them both from the dangers ahead.

If Coral was injured then she would be fixed up by Blush and if she fell sick again then Blush would be there to cure her.

The contract had been completed between Blush and Coral so there was no need for Blush to mistrust her or treat her poorly during their journey together when they encountered all kinds of tests on their relationship and secrets of Blush would be revealed to Coral.

Blush nodded. "I will give you a little time to say your goodbyes. I think that we will both become good friends and travel companions so you do not need to worry about her."

While the father and daughter were having their last talk until the time they would meet once again, Blush sat crosslegged and closed her eyes. 'Now to work out the minor flaws in the technique. I am so much closer to perfecting the basic use of it. Just a little more time is needed.'