Incoming Danger

Blush was still very inexperienced when it came to encountering the supernatural and other kinds of events where there were people who were after her life so she was not too aware of and could not predict what was happening during her time that was spent training.

She spent a little time organising some of the martial arts styles and other things she gained from the minds of those from the tribe and the demon realm so there was a lot to analyse.

A small book was painted with several beautiful forms that went into detail about them and she passed them onto Coral.

It was a basic training manual and staff art that was tailored for Coral and the naginata that she used.

The book was named Dark Sea Martial Arts after it had been mainly inspired from the clan of Coral and from the basics Blush picked up from those within the city while there were some other parts of the demon, devil and ogre styles within it that had some more ruthless and underhanded moves within it.

It was most suited to the body of Coral after Blush had examined her body thoroughly and began working on the best suited kind of training and martial art for her.

It was the type of martial art that was best suited for the use of a trident, harpoon or naginata type of weapon so it was the type of martial art that best suited not just Coral but her clan too but the movements had been more suited to more flexibility and more agility so bulkier men would have a harder time being compatible with it.

Coral and Blush set out to the city not knowing what awaited them while the tribe had set sail on the sea once again.

Demons had entered the city a couple of days ago and had begun to track down any signs of Blush.

The family that Blush shared the same bloodline had been fast to find her traces left behind.

Their psychic abilities and mastery over them allowed for the minds of the humans to be read so the name Blush and some images of her human form were tracked down.

Her home was found but she was no longer there and it was occupied by someone new after it had been sold.

The two locations that she was more well known or those that had encountered her during her treating them had been obtained so they learned more about her.

Her brief participation in mercenary tasks had been discovered and more information was obtained about her other activities.

It was easy enough for psychic demons that had a decent mastery over memory searching to track her down and gain more information on her but it did leave them mentally and magically fatigued.

Their dark energy and psychic energy were used up which left them all needing to rest up and wait again before they went to track down more possible leads.

Eventually they found themselves at the gates of the city where they watched a group heading out together.

A cloaked old man with slightly greyed green hair looked over towards a younger and handsome green haired man. "If it was not for me then we would have never been able to track her down. So much effort put forward just to catch one teenage girl that you failed to check if she was really dead. You are such a disappointment."

The handsome man frowned. "I did check it.. well, it does not matter now. We should be able to see her soon. What is the plan?"

He thought to himself while protecting his thoughts from being read by the old man. 'If I had the family resources at my disposal then this would have been so much easier. The old man really knows little about this world and how well he has had things.'

The old man had inherited the position by being the only heir and commanded over everyone beneath him.

He possessed decent innate psychic and magic powers compared to others within the clan which let him reign in any troublemakers.

Everyone was underneath him and he could move around everyone as he sat on his seat within his castle while awaiting the results from the orders he had been given.

He rarely stepped outside of the territory and most times when he did, problems were quickly resolved.

It gave him a narrow view and viewed weaknesses or failures poorly, his own son was often seen as a disappointment and was often judged harshly but he was still given the right to run around causing problems so long as it did not affect the clan in a bad way.

The handsome man had experienced far more of the world inside the demon realm and the human realm to know that he could have done a better job if he had better resources and people to use.

He would never be able to meet the standards of the old demon and he would not have been able to find Blush in the time he was given before the old demon became impatient.

It led to many forces being deployed that belonged to the family that had aided in the investigation then they awaited the arrival of Blush.

Among the forces that were deployed were those that had been able to live within the Dark Demon Realm but were lacking when it came to talent and innate power upon being born.

The bodies of each of the family of Blush were not well trained or strong so they looked quite normal but they did have some strong looking people with them that could use the most basic shapeshifting spell to disguise themselves so they were either retainers or those in the family that chose another path besides the families ways.

There were some among the family members that had the appearance of a human but they had similar features to Blush or her demon family bloodline which showed that they were a mixed race of human and demon.

Others among them were more wrapped up and covered themselves to avoid being noticed for their bigger difference to the humans.

The person they expected to arrive did not arrive and the group had begun to head down the road so they started to follow behind while keeping a distance from them.

An example of some of them was that some among them had the complete appearance of a human so it made them able to live among humans but they could live in the Dark Demon Realm too.

Others had pointed ears, red eyes or the pink skin or had more than one of those characteristics.

Some mostly inherited everything that was a part of their appearance from their demon lineage just like Blush had but had picked up some facial features from their mother and father so they were not completely identical to her.

There were many differences from their facial features, build, aura, style and their size.

Blush was fourteen years old with a tall and toned athletic body type that was well developed and tall for girls her age.

Her slender body was tall and thin with the right distribution of muscle and body fat which had been the result of her constant care and training.

The most correct words to describe her current and future potential body type that she would grow into was the combination of toned, slender and busty while her facial features would be best described as the word doll or doll-like.

If she was in her human disguise then she would be referred to like that due to her smooth and delicate features.

Her shoulder length green hair was not very straight and was a little wavy so once she parted it to the side of her face, it curled a little in the middle and at the ends in an S shape.

Her red eyes were thin and slightly sharper than a lot of people and were inherited from her father along with her hair colour, wavy hair, her taller build, some facial features that added to her current beauty and other demon traits while most other parts seemed to be inherited from her mother who she had never met when she was still alive.

She had only seen the corpse of her mother briefly before it was taken away by the villagers then it was never seen again so she was not able to get that good of a look in her baby sized body.

There were additional things that added to her overall looks and aura that came from her current age and intelligence that were shown within her eyes while she had more of a intelligent or studious aura about her.

When she was in her original demon appearance, she still did look just as beautiful as her human form but it did look a little more intimidating to ordinary people.

For other demons, she would be very attractive and would be able to attract many admirers if she had shown her appearance when she entered the Dark Demon Realm.

That was the overall appearance of Blush was taken into account for her human form, possible changes that could be made and her demon form so the family could recognise her once she appeared within their range of detection.