Door to Door

The time available to Blush that was free became less and less until each of the familiars under her had gotten used to their lives in their new environment and bodies.

The instincts and senses of the transformed rats had allowed them to each adapt to the physical training and combat lessons much faster than other areas but those with Dr Gero's genes had begun to show better results in their studies.

It had only been around two months since Blush had begun to stay near the capital but each of her tests had allowed Blush to gain a lot of data that could be put to further use.

Her understanding of her research had improved and she was almost ready to take a new direction in her experiments that was at a stage where it could be tested on those that were more willing participants.

There was one thing that had been discovered from each of the familiars that had been bonded to her when she tried to test her theories further and that was that animals that possessed magic power or dark energy would have the magic power needed to maintain the contract increased.

It was almost like the contract was being adjusted so that if the other side had tried to break the contract forcefully using its own magic power then the contract could still be maintained so it adjust according to the magic power of the creature instead of the initial amount at the beginning of the contract.

If the amount was taken over her magic capacity then if it ever decided to revolt or break the contract then it would be more difficult to reign them in or the burden would be greater on the mage to stop them each time.

Magic was the only means to help them revolt after the contract was established or to interfere with the familiar contract but it required a much greater amount of power than the masters magic power that was imprinting to be able to successfully break it or to ignore the various rules that were in place.

It meant that there was an area that could not be exploited to create an army of mages or magical beasts for herself unless she was prepared to have far fewer familiars to allow room for the burden she had to carry from the contracted mages or magic beasts.

There did exist some other creatures that had rare abilities or could use magic that would be far more difficult to take and would take a larger amount of magic power to keep subdued and under control unless dark magic was used like evil control magic that was used by Babidi.

Blush did not wish to make a contract with any magic creatures or to make her own mages if they would take up too much space and would take up more when they grew in magical abilities but she did have some ideas about possible familiars that could be considered if she did ever change her mind.

Princess Snake was one that had magical abilities but she was still very far out of reach from Blush and she was unsure if it was worth maintaining a contract with her when she lived on Snake Way and may not improve in the future.

It was decided that it was best to keep the familiar contract with the rat mage until it had learned how to write then it was tricked into a written contract by Blush before the familiar contract was terminated.

There were some rats among them that had inherited her own genes that had been altered slightly with Dr Gero's genes so they became demon, human and rat tribrids which resulted in them gaining the potential to use psychic powers but they were unable to use the same method as Blush to train theirs so it mainly helped to boost their mental capabilities even further.

Blush looked over a long list of names with different descriptions on them then stepped outside and transformed into a small bird. 'My psychic powers have caught up to my magic power and are about even now so I need to push myself further. There is still no progress with the flame seed even though I have spent a long time nurturing it..'

She flew high above the capital and looked around from above until she had found a suitable place to settle down.

A man was sitting within a worn down building when a young girl with green hair and red eyes had knocked on the door and appeared before him once he opened it. "What is a kid like you doing here?"

Blush examined his closely using her magic and her eyes lit up. 'The information was accurate.'

Blush put on a professional attitude as she spoke. "Sir, I am visiting you today about a groundbreaking treatment that will be able to give you your life back. This may sound like a scam to many people but this is the honest truth.

You have been chosen among several candidates to be the first to receive this treatment free of charge. All we ask for in return would be to work for us and to have your loyalty."

The man frowned and shut the door on her when a card was slid under his door. "Huh? Alchemi Pharmaceuticals? Is that not that new herb and medicine place that opened up recently?"

It had not been long since the arrival in the capital but it was simple for old Arbor to set up a new store using some of Blush's ideas and products.

Simple beauty and healthcare products were very popular with just about anyone that could afford them while there were some things that were sold to treat different types of diseases.

They were not too advanced and were very close to what the better shops were selling but a lot of the products sold at Alchemi had some among them that were special items that were only sold at higher prices to those that could pay for them.

The larger variety of beauty and healthcare products aimed towards women had been the main attraction that brought in the most profits.

Less stores dealt with those products due to many people being more conservative and less open about speaking about those areas in the current age but it had slowly been accepted once they were introduced one after another and were proven to be effective.

