Training Plans

Blush found some time to herself and was sitting outside of her small home that was in a more secluded area closer to the mountains and forest.

There was a golden brown wolf that sat further away from her while eating some meat that had been placed on a plate underneath her.

Blush put her hand on her chin and sighed. 'She is such a prideful wolf but when food is involved, it is a completely different story… now where was I again? Hmm.. if I remember correctly then the most accurate measurement of a wolf would be around eight power level but this one seems to be a mix of another breed that could be stronger than average wolves.

If I had to guess then it may be around ten to fifteen at present. Pandora is still quite young but her room for growth is much smaller. If I think about my own rate of growth then I may soon outgrow my need for her.

How can I possibly improve upon her when her potential is limited to her race? Do I feed her high grade things and put her through extensive training or do I have to develop a new path for her that can incorporate the potential of humans.'

A lot of animals were strong even without exercising and they only usually got exercise from when they hunted or moved around their habitat.

They could be trained to improve their fitness and natural abilities if they had the right trainer to guide them and motivate them to keep training.

The problem was that they could not keep up that training on their own and if they disliked it, they would avoid it if they could to the point where they could become violent.

Humans were much easier to train when they could be all be taught to same exercises, martial arts and disciplines to help them grow further past their limits.

Many animals were naturally stronger or greater in other areas than humans but they barely improved after they had fully matured.

Blush looked over towards the distance to see a dark tanned girl that was lifting a pole that had a rounded end that looked like an ordinary heavy bag used for training.

There were some smaller ones around her legs, arms and the end of the staff so her movements were more difficult to pull off.

Coral persisted through it and completed the piercing and sweeping forms several times. "Huuu.."

Blush nodded in approval. 'Coral has potential but that must be due to her tribe and their way of life. If I remember… there is another tribe in the world that should exist that remains under Koran's tower.

Their leader seemed quite powerful for a human. Yajirobe had grown quite powerful in human standards too when he was living hunting. Genetics and potential are important but so are the diet and environment.'

Her own potential was much lower and even when she put herself through hellish training, the gains were not that great so she had given up on it.

There were parts of the training and nurturing of herself that had helped her learn how to help improve others better who did possess the talent.

More ideas came to mind when she was looking at the weighted gear on the body of Coral that she had made. 'Maybe my psychic powers could be used to help others train or perhaps I could work on some other areas to help them out like a training plan, weighted clothing or more adjustable armour?'

Her eyes turned to Pandora again who had shivered under her gaze. 'Maybe some leg weights or a full body suit for her to wear during training.'

Pandora glared towards Blush and turned her head away. "Awoo."

Blush made a mental note. 'First will be needed will be a full training and diet plan for each person. The weights and other things can be added later once they have adjusted to what they are already used to.'

Blush walked over towards Pandora and ordered. "On your feet."

Pandora growled. "Grr."

Blush knew it would be difficult to accomplish right away. 'If only I had a way to make her want to grow more in power. Will becoming smarted help her reach the conclusion that she is too weak to survive? Do I really have to change her? What would happen to my familiar pact then?'

Blush was still unsure how things would work out if she chose to change Pandora like the others she had changed.

Changing animals was still untested and there were too many places that were unknown.

One was if the animals would gain greater intelligence if they were changed to one of the human races.

Another was if the animals were able to actually change like the other test subjects.

Another was if the animals would be able to adapt to their bodies changes.

There had been humans that had been introduced to the genetics of Pandora then turned into a werewolf for but some humans that were failures had gained certain flaws along with some of the advantages.

Even if they had lived their lives as humans and were smart in some ways, when they changed into a wolf, their overall intelligence had seemed to drop to a little above that of an ordinary wolf.

The tests that Blush had performed tested not only the durability, response, problem solving, thinking, strength and speed of her subjects so that she could understand just about everything.

Their overall improvements that had been made had no longer posed that big of a threat to her with her growth in power being so big since she had gained a lot from the Dark Demon Realm so she could perform extra tests without worrying too much about being attacked.

Once Blush knew where there were mistakes, they could be corrected to help reduce the flaws and improve on the serums.

Blush already had a rough idea on how to improve Pandora but it was still an untested area. 'For now, I should just test on ordinary animals and use different human, demon, ogre and devil genes to figure out the best parts.

The problem is that changing her too much would become a problem to take her around in public and she would look like the werewolf race. There may be a need to further research into certain abilities that allow for transformations to take place.

It is a shame that there are no races I can remember on earth that are capable of having two separate forms. Perhaps I should investigate curses and werewolves more for answers? For now… the old fashioned way will have to work.

There were different types of curses, magics or drugs that existed that transformed humans or other races into mutations or other races.

Animorphaline was not the only path that could be explored and there was another material that existed in a part of the world that was very important for furthering her research to help Pandora unless she directed encountered a cursed person.

The image that she had in mind for Pandora was either a female version of the werewolf that remained in its form or could transform back into a wolf.

It was closer to the Man-Wolf that participated in the World Martial Arts Tournament but the transformation would be from animal to werewolf forms as opposed to human and werewolf transformations.

There did exist another werewolf race but it was in a completely different universe so she could not study it but they only seemed to possess a single form which did not completely suit the needs of Blush.

She grit her teeth in annoyance and then put on a warm smile. "Pandora~ how about we play a little game today?"

One spear was pierced into the ground then another one was thrown further away like a javelin being thrown.

It landed some distance away and pierced into the ground with the back end pointed upwards.

Pandora looked over in confusion and tilted her head. "Awoo?"

Blush thought to herself. 'Ordinary dog training methods would probably be best for her right now but some modifications can always be made later.'

She continued. "Come and run along with me. I will treat you to something tasty."

Seeing her stubborn appearance, Blush had to try several times before Pandora finally followed along.

She guided Pandora towards where the spear was and went around it before running back towards the one that was placed in on the ground in the previous position that they ran from.

The training had helped to improve the cooperation between pet and owner but helped to develop a little more trust.

The rewards given after completing each task had further motivated Pandora to carry out what was asked of her.

It became a daily ritual for them to do similar exercises and more training props were set up around the area to allow different tasks to perform to improve her balance, crawling, running, jumping and precision.

The meals prepared for Coral and Pandora were the best she could make that helped during their tough training and helped her test how effective it was with different factors being involved or taken away.

Once Pandora had gotten used to it, Blush started to increase the difficulty by using her psychic powers to put some light pressure on the body of Pandora.

If she was not helping Pandora then she would be giving some tips to Coral or using her powers to increase the pressure on Coral's body during training.

It may not have had the effects of gravity training but it had been proven to be helpful in increasing the difficulty of the training.

During the time in between, Blush started to collect some animals in the area and started to further her research once her test subjects had run out.

If she had more free time, she would work on other areas of research to develop easier to wear training gear, equipment, armours or specialised tools for each person close to her.

Blush eventually started seeing a lot of what she had been doing and her specialties as being more focussed towards support and helping others grow but she did not feel that it was too bad.

Many people would become lonely at the top and would have few to rely on but what she was developing could help to increase the amount of potential allies around her that could support her in the future.

If there was anything that could be learned from Babidi then it was that a mage should surround themselves with strong allies and prepare for any possible dangers.

If Blush could not fight personally then others could take up that role and there was no need to feel shameful about using that approach when her own path had been determined to not be one of a warrior or martial artist.