
With the recent loss of Elm, there were still a lot of things that were in need of covering to allow everyone to get back on track with their daily lives.

One preparation was under development a day later when each of the remaining members of Alchemi had gathered together.

In the middle of the room were crystal balls and cushions for sitting on, each of them entered and had begun to place their hand on each of the crystal balls.

They entered a meditative trance and Blush was standing watching from further away.

There was one main difference in another location and that was that there were some large sized eggs placed nearby that looked ready to hatch.

The room was silent the whole time and the magic power gathered around their bodies and the crystal ball they had their hand placed on.

Blush yawned and walked over to find a place to settle down then her own magic power spread out around the room after she had sat down and placed her hand on one of the crystal balls. 'The power of Pandora is something that I could easily rein in and contract with using my magic power so I have more than enough room for another.'

Blush had thought it through and had calculated everything so that she knew there would be no problems in using the spell again.

The original owner of the spell had a main familiar and a lot of subjugated familiars under her.

She possessed dark magic to aid her but her larger magic power had helped to be able to control so many of them at once.

She had the power to take control of a bear which was much larger and more powerful than a wolf then there were many others that she controlled afterwards.

Blush had established a connection to Pandora and there were still enough room with her magic power to have a second familiar too.

If it was one of the others in the room then they would not be able to handle a second familiar unless it was Willow who possessed greater magic power that had been passed down from master to student through the many generations of witches in her line.

Holly may have been able to do the same if she had gotten used to controlling the power within her that had been passed down to her from Elm or she could use it to establish a connection with a stronger familiar.

The connection established would not change no matter how the familiar would grow since the connection had already been established in its present state and would remain in place until it was removed by the master.

It allowed those to make a familiar of a weaker or younger animal or creature but it would not affect the master of the contract if there were any changes or growth later.

Many would choose to establish contracts with more powerful entities and would be prepared to use up the what power and space they did have available for a powerful familiar but not everyone was the same.

Others would choose weaker ones that served different purposes or were in a weaker state to allow their power to not be tied to the familiar.

The connection itself did not drain the magic power used to make the contract permanently from the caster but a part of the magic power within them did have some connection to their familiar and could not be used again in the same ritual or spell.

That magic power could be used to cast other spells and could be replenished once again but that part of her power would be connected to her familiar until the contract was terminated or the familiar died.

It was a little similar to an imprint being made on a certain amount of the power the contractor had used during the contract that would remain for as long as the contract remained.

Some would choose to remove that bond or would go to the more extreme method of killing their familiar so that they could establish a connection to a more powerful familiar that required more of their power.

The long hair of Grimwood was moving like it was being blown around until it the power around her settled, her black eyes opened wide and her lips formed into a calm and content smile. 'It is done.'

Each of the witches had their own magic power levels, personalities and needs so not everyone would make the same familiar connection.

There were many out in the world but it depended on their own power to be able to reach out to them and make that connection.

It relied on their own abilities but also an element of luck mixed in so anyone could get just about anything.

Grimwood quietly opened the door and stepped outside the room as she headed towards the main exit.

After standing around patiently for a while, a large black crow had flew down towards her and landed on her raised arm. "Caw!"

Grimwood showed a small smile. "Welcome partner. From now on you will be my eyes in the sky."

Grimwood was a talented mage but that was not where her talents and specialties lied.

She was no combat warrior or mage and did not wish for her companion to do the same.

The black crow was placed on her shoulder as she entered the building once again. 'Now that I have a better way to survey my surroundings, I can have time to make preparations earlier and know where it would be best to set them up.'

Her talents were in making artefacts and formations so anything that she made would need to be set up to be triggered or defend herself.

During her other adventures like she had done in the past, a companion that could be her eyes in the sky would have been perfect for her to scout areas she was travelling to so that certain clues could be found or danger could be spotted ahead of time.

Willow was the second of the witches to step outside and she had waited for some time until she finally found herself standing in front of a large snake that was bigger than herself. "So this is my familiar."

It was a large green snake that seemed to be suitable for constricting its prey and it seemed to have very tough scales that would be difficult to pierce with low quality weapons.

Willow did not mind her familiar being so big and found that it would make an excellent guard for around the forest. 'Yes.. this will work. This took some effort to make a familiar contract with but it will be a strong ally to me.'

Inside the building within the room, there were three others that were Blush, Maple and Holly.

Each of them had sat quietly after their magic power stopped running around the room wildly and they had opened their eyes.

It did not take that long until there were cracking and snapping noises that followed from a part of the room.

Blush raised her hand as her magic power spread towards the eggs and she continued to observe every detail. 'So this is the final stages of emerging from an egg or cocoon. This cannot be missed.'

Blush had kept and took care of the eggs since they had been found, each of them had been studied during their growth so that Blush could gain a greater understanding to how they would form inside of the egg.

She had missed the initial stages but was there for the later stages but she had already observed other insects, frogs and other creatures that grew in a similar way.

Slowly more cracks formed on the eggs before a part of the shell had created an opening.

That opening was pushed at and was bitten into until three small green scaled baby raptors emerged from within.

They did not seem too concerned about their surroundings and continued to eat the remains of their egg and what was within so they did not pay too much attention to the small vial that dropped into the fluids inside the eggs and a small tool that scraped off a part of the egg before flying into the hand of Blush.

Once they were finally done, they looked around curiously then ran towards the presence that felt most familiar to them. "Caw, caw! Raaaaaw! Grumble.."

They excitedly made a variety of different grunts, squeals, squawks and growls as they ran around their new masters.

The one near Holly had a pale yellow marking on top of its head while the one near Maple had small black feathers on top of its head.

The raptor by Blush had black stripe patterns going down its back and was a darker green than the others.

Blush looked down on its small but still dangerous body then reached out to touch the top of its head. "I shall call you Mystique from now on, you can meet Pandora later."