Small Black Dot

There was the need to sleep, rest and to eat a lot of food as if all of her energy had been exhausted in an instant which needed to be replenished.

There was a weird smell that came from her body too which was unpleasant so she had quickly pulled out some snacks before dragging herself towards the water again.

Blush cleaned her body and looked down towards her youthful fourteen year old reflection in the water but spotted something different about herself.

There was no change in her body of any kind but her skin had looked clearer and more youthful.

Her pastel-green hair was a little shiny and healthier looking, her ruby red eyes looked brighter, her pastel-pink skin had looked very beautiful without any imperfections, her teeth that had small fangs had looked very clean and even smaller places like her nails had looked very clean.

She take take notice of those things but her attention was drawn towards the small black dot that had formed on her forehead that looked like a small beauty mark or tattoo. "Phew.. it seems that the first stage has been achieved.

According to the book, this mark should mean that I have broke past the first stage of the Third Eye training method. It did not really go into more detail about what other changes it would bring since most descendants had been unable to achieve even that much..

Hopefully there will be no other strange things that have been left out. If the measurement of the Dark Demon Realm for Power Levels is translated into the normal measurements then I should be at one hundred for both Magic and Psychic energy levels."

Her fist raised up into the air to show her excitement and feeling of accomplishment on what so many before her had failed to achieve from within her family line.

Blush had recognised that her small spot forehead mark was black while others before her had been red so she guess that it was an influence of her changing the method to suit herself.

There was no mention of the strange smell and dirt being expelled out of their bodies in the family records of the few that had achieved the first stage when the families lineage had more powerful Dark Magic. "Hmm. Must be the nature of my mana?"

There could have been some hidden benefits or flaws created from using an altered version of her families methods that only she had used without it being tested but most things shown had been mostly positive.

The nature of her Mana had not come from the Dark Demon Realm like other Dark Mages and it was much a cleaner and natural source of Mana that had been developed using methods most would not consider using.

The different type of Mana that had been used to stimulate her Chakra Point had resulted in her Chakra Point and training method resulting in a different result than what had been recorded by those that had passed the first stage of the Third Eye training method.

Everyone else had a tiny red dot in the middle of their forehead which would grow a little more as each stage of the training method was achieved.

None of them had experienced any kind of filth being expelled from their bodies or having any kind of slight beautification or rejuvenation effects.

It was not like she could test out the method she had altered on anyone else since the Witches had not possessed Psychic abilities and her siblings had all possessed Dark Magic unlike hers.

She could have found a way to develop a way for others to gain the use of both Magic and Psychic energy but of she did so then it would take too long to train them from the ground up so that they could possibly reach the stage she was at.

Fourteen years was already enough time for her to constantly be on edge and cautious of others due to her weakness and her various differences to others that could bring her trouble.

The power she had gained through from the time visiting the Dark Demon Realm to the present had let her feel a little safer even if she did run into some problems on earth.

Her Psychic abilities range of perception had let her sense a small distance around her at the beginning and could be used to further that with her magic but that had slowly expanded out to the size of a small room.

Upon reaching the first stage in her training method, her perception had jumped much further and had reached the range of one or two small to medium sized homes without the aid of her Magic which could be spread further if focussed towards one direction and not a full view around her.

It felt like having a small safe zone around her that let her be able to sense incoming danger and problems before they arrived just in time for her to avoid or counter them with her own power.

Several small metal balls were taken out one after another and floated into the air around Blush as she started to test her range of control and power further.

Each ball had been heavier than they looked and could be adjusted in weight and density using a spell just like her training clothes and suits.

Using more of them let her focus more on splitting her attention and energy between several objects while increasing the weight had tested the limits if how heavy an object or objects could be lifted.

It helped her to get a better grasp of the current limits to her capabilities and to further train them.

Once the balls had floated up and danced around in the air while moving around and not making contact with the others, they had floated back down and disappeared once they reached close to the lantern on the waist of Blush. "A much bigger improvement."

She made some mental notes of everything which were compiled and placed within the Mind Palace space that was in the form of a library full of books, scrolls and memory fragment stones.

Everything was neatly organised for ease of access that let her find everything she needed when it was needed.