Kill Em

Blush may not have become a grand mage or psychic that was capable of performing great feats of power but she still had her science that she specialised in to fall back onto.

Her many years were not wasted as she continued her studies and worked on all kinds of things ranging from materials used to craft things, things that were harmful to the living, things that would be beneficial to the living, things that would help counter poisons or cure diseases.

All kinds of materials, mixtures of them and elemental charts were compiled within her mind and were tested using whatever she could get her hands on within the area.

Blush could create chemical weapons that could be in the form of liquids or gases that could poison others while some others would have explosive properties.

It all depended on if she was prepared to use them and how inventive she could be to make use of them.

Against ordinary people, they would not be needed and to use them against the supernatural or the powerful would require a method to release them without causing a large amount of destruction to the surroundings and to make sure they would not be avoided or blocked by another type of power.

Blush had mainly only killed those that wronged her or tried to kill her but she rarely went after anyone else.

She would not plot to kill someone for some small or petty reason but that did not mean she could not prepare for those times she could be in danger or would make a future enemy.

Among the techniques she picked up and the use of the results she gained from her studies and experiments, Blush had come up a couple of suitable methods to use some of the more difficult to deploy harmful substances or some of the failures that she could not use in combat like those she carried with her.

During the time that everyone within the castle had been asleep, they had needles stuck into their bodies in many places that left them with some irritation or pain.

Among them was a needle mark that was used to extract some of the heart blood but before it had been removed, something else had been placed within another needle then was inserted into the atrium part of the heart.

It was a more complicated technique that was a mix of transmutation to make what was injected smaller so it could enter the body and remain there.

There were some seals on them so a spell used by her magic power signature could release them if they ever got close.

Once the magic power of the transmutation spell ran out or was cut off by Blush, the original small container or capsule would revert back to its original size.

Once it was injected, the capsules reverted back to their original size and could not exit the heart valve so they stayed within the atrium where they would remain until they triggered.

The materials used would keep the capsules from blocking the valves or causing damage within the heart while it would be able to not be broken down or damaged by the blood being pushed to each of the valves.

They would remain there unless they had been discovered and someone capable of removing them appeared.

The many needle marks on their bodies had been left behind and one among them was just like the others so it was overlooked as them having more blood drawn from their bodies.

Even the psychics of the demon family overlooked that and failed to check their body for further abnormalities.

If they remained where they were and did not chase after Blush then they may have noticed something but their attention was focussed elsewhere to worry about those things.

The magic spell words that Blush had spoken to accompany her activation of them was based off a similar technique that was used by a character from Bleach named Gin Ichimaru.

A tiny fragment of his blade would be left behind within a part of the body it passed through and would become a strong poison that would destroy his target from within so a simple activation of it would claim the life of those he decided to kill but he only used it on one person who was on his priority to kill list that was Aizen.

Once the words were spoken, the contents within the capsules were released and spread within the heart.

Each heartbeat would lead them closer to their deaths as they were attacked from the inside out after they were released from within their containers.

Chemical gases, liquids and other more natural poisons or venoms that were toxic had been among those that were released which caused their quick deaths with each beat of their heart.

Their heart and veins were the first to be broken down and the old man suffered a from a corrosive acid that had been based on sulphuric acid that caused him a long list of pain and difficulties to his health within that short time before his death.

The amount stored within was not that large but it was more than enough to cause a great amount of damage to the heart and veins as it caused severe burns and corroded them before leading to many other fatal symptoms.

Blush looked down towards the old demon who had died much faster than the others and sighed. "You should have not come looking for me. I may have held a little resentment towards your family but it is not like I was so angry to kill you all.

Even if Blush had underestimated the abilities of the family to find her, she did not wish to take any risks when it came to her own life or others near her.

It could be possible for her to survive if she ran away or used other tactics but eventually her previous tactics would become useless.

Her previous tactic to use the incense burners had been useless once there were psychics that had already been harmed by them before and had raised their vigilance.

The only reason why Blush was able to make use of them the first time was due to them all feeling safe and secure within their home grounds but the psychics of the family had their guards up more once they went in pursuit of Blush.

It would be easier for them to block or detect such things before they could be affected by them so there was a need for a backup in case she really needed to resort to killing them.

Their bodies were grabbed and were stuffed into her gourd before she had transformed once again to catch up to those that she had passed by to get to the old demon. "Six down.. still around another thirty of them to go. They really did not go easy on me."

The old demon was the most powerful besides her father so he had to be dealt with first before she tried to fight with others.

Blush transformed her body once again and flew up high into the sky as she overlooked the forest where the demons had split up looking for her location.

Her body swooped down towards a smaller group of three then landed. "Kill em."

"Kill em."

"Kill em, release."



"Cough cough!"

Blush appeared within a smaller range near each of them, activated her spell and spoke the words clearly which resulted in their quick deaths.

The main difference between her first kills was that the old demon was too far away from the others who ran ahead while they had been searching around the area while staying within the detection range of each other.

The psychics among them quickly noticed her presence and ran towards her then saw the dead bodies laying there while her appearance was clean and unharmed. "Attack me and you will die. This is not a threat but a promise."

One of her half brothers coldly looked towards her then began activating their psychic powers. "Die."

Blush raised her hand again and spoke. "Kill em, release."

The powers of her half brother became disordered and he coughed up blood before dropping down to the ground weakly.

Within his heart was the remains of what had been cut apart by a shard of sharp metal that expanded after it was released from the seal and had the size of it no longer reduced so it expanded within the heart which resulted in the death of her half brother.

Blush looked towards the others and showed a light smile. "Anyone else? My dear brothers and sisters? Do you truly wish to die today or will you play nice?"

Those that Blush had targeted were the other warriors and other psychics that had the families bloodline within them but she had only targeted one half blood among her half siblings.

There were very few left among the pure blooded demons of the family and the other warriors that served the family she had encountered when she visited their castle.

They made a very big mistake when they brought very few who were not from within the family or were not there when Blush visited so it made it far easier to target those she placed something within their bodies.