Realms and Spaces

Each planet had its own source of energy or power known as its life force.

Some were stronger than others and had points where there were gathering spots where the power was more concentrated.

Some planets were influenced by other natural energies while others had been disrupted or tainted by outside sources.

Those gathering points had the most concentrated forms of energy which had attracted mages to be attracted to them along with other supernatural entities.

It was something they were naturally drawn to but in such places, it was more likely to run into more supernatural events.

The Ley Lines travelled between each of them across each of the planets and met back up at each of the points.

Those hot spots had no major problems if left alone but certain interferences could cause an imbalance or disruption to the hot spot and the surrounding environment.

Some sought to use that power for their own means while some only took enough that there would be no disruption to the hot spots.

Some hot spots could become drained or damaged in many ways from natural causes or from the intervention of other beings.

There would be some cases where a crack or door would be created to another realm at those hot spots.

The large amount of energy gathered made it easier for otherworldly beings to lock onto and connect to those energies to make use of it to create a stable way to travel between two realms.

The main problem was that if two realms were incompatible with each other upon being connected, there was more of a chance of the hot spot being tainted or dying out if they were maintained for too long.

It caused the surrounding environment around the hot spot to become difficult to maintain life and the lands would become barren.

The more that it was maintained and kept corrupting the hot spot, the more that the corruption spread out or thickened resulting in the environment becoming a natural living space for those of that realm.

The lands were incompatible with most of the planets lifeforms and what grew of it but there would be strange new plants and creatures that would appear in those areas.

It did not happen often since some smaller doors were closed but there were some locations that had been left for a much longer time.

Connections to Otherworld were not that bad for the planet and those on it and may have even had a positive influence on them but the Dark Demon Realm was a source of many disasters.

The Otherworld connections could be used by the guardians of the planets and to allow the dead spirits to pass on to Otherworld where they would enter heaven or hell so there needed to be at least one connection on each planet.

Some strange places did exist too which were spaces of empty voids or time that were either quite rare or could only be accessed by some individuals to had knowledge of them.

Garlic and Garlic Jr were trapped in the Dead Zone which was an inescapable void while Kami's Lookout had the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

There were other hidden or undiscovered locations and other universes too so the world was very vast.

There was much to explore and there were many strange things appearing in places.

The group of Witches, their familiars and Coral had all been brought to an old creepy mansion.

There was a strong amount of energy gathered in the area which had let Grimwood identify it as one of the hot spots.

It was not guaranteed that they would run into something strange but it still filled everyone with curiosity and excitement as they wondered what they could come across.

The environment was still quite fertile and there was a lot of overgrowth of plants and trees that had reached the old building.

Once they had reached the only building that had been built in the area that had been poorly maintained, Blush knocked on the door several times but there was no response.

The wind had blown through the gaps in the building and created creepy noises which had further increased the scary atmosphere.

Holly and Maple had jumped in fear and hugged closer to each other. "Kya!"

One had screamed which had set off the other and then startled those near them who had become vigilant of their surroundings.

Coral stood further away and patted her chest. "Please do not do that again.."

Grimwood waved halfheartedly. "Let them be. They are still young. How about we go inside?"

There was a look of excitement in the eyes of Willow who had nodded. "We should!"

The door was pushed open with some difficulty which created a very loud creaking noise.

The noise had spread and echoed inside of the building until it had reached a figure was laying down inside of one of the rooms.

The day was soon coming to an end so those entering would have to stay there for the night or would have to find another place to set up camp.

A wolf howl had spread out as the moon had started to rise up into the sky which came from Pandora.

She ran inside of the building along with the other familiars shortly after everyone else had entered the main hall.

"Cough.. cough.."

"Ah.. this smell.."

"Dust everywhere.."

"Cough cough.."

The noise had spread out once more and echoed through the halls and rooms.

Everyone was unaware of what they had walked into but Blush had stood with her eyes closed upon entering the building and had picked up on some strange things. 'Looks like this will not be a wasted trip after all.'