A lot of the products were what Blush had made a long time ago and had a lot of so they were ready for sale but she had given the product designs to Arbor to handle for her so that they did not all get sold out right away.

The man hesitated for a long time before opening the door but Blush was already gone. "Damn.. where did she go?"

The only thing left behind was the card that had a scheduled time and place on the back of the card while his name and the Alchemi Pharmaceuticals logo was on the front.

Blush vanished without leaving a trace behind and appeared at many other locations as she handed out the appointment cards to each of them.

Some had far more serious circumstances than others and were very down on their luck so they were the ones that had considered the offer more seriously than others.

It depended on how desperate they were for a solution and how far they were willing to go to gain that chance to solve it.

There were some that were unwilling to believe in Blush after they had too many setbacks and she was too young to be trustworthy to them but there were others that would have gone even if the chances were very slim and they had some doubts about it.

It was always likely that they could be scammed and some had already been taken advantage of in the past so not everyone was so willing to try again but there were some that saw no other option.

The treatment that Blush received was not always that nice and there were some rude people that were verbally abusive or even went as far as throwing something near her to scare her away but she did not take it to heart.

They continued that way for some time until the day of their appointment had come and people started to arrive at the specified location.

There was a strange phenomenon that took place within the city for those that had not shown up to their appointments.

It was just an ordinary night for them when they were resting but a small creature had snuck into their home then transformed into a pink skinned demoness with pointed ears, shoulder length green hair and red eyes.

Blush placed her hand over the sleeping person's head and said quietly. "Continue your sleep and dream happy dreams."

The sleep magic was applied to them and another spell was activated all of a sudden.

Blush felt herself going through the memories of the target and collected them until she finally arrived at a memory of them.

The image of Blush was replaced along with the image of the card and the knowledge he possessed of her or the appointment then was replaced with just a random encounter with someone that was asking for a favour but were turned down.

The card had been taken away from them and they were left to sleep soundly through the night not knowing what had happened or what opportunity they had missed.

It happened in several locations and many went on with their daily lives not remembering their encounter with Blush or the offer that was made to them.

They may have mentioned it to someone else but when asked about it again, they corrected those they told with what they had remembered so there were very few that came to know about it or believed in what had happened.

When someone said something then changed their statement, it was very difficult for others to take those words seriously anymore.

A contract was placed in front of a skinny man that had a walking stick resting against the table. "Do not tell anyone, no betrayal of Alchemi or the owner that is Blush. Work for Alchemi for as long as Alchemi requires my services under a new identity that will be prepared for me. Everything will be prepared for me to undergo the treatment and the aftercare will be provided."

Blush placed a pen on the table without any ink and said. "You need to sign in blood, I hope that you can understand that our means are not ordinary and this cannot get out to the outside world."

The man frowned and scolded her. "This contract is ridiculous! You.. you want me to write in blood too? You are a witch right? I am onto you and you will pay for this. Mark my words. How dare you try to trick me."

Blush sighed and her hair started to float up a little as the invisible power gathered around her. "Not another one… it is so hard to get these guys to sign."

The man was about to reach for his walking stick when he felt his body being restrained to his seat. "Huh what?"

Blush asked calmly. "There are two options in front of you right now and no others. You pick the first option and you get to see how this all plays out or you choose the second and forget that any of this has ever happened and go on with your life the way that you have."

Blush sighed as she thought to herself. 'Why does this sound like I am offering him a blue or red pill?…'

The man grit his teeth and yelled. "I will never fall for your tricks! Someone? Help! Help!"

Blush shook her head in disappointment. "It is a shame. It is your loss and not mine though."

Her hand was placed over his head and he fell asleep before he had his memories looked over and altered.

He was taken home in secret and was placed back in his bed then once the magic had worn off, he looked around. "Huh? Did I sleep in today?"

He was a little confused about what he was supposed to be doing but once he checked, he had found that he had no missed appointments so he went on with his daily life like nothing had happened.

When his friend asked about his appointment, he had no memory of it and displayed a little confusion.

The location that he went to had already been changed by Blush to a new location just in case there were some that had told anyone close to them anything else about the appointment and they had gone looking for it to see what their friend was talking about.